Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Protects the Pokémon from some ball and bomb moves.


The bearer is immune to bomb moves.

Pokémon that have Bulletproof

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1174 Kommo-o Kommo-o Dragon Fighting Soundproof Bulletproof Overcoat
853 Quilladin Quilladin Grass Fighting Overgrow Bulletproof None
854 Chesnaught Chesnaught Grass Fighting Overgrow Bulletproof Filter
1173 Hakamo-o Hakamo-o Dragon Fighting Soundproof Bulletproof Overcoat
1172 Jangmo-o Jangmo-o Dragon Undiscovered Soundproof Bulletproof Overcoat
2890 Boom B1 Boom B1 Tech Flying Bulletproof Undiscovered Speed Boost
3846 Cyborino Cyborino Poison Steel Poison Point Bulletproof Hustle
3477 Wackian Zweilous Wackian Zweilous Steel Dragon Hustle Sniper Bulletproof
2875 KV 1 KV 1 Steel Tech Bulletproof Undiscovered None
3476 Wackian Deino Wackian Deino Steel Dragon Hustle Sniper Bulletproof
3478 Wackian Hydreigon Wackian Hydreigon Steel Dragon Hustle Sniper Bulletproof
3879 Skylax Skylax Normal Flying Immunity Bulletproof Thick Fat
3451 Equilibra Equilibra Steel Ground Levitate Bulletproof Justified
3864 Dragoone Dragoone Normal Dragon Pickup Bulletproof Filter
3790 Irivatar Irivatar Steel Undiscovered Guts Bulletproof Sand Veil
2547 Applin Applin Grass Dragon Gluttony Gluttony Bulletproof
2881 Tankdoge Tankdoge Normal Paper Bulletproof Sheer Force Filter
3255 Woolshep Woolshep Normal Fabric Fur Coat Cute Charm Bulletproof
2876 Ramjet Ramjet Tech Flying Soundproof Undiscovered Bulletproof
2449 Opticus (Ufo) Opticus (Ufo) Fear Cosmic Soundproof Bulletproof Battle Armor
3287 Kaiju Quilladin Kaiju Quilladin Grass Fighting Overgrow Bulletproof Filter
2888 Boomer Boomer Tech Flying Speed Boost Undiscovered Bulletproof
2538 Dubwool Dubwool Normal Undiscovered Fur Coat Steadfast Bulletproof
2889 AirRaid AirRaid Tech Flying Speed Boost Undiscovered Bulletproof
4856 Tahu Tahu Fire Undiscovered Bulletproof Undiscovered Flash Fire
4099 Steel Wooloo Steel Wooloo Steel Undiscovered Bulletproof Run Away Volt Absorb
4100 Steel Dubwool Steel Dubwool Steel Undiscovered Bulletproof Steadfast Volt Absorb
4824 EMIYALTER EMIYALTER Steel Shadow Sniper Bulletproof Trace