Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki
Normal Fire
Fighting Water
Flying Grass
Poison Electric
Ground Psychic
Rock Ice
Bug Dragon
Ghost Dark
Steel Fairy
Wood Steam
Magma Wind
Paper Tech
Rubber Fear
Magic Light
Cosmic Sound
Food Zombie
Nuclear Virus
Cyber Glass
Plastic Fabric
Chaos Divine
Time Paint
Crystal Meme
Blood Greasy
Heart Ogre
Shadow Void
Wack Qmarks

Interactions with the type chart

Offensive Cosmic Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Water
½× Flying


Pure Cosmic-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#1175 Cosmog Cosmog
Cosmic Cosmic
#1176 Cosmoem Cosmoem
Cosmic Cosmic
#1370 Ayymao Ayymao
Cosmic Cosmic
#1297 Left Leg Left Leg
Cosmic Cosmic
#976 Spaceon Spaceon
Cosmic Cosmic
#782 Univax Univax
Cosmic Cosmic
#781 Cosmix Cosmix
Cosmic Cosmic
#1369 Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cosmic Cosmic
#1251 Sloggoth Sloggoth
Cosmic Cosmic
#1252 Sloggeroth Sloggeroth
Cosmic Cosmic
#605 Elgyem Elgyem
Cosmic Cosmic
#3519 Gobogeast Gobogeast
Cosmic Cosmic
#2180 Voidanne Voidanne
Cosmic Cosmic
#2157 Eldone Sloggeroth Eldone Sloggeroth
Cosmic Cosmic
#2886 Wackian Koffing Wackian Koffing
Cosmic Cosmic
#3069 HIM (Cosmic) HIM (Cosmic)
Cosmic Cosmic
#2158 Humanoid Sloggeroth Humanoid Sloggeroth
Cosmic Cosmic
#4080 Cosmic Spoink Cosmic Spoink
Cosmic Cosmic
#4700 Grunt Grunt
Cosmic Cosmic
#4005 Celesder Celesder
Cosmic Cosmic
#4705 Hunter Hunter
Cosmic Cosmic
#4701 Elite Elite
Cosmic Cosmic
#4081 Cosmic Grumpig Cosmic Grumpig
Cosmic Cosmic
#4617 Borosu Borosu
Cosmic Cosmic
#4780 Crwutemate Crwutemate
Cosmic Cosmic

Primary Cosmic-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#606 Beheeyem Beheeyem
Cosmic Psychic
#1375 UFOear UFOear
Cosmic Fear
#1178 Solgaleo Solgaleo
Cosmic Steel
#1858 Kaguyainbow Kaguyainbow
Cosmic Light
#1094 Acasmoc Acasmoc
Cosmic Chaos
#1761 Eirinurse Eirinurse
Cosmic Poison
#1889 Spacird Spacird
Cosmic Flying
#1290 Alolan Sableye Alolan Sableye
Cosmic Rock
#1241 Sahareph Sahareph
Cosmic Flying
#1093 Mawcar Mawcar
Cosmic Chaos
#1177 Lunala Lunala
Cosmic Ghost
Cosmic Blood
#2305 Colorspace Colorspace
Cosmic Paint
#2887 Wackian Weezing Wackian Weezing
Cosmic Steam
#2170 Endershulk Endershulk
Cosmic Steel
#2413 Ghrothmet Ghrothmet
Cosmic Rock
#2130 Yogsoth Yogsoth
Cosmic Psychic
#2299 Dimenshambler Dimenshambler
Cosmic Fear
#3517 Invadaifu Invadaifu
Cosmic Steel
#2195 Pluto Pluto
Cosmic Ghost
#3254 Davistar Davistar
Cosmic Light
#2167 Enderite Enderite
Cosmic Bug
#3128 Caligulunatic Caligulunatic
Cosmic Chaos
#2251 Migoggoth Migoggoth
Cosmic Grass
#3067 Nuealien Nuealien
Cosmic Poison
#2924 Ophiuchus Unown Ophiuchus Unown
Cosmic Dragon
#2250 Migus Migus
Cosmic Grass
#2169 Endragon Endragon
Cosmic Dragon
#2416 Amigoggoth Amigoggoth
Cosmic Grass
#2912 Zodiac Unown Zodiac Unown
Cosmic Magma
#2168 Endmeran Endmeran
Cosmic Fear
#2194 Uranus Uranus
