Pokemon Wack Wiki
Ankh Desert
File:Ankh Desert.PNG
Map description
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Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Side Town
Arid Cavern
Ankh Desert
Ankh Ruins
Route 3
Wack Route 0
Location of Ankh Desert in Wack.

The Ankh Desert is a desert area which separates the two parts of Route 3. It is home to the Ankh Ruins, Side Town, and the Arid Cavern.


  • King's Rock: Southeast of Black Belt Skikk
  • Pyramidite: Next to the entrance to Ankh Ruins, after obtaining the Mega Ring.
  • Charizardite G: Southeast corner, after obtaining the Mega Ring.
  • Charizardite R: Southeast corner, after obtaining the Mega Ring.
  • TM10 (Hidden Power): Located in 'The Room' to the east.
  • TM37 (Sandstorm): From the house near the center of the route.
  • TM46 (Thief): From Burglar Al after defeating him.
  • Nugget: On the rocks north of the entrance to Ankh Ruins.
  • Smoke Ball: West of the master trainer.
  • Soft Sand: On the raised section past Scientist Greg.
  • Safety Goggles: South of Ruin Maniac Jk.
  • Power Belt: From Ruin Maniac Jk after defeating him.
  • TM108 (Power-Up Punch): West of Lady Yuno.
  • TM28 (Dig): From a man outside the Ankh Ruins exit.
  • Fallen Rock or [other fossil]: Outside the Ankh Ruins exit.
  • Sphinx Paw: Arid Cavern, first room.
  • Rare Bone: Arid Cavern, northwest corner of the bone room.
  • TM156 (Bone Rush): From the Bone Master, after his defeat.



Black Belt Skikk: Chokolit Lv 17, Shattarate Lv 19

Ruin Maniac Illu: Pareyemid Lv 20, Mummeem Lv 18

Burglar Al: Iceis Lv 22

Scientist Greg: Magman Lv 22, Spotni Lv 22

Lady Yuno: Buzzjaw Lv 23

Ruin Maniac Jk: Coyot Lv 20, Palmetric Lv 19

Ruin Maniac Bob: Cubone Lv. 30, Rhyhorn Lv. 30 (Arid Cavern)

Ruin Maniac BONER: Humanoid Marowak Lv. 34 (Arid Cavern)

Ruin Maniac Studybones: Seaking Lv. 33, Anorith Lv. 32

Ruin Maniac Steelbones: Donphan Lv. 34

Ruin Maniac Sconer: Shelgon Lv. 32, Skullask Lv. 33

Ruin Maniac Bone Master: Matriawak Lv. 34, Marowak Lv. 35, Mandibuzz Lv. 33, Gasheleton Lv. 33, Papyrousle Lv. 34, Skelossil Lv. 34


Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Storactus Storactus
Cave Cave
17-18 20%
Patima Patima
Cave Cave
17-19 20%
Mexigust Mexigust
Cave Cave
17-19 10%
Baifre Baifre
Cave Cave
17-19 10%
Roven Roven
Cave Cave
17-19 10%
Palmetric Palmetric
Cave Cave
17-20 10%
Dusite Dusite
Cave Cave
16-20 5%
Coyot Coyot
Cave Cave
17-19 5%
Mexigust Mexigust
Cave Cave
17-19 4%
Baifre Baifre
Cave Cave
17-20 4%
Patima Patima
Cave Cave
18-19 1%
Snakeny Snakeny
Cave Cave
18-20 1%

Jhemoran Lv. 26 (Only One; inside the Hidden Desert along the west wall)

Nyarly Lv. 82 (Hidden in the back wall of The Room, after clearing the events in the Arctic)

Arid Cavern[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Cacnea Cacnea
Cave Cave
17-21 20%
Darumaka Darumaka
Cave Cave
17-19 20%
Hippopotas Hippopotas
Cave Cave
18-19 10%
Yamask Yamask
Cave Cave
19 10%
Trapinch Trapinch
Cave Cave
18-19 10%
Yamask Yamask
Cave Cave
18-19 10%
Baltoy Baltoy
Cave Cave
19-20 5%
Sandshrew Sandshrew
Cave Cave
18-19 5%
Skorupi Skorupi
Cave Cave
19-21 4%
Trapinch Trapinch
Cave Cave
18-19 4%
Sigilyph Sigilyph
Cave Cave
18-19 1%
Cacnea Cacnea
Cave Cave
20 1%

Regirock (Only one, after obtaining three badges)
