Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


The Pokémon awakens quickly from sleep.


If the bearer falls asleep, the preset number of rounds it will remain asleep is halved (rounding down).

Pokémon that have Early Bird

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
518 Musharna Musharna Psychic Undiscovered Forewarn Synchronize Early Bird
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Chlorophyll Early Bird Pickpocket
1960 Kyecho Kyecho Sound Undiscovered Cacophony Early Bird Prankster
1578 Sunnee Sunnee Grass Psychic Solar Force Solar Power Early Bird
1898 Doreamy Doreamy Psychic Undiscovered Bad Dreams Early Bird Marvel Scale
1531 Kirinriki Kirinriki Normal Dark Inner Focus Early Bird Sap Sipper
517 Munna Munna Psychic Undiscovered Forewarn Synchronize Early Bird
191 Sunkern Sunkern Grass Undiscovered Moody Solar Power Early Bird
1586 Beta Houndoom Beta Houndoom Fire Undiscovered Early Bird Flash Fire Unnerve
1529 Chiks Chiks Normal Undiscovered Fur Coat Early Bird Tangled Feet
229 Houndoom Houndoom Dark Fire Early Bird Flash Fire Unnerve
1959 Momiawoo Momiawoo Steel Undiscovered Keen Eye Early Bird Technician
274 Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Grass Dark Chlorophyll Early Bird Pickpocket
084 Doduo Doduo Normal Flying Run Away Early Bird Tangled Feet
203 Girafarig Girafarig Normal Psychic Sap Sipper Early Bird Contrary
1166 Komala Komala Normal Undiscovered Early Bird Undiscovered Early Bird
1198 Lunarat Lunarat Food Cosmic Rattled Early Bird Gluttony
1197 Moonse Moonse Food Cosmic Rattled Early Bird Pickup
1585 Devull Devull Fire Undiscovered Early Bird Flash Fire Unnerve
165 Ledyba Ledyba Bug Flying Swarm Early Bird Rattled
1041 Black Door Black Door Grass Undiscovered Early Bird Early Bird Cloud Nine
085 Dodrio Dodrio Normal Flying Own Tempo Early Bird Speed Boost
273 Seedot Seedot Grass Undiscovered Chlorophyll Early Bird Pickpocket
228 Houndour Houndour Dark Fire Early Bird Flash Fire Unnerve
115 Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Normal Undiscovered Early Bird Scrappy Inner Focus
178 Xatu Xatu Psychic Flying Magic Bounce Early Bird Magic Bounce
177 Natu Natu Psychic Flying Magic Bounce Early Bird Magic Bounce
3856 Aeromadio Aeromadio Ghost Flying Early Bird Keen Eye Gale Wings
3336 Zatu Zatu Psychic Flying Magic Bounce Early Bird Magic Bounce
2381 Sleepevil Sleepevil Fairy Dark Early Bird Undiscovered Dreamcatcher
4000 Drilldrio Drilldrio Ground Steel Sand Veil Early Bird Tangled Feet
3999 Drillduo Drillduo Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Early Bird Tangled Feet
2380 Drowsleep Drowsleep Fairy Undiscovered Early Bird Undiscovered Dreamcatcher
2375 Drasleep Drasleep Dragon Ghost Early Bird Undiscovered Tough Claws
3235 Time Noctowl Time Noctowl Time Flying Insomnia Early Bird Tinted Lens
3739 Humanoid Kangaskhan Humanoid Kangaskhan Normal Undiscovered Early Bird Scrappy Inner Focus
3708 Humanoid Doduo Humanoid Doduo Normal Flying Run Away Early Bird Tangled Feet
2054 Comfstrictor Comfstrictor Fabric Poison Early Bird Undiscovered Poison Heal
2228 Wood Seedot Wood Seedot Wood Undiscovered Battle Armor Early Bird Pickpocket
3709 Humanoid Dodrio Humanoid Dodrio Normal Flying Own Tempo Early Bird Speed Boost
3455 Pajantom Pajantom Dragon Ghost Marvel Scale Undiscovered Early Bird
3440 Beta Sunkern Beta Sunkern Grass Undiscovered Moody Solar Power Early Bird
3337 Sunsprout Sunsprout Grass Undiscovered Moody Solar Power Early Bird
3279 Kaiju Natu Kaiju Natu Psychic Flying Magic Bounce Early Bird Magic Guard
3281 Kaiju Girafarig Kaiju Girafarig Normal Psychic Sap Sipper Early Bird Contrary
3272 Kaiju Seedot Kaiju Seedot Grass Undiscovered Chlorophyll Early Bird Pickpocket
3365 Koalma Koalma Normal Undiscovered Sap Sipper Undiscovered Early Bird
2229 Wood Nuzleaf Wood Nuzleaf Wood Wind Pounce Early Bird Pickpocket
3065 Tokikok Tokikok Flying Undiscovered Limber Early Bird Dreamcatcher
3119 Renko Renko Normal Undiscovered Early Bird Undiscovered Adaptability
2407 Sleamy Sleamy Water Fairy Early Bird Gooey Storm Drain
3234 Time Hoothoot Time Hoothoot Time Flying Insomnia Early Bird Tinted Lens
2230 Wood Shiftry Wood Shiftry Wood Wind Bellows Early Bird Pickpocket
2302 AZATHOTH AZATHOTH Chaos Divine Oblivious Undiscovered Early Bird
2448 Opticus (Owl) Opticus (Owl) Fear Flying Early Bird Aerilate Levitate
4018 Exeggunest Exeggunest Bug Grass Early Bird Swarm Harvest
4017 Swarmute Swarmute Bug Undiscovered Early Bird Swarm Harvest
4058 Snorsessed Snorsessed Ghost Undiscovered Immunity Early Bird Gluttony
4454 Kangaskhid Kangaskhid Normal Undiscovered Early Bird Scrappy Inner Focus