Cosmic Wind
#2804 Marsech Marsech
Cosmic Tech
#4006 Cloystar Cloystar
Cosmic Psychic
#4474 Samus Samus
Cosmic Tech
#4781 Coommate Coommate
Cosmic Heart
#4133 Predalien Predalien
Cosmic Dark
#4699 Arbiter Arbiter
Cosmic Steel
#4706 Drone Drone
Cosmic Bug
#4704 Skirmisher Skirmisher
Cosmic Dark
#4703 Jackal Jackal
Cosmic Dark
#4702 Brute Brute
Cosmic Fighting
#4059 Cosmicuno Cosmicuno
Cosmic Flying
#4507 Rosalina Rosalina
Cosmic Heart
#4475 Dark Samus Dark Samus
Cosmic Shadow
#4376 Starruz Starruz
Cosmic Fear

Secondary Cosmic-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#1432 Lycanroc (Dawn) Lycanroc (Dawn)
Rock Cosmic
#670 Solaioss Solaioss
Rock Cosmic
#1037 Cthuspawn Cthuspawn
Water Cosmic
#386 Deoxys Deoxys
Psychic Cosmic
#671 Lunighton Lunighton
Rock Cosmic
#833 Novais Novais
Fire Cosmic
#035 Clefairy Clefairy
Fairy Cosmic
#834 Darkole Darkole
Dark Cosmic
#1841 Bowser Bowser
Fire Cosmic
#036 Clefable Clefable
Fairy Cosmic
#1368 Lycanmars Lycanmars
Fighting Cosmic
#979 Elding Elding
Ice Cosmic
#575 Gothorita Gothorita
Psychic Cosmic
#301 Delcatty Delcatty
Normal Cosmic
#926 Xeraphox Xeraphox
Fighting Cosmic
#1085 Lycanmoon Lycanmoon
Dark Cosmic
#338 Solrock Solrock
Rock Cosmic
#488 Cresselia Cresselia
Psychic Cosmic
#1199 Mooneast Mooneast
Psychic Cosmic
#574 Gothita Gothita
Psychic Cosmic
#1596 Stargem Stargem
Crystal Cosmic
#1595 Staresh Staresh
Crystal Cosmic
#723 Myosmic Myosmic
Cyber Cosmic
#916 Comistorin Comistorin
Rock Cosmic
#1038 Cthultulzu Cthultulzu
Water Cosmic
#687 Spotni Spotni
Tech Cosmic
#688 Sateli Sateli
Tech Cosmic
#832 Sola Sola
Fire Cosmic
#166 Ledian Ledian
Bug Cosmic
#385 Jirachi Jirachi
Steel Cosmic
#121 Starmie Starmie
Water Cosmic
#1198 Lunarat Lunarat
Food Cosmic
#1197 Moonse Moonse
Food Cosmic
#1194 Splague Splague
Virus Cosmic
#1193 Spirus Spirus
Virus Cosmic
#491 Darkrai Darkrai
Dark Cosmic
#1084 Lunound Lunound
Dark Cosmic
#915 Cosmeak Cosmeak
Rock Cosmic
#980 Eldone Eldone
Ice Cosmic
#925 Toneout Toneout
Fighting Cosmic
#669 Cosmock Cosmock
Rock Cosmic
#337 Lunatone Lunatone
Rock Cosmic
#576 Gothitelle Gothitelle
Psychic Cosmic
#2680 Pancosmic Pancosmic
Food Cosmic
#2205 Nobotile Nobotile
Zombie Cosmic
#2186 Luna Luna
Divine Cosmic
#2682 Pancallous Pancallous
Food Cosmic
#2576 Astrobunny Astrobunny
Fire Cosmic
#2298 Tulzsflame Tulzsflame
Fire Cosmic
#3149 Meteor Solrock Meteor Solrock
Rock Cosmic
#3745 Humanoid Starmie Humanoid Starmie
Water Cosmic
#2461 Ayymask Ayymask
Fear Cosmic
#2099 Rootree Rootree
Wood Cosmic
#2396 Atlachnacha Atlachnacha
Bug Cosmic
#3659 Humanoid Clefairy Humanoid Clefairy
Fairy Cosmic
#2634 Wackian Furret Wackian Furret
Rock Cosmic
#3120 THRenko THRenko
Normal Cosmic
#2359 Starpire Starpire
Blood Cosmic
#3495 Seirabbit Seirabbit
Normal Cosmic
#2218 Mistaibah X Mistaibah X
Dragon Cosmic
#2090 Alteraber Alteraber
Divine Cosmic
#2681 Pancalamity Pancalamity
