Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


When its stats are lowered its Attack increases.


When one of the bearer's stats is lowered by a foe, increases the bearer's Attack by 2 stages. This ability activates once for each different stat lowered.

Pokémon that have Defiant

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1030 Undyrate Undyrate Water Fighting Defiant Anger Point Anticipation
641 Tornadus Tornadus Wind Flying Prankster Undiscovered Defiant
1156 Passimian Passimian Fighting Undiscovered Defiant Defiant Inner Focus
1929 Gettarobo Gettarobo Tech Fighting Defiant Moxie Serene Grace
960 Vespiguard Vespiguard Bug Fighting Guts Friend Guard Defiant
850 Johnspleena Johnspleena Fighting Undiscovered Mold Breaker Pro Defiant
1901 GurrenLaganech GurrenLaganech Tech Undiscovered Defiant Moxie Download
1900 Lagannech Lagannech Tech Undiscovered Defiant Download Moxie
625 Bisharp Bisharp Dark Steel Defiant Inner Focus Pressure
394 Prinplup Prinplup Water Undiscovered Torrent Defiant Defiant
1727 Marsarrior Marsarrior Divine Fighting Moxie Defiant Moody
432 Purugly Purugly Normal Undiscovered Thick Fat Own Tempo Defiant
1625 Tenshearth Tenshearth Ground Divine Battle Armor Sturdy Defiant
395 Empoleon Empoleon Water Steel Torrent Defiant Defiant
1623 Sukumini Sukumini Steel Rock Defiant Undiscovered Super Luck
1557 Madame Madame Normal Flying Defiant Super Luck Sadist
166 Ledian Ledian Bug Cosmic Iron Fist Defiant Victory Star
393 Piplup Piplup Water Undiscovered Torrent Defiant Defiant
056 Mankey Mankey Fighting Undiscovered Insomnia Anger Point Defiant
928 Bushidon Bushidon Steel Zombie Defiant Steadfast Vespertine
1028 Stando Stando Steel Fighting Clear Body Iron Fist Defiant
1011 Trollternet Trollternet Cyber Dark Prankster Defiant Dark Life
628 Braviary Braviary Normal Flying Mold Breaker Sheer Force Defiant
927 Bushin Bushin Steel Zombie Defiant Steadfast Vespertine
642 Thundurus Thundurus Electric Flying Prankster Undiscovered Defiant
1286 Metaleon Metaleon Steel Undiscovered Defiant Justified Berserker
083 Farfetch'd Farfetch'd Normal Flying Defiant Super Luck Sheer Force
1615 Futovant Futovant Wind Water Overcoat Defiant Rattled
624 Pawniard Pawniard Dark Steel Defiant Inner Focus Pressure
057 Primeape Primeape Fighting Undiscovered Insomnia Anger Point Defiant
775 Behemist Behemist Steam Steel Reckless Steam Engine Defiant
1010 Introll Introll Cyber Dark Prankster Defiant Own Tempo
3996 Fargan'c Fargan'c Grass Flying Defiant Super Luck Sheer Force
2615 Susully Susully Light Fighting Anger Point Defiant Friend Guard
3267 Wackian Rufflet Wackian Rufflet Fighting Steel Big Pecks Sheer Force Defiant
3182 Gallantmon Gallantmon Fighting Steel Mold Breaker Justified Defiant
2160 Youngster Youngster Normal Undiscovered Simple Undiscovered Defiant
2059 Lancartorialter Lancartorialter Dragon Shadow Moxie Undiscovered Defiant
2513 Kapierce Kapierce Fighting Steel Super Luck Defiant Intimidate
2425 Protogil Protogil Divine Undiscovered Defiant Keen Eye Competitive
3475 Caesaber Caesaber Fighting Undiscovered Defiant Moxie Victory Star
2514 Alakatana Alakatana Fighting Steel Super Luck Defiant Intimidate
2113 Lilskars Lilskars Ghost Undiscovered Defiant Undiscovered Sadist
