Edge of the Reality is the place where the Every Pokemon Battle takes place. It is accessible from HIS World, especially from a gate. It is unlocked only after the battle against the HIM forms and it is considered by most the final patch of the game.
Trainer Battles
Reality HIM-HIM 388 (Hoenn is fought twice due to mistakes the creators of the game made.)
Pokemon (Literally every Pokemon til a particular point.)
After the Everything Rush is done, HIM unleashes all of HIS forms, then Pokemon Wack and Kami Sama, HIS Ultimate Weapons. Once this fight is done, the game is over, HIM is over and the player obtains an AntiPlebShield. Once they return here they can catch HIM (Void), Kami Sama and Pokemon Wack. In fact, Pokemon Wack and Kami Sama are unobtainable due to a glitch.