Food Cosmic
#3410 Kaiju Ursaring Kaiju Ursaring
Normal Cosmic
#2417 Nebrownie Nebrownie
Food Cosmic
#3660 Humanoid Clefable Humanoid Clefable
Fairy Cosmic
#2418 Galactcake Galactcake
Food Cosmic
#2276 Smolstron Smolstron
Ghost Cosmic
#2449 Opticus (Ufo) Opticus (Ufo)
Fear Cosmic
#2333 Mega Delcatty Mega Delcatty
Normal Cosmic
#3148 Meteor Lunatone Meteor Lunatone
Rock Cosmic
#3130 Orionartemis Orionartemis
Divine Cosmic
#2962 Cosmic Clefairy Cosmic Clefairy
Rock Cosmic
#2963 Cosmic Clefable Cosmic Clefable
Rock Cosmic
#2918 Cosmic Spiritomb Cosmic Spiritomb
Ghost Cosmic
#3800 Galactimon Galactimon
Rock Cosmic
#2129 Cradisk Cradisk
Rock Cosmic
#2277 Cthylltulla Cthylltulla
Water Cosmic
#4743 Andross Andross
Tech Cosmic
#4127 Ridleyuge Ridleyuge
Dragon Cosmic
#4130 Facefugger Facefugger
Poison Cosmic
#4827 Astraea Astraea
Divine Cosmic
#4132 Xenoalien Xenoalien
Poison Cosmic
#4684 Metroid Metroid
Virus Cosmic
#4131 Chestburste Chestburste
Poison Cosmic
#4502 Olimar Olimar
Grass Cosmic
#4485 Wolf Wolf
Dark Cosmic
#4590 Krystal Krystal
Normal Cosmic
#4477 Starfox Starfox
Normal Cosmic
#4480 Falco Falco
Flying Cosmic
#4238 Celesphere Celesphere
Rock Cosmic


Move Category Power Accuracy PP Target Description
MatsuyoiReflectSlash Physical 100 90% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
Hits both targets. Hi crit rate.
Apollo 13 Special 115 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
High chance to badly poison.
Void's Maw Special 110 80% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The target becomes trapped within the void's maw.
Cosmic Ray Special 80 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also lower the target's Sp. Atk.
Cosmic Web Special 110 85% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Traps target for four to five turns.
Warp Away Physical 70 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting.
TeardropPhotonRay Special 110 95% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
Hits both opponents and lowers their Defense.
Ophiuchus Bind Physical 100 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Bind and squeezes the foe for four to five turns.
Cosmic Grasp Physical 55 90% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The user summons intangible tentacles to squeeze the foe for four to five turns.
Leo Strike Physical 100 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
A flare of electricity is loosed to strike. It may also cause paralysis.
Tusk Physical 110 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Breaks screens and traps the opponent for 3 to 5 turns.
Sagittarius Special 110 0% 4 (max 6)
May affect anyone but the user
A shot from the constellation Sagittarius, it cannot miss.
Comet Punch Physical 25 90% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is hit with a flurry of punches that strike two to five times in a row.
