Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Maxes SpAtk after taking a critical hit.


Unknown custom effect

Pokémon that have Breakdown

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1008 Smirtrsnekek Smirtrsnekek Tech Psychic Breakdown Analytic Vast Knowledge
1780 Flandryre Flandryre Blood Fire Anger Point Breakdown Beast Boost
746 Fissiom Fissiom Nuclear Tech Toxic Boost Breakdown Focus
1007 Smirtsnek Smirtsnek Tech Psychic Breakdown Analytic Vast Knowledge
877 Espurr Espurr Psychic Undiscovered Breakdown Infiltrator Own Tempo
3069 HIM (Cosmic) HIM (Cosmic) Cosmic Undiscovered Breakdown Undiscovered Filter
4083 Monster Pain Monster Pain Paint Blood Breakdown Undiscovered Protean
4082 Ms Pain Ms Pain Paint Blood Breakdown Undiscovered Protean
4705 Hunter Hunter Cosmic Undiscovered Anger Point Breakdown Friend Guard
4611 Watcher Watcher Chaos Psychic Regenerator Undiscovered Breakdown