Pokemon Wack Wiki
Dewdrop Cavern
File:Dewdrop Cavern.PNG
Map description
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Connecting locations
Dewdrop Cavern
Seaside Village
Wack Route 0
Location of Dewdrop Cavern in Wack.

The Dewdrop Cavern is a mysterious cave accessible only from Seaside Village. It is home to many Water-type Pokemon from other regions.

There are two floors, the lower floor also has TM99 (Water Pulse).



Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Squirtle Squirtle
Cave Cave
15-16 20%
Oshawott Oshawott
Cave Cave
15 20%
Totodile Totodile
Cave Cave
15 10%
Piplup Piplup
Cave Cave
15 10%
Mudkip Mudkip
Cave Cave
15 10%
Froakie Froakie
Cave Cave
15 10%
Froakie Froakie
Cave Cave
15 5%
Mudkip Mudkip
Cave Cave
15 5%
Piplup Piplup
Cave Cave
15 4%
Totodile Totodile
Cave Cave
15 4%
Oshawott Oshawott
Cave Cave
15 1%
Squirtle Squirtle
Cave Cave
15 1%

Please note that the first floor levels up with with the amount of gym badges you have


Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Krabby Krabby
Cave Cave
15-16 20%
Spheal Spheal
Cave Cave
15 20%
Slowpoke Slowpoke
Cave Cave
15 10%
Corphish Corphish
Cave Cave
15 10%
Corphish Corphish
Cave Cave
15 10%
Krabby Krabby
Cave Cave
15 10%
Seel Seel
Cave Cave
15 5%
Wingull Wingull
Cave Cave
15 5%
Slowpoke Slowpoke
Cave Cave
15 4%
Wingull Wingull
Cave Cave
15 4%
Seel Seel
Cave Cave
15 1%
Shellder Shellder
Cave Cave
15 1%

Tuber Lv. 22 (Only One; after beating gym 3)

Tuber Lv. 22 (Only One; after beating gym 3)

Hydeep Lv. 12 (Only One; at night)