Gravity Status 0 0% 5 (max 8)
Affects all Pokémon on the field
Gravity is intensified for five turns, making moves involving flying unusable and negating Levitation.
Cosmic Blade Physical 75 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Critical hits land more easily.
Comet Crash Physical 100 85% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is hit by a speeding comet. It may also raise the user's Attack.
Energy Sword Physical 90 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
High crit rate. May 1 hit KO.
Space Drain Special 80 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
Astronomy Status 0 0% 15 (max 24)
No specific target
Uses a random Cosmic-type move.
Anti Gravity Status 0 0% 5 (max 8)
Affects all Pokémon on the field
Gravity decreases for five turns, making all pokemon float.
Lunar Dance Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
Affects the user
The user faints. In return, the Pokémon taking its place will have its status and HP fully restored.
Super Nova Special 250 100% 5 (max 8)
Affects all but the user
The user explodes to inflict damage on those around it. The user faints upon using this move.
Meteoric Burst Physical 150 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user goes all-out at the cost of terrible damage. Can burn the target
Abduct Special 80 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user takes the foe into the sky, then drops it on the next turn. The foe cannot attack while airborne.
Lunar Ilmenite Special 100 85% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Confuses the target.
DirtyDeedsDoneDirtCheap Physical 110 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
After making its attack, the user switches places with a party Pokémon in waiting.
Meteor Shower Special 25 90% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The user creates a meteor shower to strike two to five times in a row.
Imperishable Night Special 1 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
It becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
Cosmic Power Status 0 0% 20 (max 32)
Affects the user
The user absorbs a mystical power from space to raise its Defense and Sp. Def stats.
Stardust Reverie Special 80 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
50% lower target's Accuracy
Lunar Wave Special 110 85% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
The user harnesses the power of the moon itself. It may also induce sleep.
Meteor Rain Special 90 90% 10 (max 16)
Affects all but the user
Hits everything around the user.
Mikotto Special 80 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Deals double damage to Males. May lower Attack.
Universation Special 100 100% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
Heals the universe of our own, chance to heal health and status on your side.
Sun's Flames Physical 110 85% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The user harnesses the power of the sun itself. It may also leave the target with a burn.
Meteor Hammer Physical 100 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
It lowers the user's Speed, however.
FlucticulusDiana Status 0 95% 10 (max 16)
Affects all but the user
Confuses, taunts and sharply raises the Attack of everybody on the field.
Ice Comet Physical 85 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also freeze the target solid.
Black Hole Special 85 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user creates a black hole that drags out another Pokémon in the foes party. In the wild, the battle ends.
Wave Leader Fan Special 200 90% 2 (max 3)
Affects all but the user
High chance to 1 hit KO.
Meteor Crash Physical 120 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user also takes damage and may burn the target.
Asteroid Belt Physical 25 90% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The user summons an asteroid belt to strike two to five times in a row.
Starman Physical 30 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Protects the user.
The Hand Physical 110 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Lowers the foe's Defense stat.
Stellar Rush Physical 40 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Raises the user's Attack.
Gravity Beams Special 100 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
For 3 turns, the target floats in the air making it easier to hit.
Starfield Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
Affects all Pokémon on the field
Raises the power of Cosmic-type moves for 5 turns.
Pisces Stars Special 50 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is hit twice in a row. May raise the user's SpAtk.
Scorpio Sting Physical 100 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
High chance to also poison the target.
Aquarius Flow Special 80 85% 5 (max 8)
Affects all but the user
Hits everything around the user, causing those hit to be switched out.
Gemini Stars Special 50 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is hit twice in a row. May raise the user's SpDef.
Capricorn Horn Physical 90 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
More money is earned after battle.
Virgo Heart Special 120 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Chance to infatuate the target.
Taurus Horns Physical 120 85% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Using its tough and impressive horn, the user rams into the target with no letup.
Aries Smash Physical 150 80% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The user attacks the foe with a hazardous, full-power headbutt. The user also takes terrible damage.
