Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Eliminates the effects of weather.


All effects of weather are negated. The weather itself still occurs, though.

Pokémon that have Cloud Nine

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1827 Kanakake Kanakake Wind Divine Pressure Pressure Cloud Nine
055 Golduck Golduck Water Psychic Headache Cloud Nine Swift Swim
1567 Likk Likk Normal Undiscovered Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
1047 White Door White Door Fire Undiscovered Blaze Undiscovered Cloud Nine
384 Rayquaza Rayquaza Dragon Flying Cloud Nine Undiscovered None
1465 Cirnai Cirnai Fairy Ice Cloud Nine Undiscovered Refrigerate
333 Swablu Swablu Normal Flying Natural Cure Undiscovered Cloud Nine
1590 Luigi Luigi Normal Undiscovered Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
463 Lickilicky Lickilicky Normal Food Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
1466 Godzillante Godzillante Normal Dragon Anger Point Inner Focus Cloud Nine
1170 Drampa Drampa Normal Dragon Sap Sipper Berserk Cloud Nine
1041 Black Door Black Door Grass Undiscovered Early Bird Early Bird Cloud Nine
1487 Crocky Crocky Dragon Poison Own Tempo Limber Cloud Nine
1022 Humanoid Humanoid Normal Fear Insomnia Insomnia Cloud Nine
054 Psyduck Psyduck Water Undiscovered Headache Cloud Nine Swift Swim
334 Altaria Altaria Dragon Flying Natural Cure Undiscovered Cloud Nine
108 Lickitung Lickitung Normal Undiscovered Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
1467 Gorillaimo Gorillaimo Normal Undiscovered Anger Point Own Tempo Cloud Nine
1023 NonHumanoid NonHumanoid Fear Undiscovered Pressure Pressure Cloud Nine
994 Altarule Altarule Dragon Fairy Pixilate Undiscovered Cloud Nine
3931 Fridgeot Fridgeot Ice Flying Keen Eye Cloud Nine Snow Cloak
3930 Fridgeotto Fridgeotto Ice Flying Keen Eye Cloud Nine Big Pecks
3929 Fridgey Fridgey Ice Flying Keen Eye Cloud Nine Big Pecks
3034 Dratyke Dratyke Normal Dragon Sap Sipper Berserk Cloud Nine
3848 Gluemadio Gluemadio Ghost Poison Liquid Ooze Cloud Nine Gooey
3825 Dirtkrow Dirtkrow Magic Zombie Prankster Super Luck Cloud Nine
3512 Grass Swablu Grass Swablu Grass Flying Natural Cure Undiscovered Cloud Nine
3049 Kappa Golduck Kappa Golduck Water Dark Headache Cloud Nine Swift Swim
3678 Humanoid Psyduck Humanoid Psyduck Water Undiscovered Headache Cloud Nine Swift Swim
3513 Grass Altaria Grass Altaria Dragon Grass Levitate Undiscovered Cloud Nine
3732 Humanoid Lickitung Humanoid Lickitung Normal Undiscovered Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
2008 Golpsyduck Golpsyduck Water Psychic Headache Cloud Nine Swift Swim
3679 Humanoid Golduck Humanoid Golduck Water Undiscovered Headache Cloud Nine Swift Swim
2690 Noseer Noseer Normal Ice Illuminate Snow Rush Cloud Nine
3048 Kappa Psyduck Kappa Psyduck Water Undiscovered Headache Cloud Nine Swift Swim
2921 Bubble Drifblim Bubble Drifblim Water Flying Water Veil Unburden Cloud Nine
2920 Bubble Drifloon Bubble Drifloon Water Flying Water Veil Unburden Cloud Nine
2657 Revenankh Revenankh Ghost Fighting Shed Skin Cloud Nine Iron Fist
3925 Boulderfree Boulderfree Rock Flying Sturdy Cloud Nine Swarm
4023 Lickoral Lickoral Rock Water Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
4547 Santa Cirno Santa Cirno Fairy Ice Cloud Nine Undiscovered Ice Body
4362 Nimbud Nimbud Grass Wind Cloud Nine Harvest None
4737 Birdo Birdo Normal Undiscovered Cute Charm Oblivious Cloud Nine
4105 Reeficoral Reeficoral Rock Water Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
4363 Bonskai Bonskai Wood Wind Cloud Nine Harvest None