Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page details the moves from Generation 2 of Pokemon Wack.  


Name Type Category Power Accuracy PP Effect
Sketch Paint Status - - 1 Allows the user to copy the last used move of the target permanently. Sketch is replaced after
Thermo Chromia Paint Status - 100 10 Target's ability becomes Color Change
Paint Paint Status - 95 10 Target takes double damage from Paint-type moves for 6 turns
Art Gallery Paint Status - - 5 Increases the power of Paint-type moves for 8 turns
Brush Stroke Paint Physical 45 100 30 10% chance to Paint the target
Crosscoat Paint Physical 35 90 10 Hits twice
Heavy Hue Paint Physical 60 95 20 Target takes more damage from Paint-type moves for 4 turns
Paint Roller Paint Physical 100 95 5 50% chance to raise Attack
Paint Splatter Paint Special 65 95 10 50% chance to lower Accuracy
Ink Shot Paint Special 65 95 10 Lowers the Target's Accuracy
Ink Shit Paint Special 120 95 10 Lowers the Target's Accuracy
Paint Splats Paint Special 25 90 20 Hits 2-5 times
Cubism Paint Special 60 90 20 80% chance to Confuse
Ink Blast Paint Special 100 90 10 50% chance to lower Accuracy
Paintball Paint Special 80 95 10 Hits both targets
Bucket Bomb Paint Special 100 90 5 Hits everything, 40% chance to Paint the target
Color Wheel Paint Special 80 100 10 Secondary effect depends on User's type
Paint Print Paint Special 80 95 5 Copies Stat boosts
Unknown Color Paint Special 100 90 8 60% chance to Confuse
Color Drain Paint Special 80 100 10 Restores 1/2 Damage dealt
Whirlpaint Paint Special 75 95 15 Traps target for 4-5 turns
Painting World Paint Special 105 90 5 Traps target for 4-5 turns


Name Type Category Power Accuracy PP Effect
Anticoagulant Blood Status - 100 20 Lowers the Target's Sp.Def by 3 stages
Hot Blooded Blood Status - - 5 Raises Attack and Speed by 2 stages, but lowers Defense by 2 stages
Venipuncture Blood Status - - 10 Restores 1/2 HP
Blood Suck Blood Physical 50 100 15 Restores 1/2 damage dealt
Blood Blade Blood Physical 70 100 15 +1 Crit Rate
Bat Bite Blood Physical 95 100 15 Restores 1/2 damage dealt
Kazikli Bey Blood Physical 100 100 10 +1 Crit Rate, traps target for 4-5 turns
Fell Blood Blood Physical 70 100 25 Fell Stinger clone
Gash Blood Physical 65 100 10 Makes the target Bleed
Blood Oath Blood Physical 70 100 5 Retaliate clone
Blood Bite Blood Physical 85 95 15 Restores 1/2 damage dealt
Blood Hound Blood Physical 50 100 15 Pursuit clone
Blood Gungir Blood Physical 100 - 5 Never Misses
Tortured Spike Blood Physical 120 90 10 Makes the target Bleed
Rake Blood Physical 50 100 15 15% chance to target Bleed
Bloody Rage Blood Physical 60 100 20 Rage clone
Bloodbath Blood Physical 120 100 10 Thrash clone
Hrunting Blood Physical 80 - 10 Never Misses, +1 Crit Rate
Sanguine Fang Blood Physical 100 50 5 Makes the target Bleed
Blood Spikes Blood Physical 90 90 10 +1 Crit Rate
Bloody Tongue Blood Physical 90 90 10 30% chance to Paralyze
Massacre Blood Physical 100 90 5 Hits everything, 10% chance to OHKO
Blood Whip Blood Physical 60 95 15 +1 Crit Rate, 30% chance to Bleed
First Blood Blood Physical 100 100 10 First Impression clone
Blood Siphon Blood Special 95 90 10 Restores 1/2 damage dealt
Blood Andromeda Blood Special 100 100 10 Restores 1/2 damage dealt
Heart Throb Blood Special 90 100 10 20% chance to Flinch
Blood Seal Blood Special 60 90 15 Traps target for 4-5 turns
Puke Blood Blood Special 150 80 5 Recoil
Blood Drain Blood Special 65 90 10 Restores 1/2 damage dealt
Blood Pump Blood Special 120 85 5 Recoil
Bloody Storm Blood Special 100 95 5 30% chance to Flinch
DNA Beam Blood Special 110 95 5 Steals Stat boosts, then attacks
First Trumpet Blood Special 95 100 1 Summons Hail and Burns
First Plague Blood Special 100 100 1 Double damage to Water-type moves, lowers the power of Water-type moves
Sixth Plague Blood Special 100 100 6 Burns the target
ClarentBloodArthur Blood Special 165 90 5 +1 Crit Rate, Must recharge
Blood Soldiers Blood Special 25 90 10 Hits 2-5 times, deals Physical damage
Blood Boil Blood Special 80 100 15 30% chance to Burn
Blood Orb Blood Special 80 100 15 20% chance to lower Sp.Def
Bloodcurdling Blood Special 110 90 10 Recoil