Galactic Force Special 140 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Comets are summoned down from the sky. The attack's recoil harshly reduces the user's Sp. Atk stat.
Invasion Physical 75 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
It can also break any barrier such as Light Screen and Reflect.
Event Horizon Special 85 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
If the target's HP is down to about half, this attack will hit with double the power.
Star Flare Special 80 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
May lower target's accuracy.
Celestial Ray Special 1 90% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is attacked with an odd cosmic wave. The attack varies in intensity.
Comet Rush Physical 40 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Priority. It may also leave the target with a burn.
Thief Star Physical 75 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user attacks and steals the foe's held item simultaneously. It can't steal if the user holds an item.
Lunar Tides Special 120 85% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
The user harnesses the power of the moon itself. Hi chance to sleep.
Cosmic Boost Special 90 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
50% to raise SpAtk.
Star Gaze Status 0 0% 5 (max 8)
Affects the user
Heals user. Heals more and raises Accuracy during Starfield.
Star Beam Special 80 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also reduce the target's Sp. Def stat.
Fleeting Star Special 95 100% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
Goes first. The lower the user's HP, the less powerful this attack becomes.
DimensionShamble Physical 130 90% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
User disappears on first turn, then reappears and attacks on second turn. This move hits even if the target protects itself.
Dimension Warp Physical 100 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
User disappears on first turn, then reappears and attacks on second turn. This move hits even if the target protects itself.
Cancer Claws Physical 100 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
May make the target bleed.
Graviton Press Special 1 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The user increases the gravity around the target. The heavier the target, the greater the damage.
Secret Calibur Physical 120 85% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Hi crit rate. Deals extra damage to Saberface targets.
Saturn Rings Physical 75 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Things such as long bodies or tentacles are used to bind and squeeze the foe for four to five turns.
Cosmic Gas Special 100 75% 5 (max 8)
Affects all but the user
Hits everything on the field, chance to badly poison.
Space Virus Special 100 85% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
chance to badly poison.
Cosmic Horror Special 100 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
High chance to confuse.
Deep Impact Physical 150 80% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The user also takes terrible damage.
Solar Flare Special 85 100% 15 (max 24)
Affects all but the user
Does more damage in Sunny weather.
Space Acid Special 90 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
An alien acid that has a higher chance to poison.
Hyperspace Fury Special 100 0% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Ignores the effects of Protect, Detect, King's Shield, Spiky Shield, and Mat Block. Lowers user's Defense by 1 stage.
Selfish Drain Physical 120 90% 15 (max 24)
Affects all but the user
A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
Comet Special 40 100% 25 (max 40)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is attacked with a small comet. It may also leave the target with a burn.
Gravity Blast Special 1 100% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The more HP the foe has, the greater this attack's power.
Vacuum Strike Physical 70 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Drags out another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
Moon Jump Physical 100 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
User jumps like on the moon, and slams down. If it misses, the user hurts itself.
Sun's Inferno Physical 120 85% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The user harnesses the power of the sun itself. Hi chance to burn.
Asteroid Physical 160 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
User must rest on the next turn.
Wormhole Special 70 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting.
Close Encounter Physical 60 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user takes the foe into space, then frees them the next turn. The foe cannot attack while in space.
Ball Breaker Physical 105 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Breaks screens and lowers the opponent's Defense stat.
Cosmic Slash Physical 70 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is attacked with a slash of claws or blades. Critical hits land more easily.
Moon Ladder Special 120 90% 10 (max 16)
Affects all foes
The user creates a black hole that drags out another Pokémon in the foes party. In the wild, the battle ends.
Orbital Crash Physical 125 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user soars, then strikes on the second turn.
Moonbow Special 95 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also confuse the foe.
InfinityBigBangStorm Special 180 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
User must recharge unless the target faints.
Third Trumpet Special 100 100% 3 (max 4)
May affect anyone but the user
A divine trumpet that calls on the power of a star. Badly poisons the target.
Lunacy Physical 70 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
As long as this move is in use, the user's Attack rises each time the user is hit in battle.
Stars Aligned Physical 1 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the damage.