Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Maxes Attack after taking a critical hit.


When the bearer is hit by a critical hit, its Attack stat stage becomes +6.

Pokémon that have Anger Point

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
771 Wiondeath Wiondeath Zombie Ghost Anger Point Rattled Berserk
1030 Undyrate Undyrate Water Fighting Defiant Anger Point Anticipation
1368 Lycanmars Lycanmars Fighting Cosmic Anger Point Moxie Berserker
1780 Flandryre Flandryre Blood Fire Anger Point Breakdown Beast Boost
015 Beedrill Beedrill Bug Poison Sniper Anger Point Honey Gather
973 Banor Banor Fighting Undiscovered Rattled Anger Point Rattled
1730 Gyaradeth Gyaradeth Water Dark Intimidate Anger Point Moxie
1085 Lycanmoon Lycanmoon Dark Cosmic Anger Point Sniper Berserker
1466 Godzillante Godzillante Normal Dragon Anger Point Inner Focus Cloud Nine
995 Camerano Camerano Fire Ground Sheer Force Undiscovered Anger Point
974 Hulklear Hulklear Nuclear Fighting Reckless Anger Point Guts
552 Krokorok Krokorok Ground Dark Intimidate Moxie Anger Point
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Intimidate Moxie Anger Point
323 Camerupt Camerupt Fire Ground Anger Point Filter Drought
056 Mankey Mankey Fighting Undiscovered Insomnia Anger Point Defiant
551 Sandile Sandile Ground Dark Intimidate Moxie Anger Point
1112 Crabrawler Crabrawler Fighting Undiscovered Iron Fist Anger Point Hyper Cutter
1467 Gorillaimo Gorillaimo Normal Undiscovered Anger Point Own Tempo Cloud Nine
057 Primeape Primeape Fighting Undiscovered Insomnia Anger Point Defiant
1443 Tapu Bulu Tapu Bulu Grass Fairy Anger Point Undiscovered Chlorophyll
1441 Tapu Koko Tapu Koko Electric Fairy Inner Focus Undiscovered Anger Point
2095 Cut Cut Cut Cut Steel Fear Anger Point Undiscovered Berserk
2553 Hattrem Hattrem Psychic Undiscovered Anticipation Healer Anger Point
2615 Susully Susully Light Fighting Anger Point Defiant Friend Guard
2523 Grimmsnarl Grimmsnarl Dark Fairy Prankster Frisk Anger Point
3504 Hoprake Hoprake Grass Dark Chlorophyll Anger Point Infiltrator
3787 Electabugs Electabugs Electric Zombie Static Anger Point Infected
3639 Humanoid Beedrill Humanoid Beedrill Bug Poison Sniper Anger Point Honey Gather
2170 Endershulk Endershulk Cosmic Steel Battle Armor Pressure Anger Point
3680 Humanoid Mankey Humanoid Mankey Fighting Undiscovered Insomnia Anger Point Defiant
3503 Hoppot Hoppot Grass Undiscovered Chlorophyll Anger Point Infiltrator
3681 Humanoid Primeape Humanoid Primeape Fighting Undiscovered Insomnia Anger Point Defiant
2006 Jalter Jalter Dragon Fire Anger Point Guts Berserk
2554 Hatterene Hatterene Psychic Fairy Anticipation Healer Anger Point
2910 Elsnow Elsnow Heart Ice Anger Point Cute Charm Snow Warning
2040 Bunyanserk Bunyanserk Wood Chaos Huge Power Undiscovered Anger Point
2068 Gooseon Gooseon Normal Flying Anger Point Swift Swim Speed Boost
2167 Enderite Enderite Cosmic Bug Run Away Pressure Anger Point
3022 Voormisan Voormisan Greasy Normal Unnerve Anger Point Moxie
3001 Curry (Medium Sausage) Curry (Medium Sausage) Food Undiscovered Flash Fire Undiscovered Anger Point
2067 Gooseloose Gooseloose Normal Flying Anger Point Hydration Swift Swim
2861 Pistoff Pistoff Steel Undiscovered Anger Point Undiscovered None
2169 Endragon Endragon Cosmic Dragon Regenerator Pressure Anger Point
2121 Rockodile Rockodile Rock Undiscovered Rock Head Moxie Anger Point
2168 Endmeran Endmeran Cosmic Fear Intimidate Pressure Anger Point
2122 Crocwistul Crocwistul Rock Undiscovered Intimidate Moxie Anger Point
4140 Shionzaki Shionzaki Normal Fear Moxie Anger Point Unnerve
4778 Blanka Blanka Electric Undiscovered Anger Point Undiscovered Volt Absorb
4269 Twiggerd Twiggerd Wood Undiscovered Anger Point Sniper Skill Link
4705 Hunter Hunter Cosmic Undiscovered Anger Point Breakdown Friend Guard
4270 Trunkannon Trunkannon Wood Undiscovered Anger Point Sniper Skill Link
4374 Metalblud Metalblud Bug Fear Intimidate Sadist Anger Point
4727 Rosa Rosa Normal Undiscovered Anger Point Undiscovered Moody
4682 Barret Barret Normal Tech Anger Point Undiscovered Mega Launcher
4523 Corrin Corrin Dragon Undiscovered Anger Point Undiscovered Adaptability
4612 Doomguy Doomguy Fighting Undiscovered Battle Armor Undiscovered Anger Point
4040 Necrablast Necrablast Ghost Fire Flame Body Insomnia Anger Point
4541 Scorpion Scorpion Zombie Fire Anger Point Undiscovered Blaze
4542 Subzero Subzero Dark Ice Snow Rush Undiscovered Anger Point
4156 Scpee096 Scpee096 Fear Undiscovered Anger Point Undiscovered None
4373 Slasherpie Slasherpie Bug Fear Intimidate Sadist Anger Point
4303 Yuwotmayt Yuwotmayt Dark Undiscovered Anger Point Undiscovered None
4145 Keiichi Keiichi Normal Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Anger Point