Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


The Pokémon makes it rain if it appears in battle.


When the bearer enters battle, starts rain weather. It lasts forever, unless replaced by another weather.

Gen 6: The weather lasts 5 rounds (or 8 if Damp Rock is held).

Pokémon that have Drizzle

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
249 Lugia Lugia Psychic Flying Multiscale Undiscovered Drizzle
1850 Kyotsufall Kyotsufall Water Undiscovered Drizzle Beast Boost Drizzle
671 Lunighton Lunighton Rock Cosmic Drizzle Drizzle Levitate
777 Flowjaw Flowjaw Water Undiscovered Torrent Swift Swim Drizzle
382 Kyogre Kyogre Water Undiscovered Drizzle Undiscovered None
186 Politoed Politoed Water Undiscovered Water Absorb Drizzle Soundproof
1879 Sachich Sachich Dragon Undiscovered Drizzle Water Veil Clear Body
764 Fabreel Fabreel Fabric Water Swift Swim Static Drizzle
436 Bronzor Bronzor Steel Psychic Levitate Heatproof Drizzle
131 Lapras Lapras Water Ice Water Absorb Battle Armor Drizzle
279 Pelipper Pelipper Water Flying Keen Eye Drizzle Rain Dish
765 Facarveel Facarveel Fabric Water Swift Swim Static Drizzle
776 Tideno Tideno Water Undiscovered Torrent Swift Swim Drizzle
1535 Tentaquil Tentaquil Water Undiscovered Water Absorb Drizzle Drizzle
1297 Left Leg Left Leg Cosmic Undiscovered Marvel Scale Clear Body Drizzle
778 Warshin Warshin Water Undiscovered Torrent Drizzle Swift Swim
1452 Alolan Torkoal Alolan Torkoal Steam Undiscovered White Smoke Drizzle Battle Armor
321 Wailord Wailord Water Undiscovered Drizzle Oblivious Pressure
1298 Moon Core Moon Core Blood Undiscovered Graze Multiscale Drizzle
581 Swanna Swanna Water Flying Serene Grace Competitive Drizzle
1026 Maghat Maghat Fabric Magic Magic Guard Multiscale Drizzle
437 Bronzong Bronzong Steel Psychic Levitate Heatproof Drizzle
1359 Rainoud Rainoud Wind Water Drizzle Rain Dish Levitate
2468 Beatoriche Beatoriche Magic Undiscovered Prankster Pride Drizzle
2369 SwimNecrolilith SwimNecrolilith Water Magic Hydration Swift Swim Drizzle
3966 Stratrio Stratrio Flying Undiscovered Rain Dish Drizzle Damp
3965 Nimbett Nimbett Flying Undiscovered Rain Dish Drizzle Damp
2284 Dagonther Dagonther Water Fear Unnerve Shed Skin Drizzle
3822 Zombified Zombified Water Zombie Infected Hyper Cutter Drizzle
3852 Seamadio Seamadio Ghost Water Run Away Arena Trap Drizzle
3793 Scar-Lugia Scar-Lugia Psychic Dark Multiscale Undiscovered Drizzle
2309 HIM (Water) HIM (Water) Water Undiscovered Graze Undiscovered Drizzle
3223 Beta Lapras Beta Lapras Water Ice Water Absorb Battle Armor Drizzle
3755 Humanoid Lapras Humanoid Lapras Water Ice Water Absorb Battle Armor Drizzle
3025 Summer Hatterene Summer Hatterene Water Fairy Swift Swim Storm Drain Drizzle
2916 Water Unown Water Unown Water Undiscovered Drizzle Undiscovered Levitate
3401 Summervoir Summervoir Psychic Water Swift Swim Volt Absorb Drizzle
2193 Neptune Neptune Divine Water Drizzle Undiscovered Moody
2295 Bokrugod Bokrugod Water Dragon Aftermath Undiscovered Drizzle
2622 Mega Pelipper Mega Pelipper Water Flying Swift Swim Undiscovered Drizzle
3398 Beta Politoed Beta Politoed Water Undiscovered Water Absorb Drizzle Soundproof
2970 Kingdorah Kingdorah Dragon Electric Levitate Lightningrod Drizzle
2285 Mothydra Mothydra Water Fear Intimidate Shed Skin Drizzle
2849 Admirelle Admirelle Water Wind Frisk Rain Dish Drizzle
2848 Sailorita Sailorita Water Wind Frisk Rain Dish Drizzle
3129 Chaos Warshin Chaos Warshin Water Chaos Torrent Drizzle Swift Swim
4573 Utsuho Utsuho Nuclear Water Swift Swim Levitate Drizzle
4178 Beta Bronzong Beta Bronzong Steel Ghost Levitate Heatproof Drizzle
4807 Himiko Himiko Light Undiscovered Natural Cure Illuminate Drizzle
4445 False Kyogre False Kyogre Qmarks Undiscovered Drizzle Undiscovered None