Clavies is a Cyber-type Pokemon.
It evolves into Tweeter during the day, while holding a(n) Sharp Beak. It evolves into Tweeter at night, if holding a(n) Sharp Beak. It evolves into Myosmic during the day, while holding a(n) Poké Ball. It evolves into Myosmic at night, if holding a(n) Poké Ball. It evolves into Feborius during the day, while holding a(n) Dragon Scale. It evolves into Feborius at night, if holding a(n) Dragon Scale. It evolves into Snapchost during the day, while holding a(n) Spell Tag. It evolves into Snapchost at night, if holding a(n) Spell Tag. It evolves into Steamercom during the day, while holding a(n) Steamer. It evolves into Steamercom at night, if holding a(n) Steamer.
Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Clavies
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Clavies
An accuracy of 0 means a move cannot miss, in case of status moves, it targets the user or the entire field.
A base power of 1 means that the move deals fixed damage or its base power varies depending on the situation.
Front shiny
Back shiny
I am afraid this is supposed to be a computer with a keyboard but the community sprite replacement pack misinterpreted the part at the bottom as some wierd monitor stand
Where the fuck do i find you?