Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Protects from priority.


Unknown custom effect

Pokémon that have Dazzling

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
784 Prismolis Prismolis Glass Light Clear Body Magic Bounce Dazzling
1153 Tsareena Tsareena Grass Undiscovered Dazzling Furious Feet Sweet Veil
416 Vespiquen Vespiquen Bug Undiscovered Levitate Honey Gather Dazzling
1169 Bruxish Bruxish Water Psychic Strong Jaw Dazzling Wonder Skin
783 Prisy Prisy Glass Light Clear Body Magic Bounce Dazzling
3036 Mega Bruxish Mega Bruxish Water Psychic Strong Jaw Undiscovered Dazzling
2893 Betty Z Betty Z Tech Heart Overcoat Cute Charm Dazzling
2892 Betty Betty Tech Ice Overcoat Cute Charm Dazzling
4080 Cosmic Spoink Cosmic Spoink Cosmic Undiscovered Dazzling Undiscovered Wonder Skin
4680 Sindel Sindel Dark Sound Levitate Dazzling Cacophony
4081 Cosmic Grumpig Cosmic Grumpig Cosmic Undiscovered Dazzling Undiscovered Wonder Skin
4177 Beta Vespiquen Beta Vespiquen Bug Flying Honey Gather Undiscovered Dazzling