Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


The Pokémon can check a foe's held item.


When the bearer enters battle, a message announces the foe's held item. If there are multiple foes with items, a random one is chosen for this ability (the message doesn't name the chosen Pokémon, only its item).

Gen 6: All foes are frisked, and each one is named with its item.

Pokémon that have Frisk

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
356 Dusclops Dusclops Ghost Undiscovered Pressure Frisk Shadow Call
1985 Fabric Banette Fabric Banette Ghost Fabric Insomnia Frisk Fur Coat
713 Seatie Seatie Wood Ghost Scrappy Frisk Heatproof
353 Shuppet Shuppet Ghost Undiscovered Insomnia Frisk Cursed Body
193 Yanma Yanma Bug Flying Speed Boost Compoundeyes Frisk
1855 Axelasp Axelasp Flying Bug Compoundeyes Swarm Frisk
1854 Hillipod Hillipod Flying Bug Compoundeyes Swarm Frisk
1853 Pendrasp Pendrasp Flying Bug Compoundeyes Swarm Frisk
1833 YuugenMagan YuugenMagan Electric Poison Levitate Frisk Pressure
1857 Wrigglight Wrigglight Bug Dark Compoundeyes Frisk Swarm
575 Gothorita Gothorita Psychic Cosmic Frisk Shadow Tag Shadow Tag
039 Jigglypuff Jigglypuff Sound Fairy Cute Charm Frisk Friend Guard
574 Gothita Gothita Psychic Cosmic Frisk Undiscovered Shadow Tag
355 Duskull Duskull Ghost Bone Levitate Frisk Cursed Body
354 Banette Banette Ghost Undiscovered Insomnia Frisk Cursed Body
469 Yanmega Yanmega Bug Flying Speed Boost Tinted Lens Frisk
789 Phantump Phantump Ghost Grass Natural Cure Frisk Harvest
714 Tenablerus Tenablerus Wood Ghost Scrappy Frisk Heatproof
1310 Drakefly Drakefly Bug Dragon Compoundeyes Tinted Lens Frisk
787 Noibat Noibat Sound Dragon Frisk Infiltrator Soundproof
792 Gourgeist Gourgeist Ghost Grass Pickup Frisk Insomnia
1773 Yuyukhost Yuyukhost Ghost Grass Frisk Aftermath Thick Fat
040 Wigglytuff Wigglytuff Sound Fairy Cute Charm Frisk Friend Guard
791 Pumpkaboo Pumpkaboo Ghost Grass Pickup Frisk Insomnia
405 Luxray Luxray Electric Undiscovered Frisk Intimidate Guts
161 Sentret Sentret Normal Undiscovered Run Away Keen Eye Frisk
790 Trevenant Trevenant Ghost Grass Natural Cure Frisk Harvest
162 Furret Furret Normal Undiscovered Fur Coat Simple Frisk
788 Noivern Noivern Sound Dragon Frisk Infiltrator Soundproof
1309 Drafly Drafly Bug Undiscovered Compoundeyes Tinted Lens Frisk
728 Hoverot Hoverot Tech Undiscovered Levitate Frisk Arena Trap
727 Espionot Espionot Tech Undiscovered Levitate Frisk Arena Trap
576 Gothitelle Gothitelle Psychic Cosmic Frisk Shadow Tag Shadow Tag
2462 Wackian Phantump Wackian Phantump Ghost Wood Harvest Frisk Battle Armor
2695 Nohface Nohface Ghost Undiscovered Frisk Limber Iron Fist
2434 Pumpkapie Pumpkapie Ghost Food Sugar Rush Frisk Insomnia
2523 Grimmsnarl Grimmsnarl Dark Fairy Prankster Frisk Anger Point
3955 Arachtuff Arachtuff Bug Fear Intimidate Oblivious Frisk
3954 Jigglisect Jigglisect Bug Undiscovered Intimidate Oblivious Frisk
2602 Truth Mask Dusclops Truth Mask Dusclops Ghost Psychic Forewarn Frisk Shadow Call
3427 Beta Sentret Beta Sentret Normal Undiscovered Run Away Keen Eye Frisk
2601 Truth Mask Duskull Truth Mask Duskull Ghost Psychic Forewarn Frisk Cursed Body
3663 Humanoid Jigglypuff Humanoid Jigglypuff Sound Fairy Cute Charm Frisk Friend Guard
3154 Balloon Wigglytuff Balloon Wigglytuff Rubber Fairy Cute Charm Frisk Friend Guard
2663 Breezi Breezi Poison Flying Unburden Own Tempo Frisk
2610 Stone Mask Spiritomb Stone Mask Spiritomb Ghost Psychic Anticipation Frisk Pressure
2673 Zimbaga Zimbaga Grass Undiscovered Pickpocket Frisk Speed Boost
2474 Yeerby Yeerby Normal Undiscovered Cute Charm Frisk Sap Sipper
2722 Skulloton Skulloton Bone Steel Technician Frisk Prankster
3428 Beta Furret Beta Furret Normal Undiscovered Frisk Undiscovered Frisk
2522 Morgrem Morgrem Dark Fairy Prankster Frisk Pickpocket
2696 Kitsunoh Kitsunoh Steel Ghost Frisk Limber Iron Fist
2073 Elechair Elechair Wood Electric Scrappy Frisk Heatproof
2435 Soulatte Soulatte Ghost Food Sugar Rush Frisk Insomnia
2463 Wackian Trevenant Wackian Trevenant Ghost Wood Harvest Frisk Battle Armor
2664 Fidgit Fidgit Poison Ground Unburden Insomnia Frisk
2609 Mask Magcargo Mask Magcargo Fire Psychic Forewarn Frisk Dreamcatcher
3005 Dark Fighting Golduck Dark Fighting Golduck Dark Fighting Guts Frisk Technician
3004 Dark Fighting Psyduck Dark Fighting Psyduck Dark Fighting Guts Frisk Technician
2849 Admirelle Admirelle Water Wind Frisk Rain Dish Drizzle
2848 Sailorita Sailorita Water Wind Frisk Rain Dish Drizzle
2847 Wackian Gothita Wackian Gothita Water Psychic Frisk Competitive Rain Dish
3664 Humanoid Wigglytuff Humanoid Wigglytuff Sound Fairy Cute Charm Frisk Friend Guard
2105 Impidimp Impidimp Dark Fairy Prankster Frisk Pickpocket
3153 Balloon Jigglypuff Balloon Jigglypuff Rubber Fairy Cute Charm Frisk Friend Guard
4659 Ryuk Ryuk Ghost Undiscovered Frisk Undiscovered Pressure
4190 Beta Yanmega Beta Yanmega Bug Flying Speed Boost Tinted Lens Frisk
4386 GratinPumpkaboo GratinPumpkaboo Food Grass Pickup Frisk Insomnia