Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Defense can't be lowered. Powers up Peck moves.


The bearer's Defense cannot be lowered (except if self-inflicted).

Pokémon that have Big Pecks

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
021 Spearow Spearow Normal Flying Sniper Big Pecks Guts
396 Starly Starly Normal Flying Keen Eye Big Pecks None
1953 Aves Aves Normal Flying Keen Eye Big Pecks Sniper
520 Tranquill Tranquill Normal Flying Big Pecks Super Luck Rivalry
441 Chatot Chatot Sound Flying Cacophony Big Pecks Soundproof
016 Pidgey Pidgey Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled Feet Big Pecks
1109 Pikipek Pikipek Normal Flying Keen Eye Skill Link Big Pecks
580 Ducklett Ducklett Water Flying Keen Eye Big Pecks Water Absorb
1661 Fletchice Fletchice Normal Undiscovered Limber Big Pecks Sheer Force
629 Vullaby Vullaby Bone Flying Big Pecks Overcoat Weak Armor
521 Unfezant Unfezant Normal Flying Big Pecks Super Luck Rivalry
018 Pidgeot Pidgeot Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled Feet Big Pecks
1662 Cluckatrice Cluckatrice Normal Magic Limber Big Pecks Sheer Force
863 Fletchling Fletchling Normal Flying Big Pecks Undiscovered Gale Wings
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Bone Flying Big Pecks Overcoat Weak Armor
1110 Trumbeak Trumbeak Normal Flying Keen Eye Skill Link Big Pecks
017 Pidgeotto Pidgeotto Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled Feet Big Pecks
519 Pidove Pidove Normal Flying Big Pecks Super Luck Rivalry
3267 Wackian Rufflet Wackian Rufflet Fighting Steel Big Pecks Sheer Force Defiant
2093 Rodac Rodac Normal Flying Big Pecks Run Away Speed Boost
3930 Fridgeotto Fridgeotto Ice Flying Keen Eye Cloud Nine Big Pecks
3929 Fridgey Fridgey Ice Flying Keen Eye Cloud Nine Big Pecks
3646 Humanoid Fearow Humanoid Fearow Normal Flying Sniper Big Pecks Guts
3640 Humanoid Pidgey Humanoid Pidgey Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled Feet Big Pecks
2738 Cawmodore Cawmodore Steel Flying Intimidate Volt Absorb Big Pecks
2811 Penguinmon Penguinmon Water Ice Torrent Big Pecks Snow Rush
3645 Humanoid Spearow Humanoid Spearow Normal Flying Sniper Big Pecks Guts
3642 Humanoid Pidgeot Humanoid Pidgeot Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled Feet Big Pecks
3177 Pumpjackbird Pumpjackbird Tech Greasy Big Pecks Undiscovered Water Absorb
2154 Bird Keeper Bird Keeper Normal Flying Big Pecks Undiscovered Speed Boost
3176 Pumpird Pumpird Tech Greasy Big Pecks Undiscovered Water Absorb
3641 Humanoid Pidgeotto Humanoid Pidgeotto Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled Feet Big Pecks
2530 Corvisquire Corvisquire Flying Undiscovered Pressure Big Pecks Battle Armor
2529 Rookiedee Rookiedee Flying Undiscovered Hyper Cutter Big Pecks Pickup
2737 Cawdet Cawdet Steel Flying Keen Eye Volt Absorb Big Pecks