Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Drubber
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Drubber
An accuracy of 0 means a move cannot miss, in case of status moves, it targets the user or the entire field.
A base power of 1 means that the move deals fixed damage or its base power varies depending on the situation.
Front shiny
Back shiny
Starting in v1.1+, Drubber is the only Pokemon to have its stats lower upon Mega Evolving. (Base Form: 63,90,115,70,85,105. Mega: 63,64,83,30,54,78) This is to counterbalance its incredibly powerful ability.
Drubber may be combination of dragon and rubber.
Drubber is based on an inflatable pool float with a draconic motif. It may also resemble a wyrm, which are limbless and wingless dragons.