3707 Humanoid Farfetch'd Humanoid Farfetch'd Normal Flying Defiant Super Luck Sheer Force
3303 Mervamon Mervamon Divine Wind Competitive Defiant Turbine
2234 Edgy Spheal Edgy Spheal Dark Blood Thick Fat Defiant Cursed Body
3680 Humanoid Mankey Humanoid Mankey Fighting Undiscovered Insomnia Anger Point Defiant
3681 Humanoid Primeape Humanoid Primeape Fighting Undiscovered Insomnia Anger Point Defiant
2109 Currenceagle Currenceagle Steel Time Mold Breaker Undiscovered Defiant
2061 Ozyridias Ozyridias Divine Ground Solar Force Defiant Solar Power
2055 Lancartoria Lancartoria Dragon Divine Moxie Undiscovered Defiant
3492 Jooney Jooney Fighting Undiscovered Defiant Undiscovered Iron Fist
2235 Edgy Sealeo Edgy Sealeo Dark Blood Thick Fat Defiant Cursed Body
3181 WarGrowlmon WarGrowlmon Dragon Nuclear Intimidate Defiant Sheer Force
3054 Burniel Burniel Fire Light Guts Defiant Blaze
2190 Mars Mars Divine Fighting Moxie Defiant Moody
2988 Minervamon Minervamon Divine Wind Competitive Defiant Turbine
3268 Wackian Braviary Wackian Braviary Fighting Steel Levitate Sheer Force Defiant
3216 Primplump Primplump Water Undiscovered Torrent Undiscovered Defiant
2512 Stabra Stabra Fighting Steel Hyper Cutter Defiant Intimidate
3180 Growlmon Growlmon Dragon Fire Guts Defiant Sheer Force
3179 Guilmon Guilmon Dragon Fire Guts Defiant Tough Claws
2236 Edgy Walrein Edgy Walrein Dark Blood Thick Fat Defiant Cursed Body
2984 Titamon Titamon Chaos Fighting Unnerve Intimidate Defiant
2868 Simislash Simislash Dark Undiscovered Gluttony Defiant None
2867 Panslash Panslash Dark Undiscovered Gluttony Defiant None
3055 Zophlare Zophlare Fire Light Guts Defiant Blaze
2192 Saturn Saturn Divine Time Defiant Undiscovered Moody
2162 Picknicker Picknicker Normal Food Gluttony Undiscovered Defiant
4545 Ash Ash Fighting Undiscovered Defiant Undiscovered Stamina
4494 Ganondorf Ganondorf Dark Undiscovered Inner Focus Undiscovered Defiant
4569 Moemura Moemura Magic Undiscovered Pickpocket Undiscovered Defiant
4530 Richter Belmont Richter Belmont Fighting Light Justified Undiscovered Defiant
4849 Takua Takua Light Undiscovered Defiant Undiscovered Serene Grace
4836 Applejack Applejack Ground Undiscovered Furious Feet Undiscovered Defiant
4527 Cloud Cloud Steel Undiscovered Hyper Cutter Pro Defiant
4725 Rudolf Rudolf Normal Undiscovered Defiant Undiscovered Moxie
4704 Skirmisher Skirmisher Cosmic Dark Tangled Feet Undiscovered Defiant
4500 Lucas Lucas Psychic Undiscovered Justified Defiant Regenerator
4689 Zack Zack Steel Normal Hyper Cutter Pro Defiant
4570 Homura Homura Magic Time Pressure Undiscovered Defiant
4587 Cyberdemon Cyberdemon Chaos Cyber Intimidate Undiscovered Defiant
4627 Hammerheaddo Hammerheaddo Normal Tech Defiant Battle Armor Sturdy
4529 Simon Belmont Simon Belmont Fighting Light Justified Undiscovered Defiant
4850 Takanuva Takanuva Light Undiscovered Serene Grace Undiscovered Defiant
4671 Balloonfighter Balloonfighter Rubber Flying Sticky Hold Undiscovered Defiant
4496 Dark Pit Dark Pit Shadow Flying Limber Undiscovered Defiant
4169 Beta Prinplup Beta Prinplup Water Ice Torrent Defiant Defiant
4068 Sirgan'c Sirgan'c Fighting Undiscovered Defiant Super Luck Sheer Force
4170 Beta Empoleon Beta Empoleon Water Ice Torrent Defiant Defiant