Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki
Normal Fire
Fighting Water
Flying Grass
Poison Electric
Ground Psychic
Rock Ice
Bug Dragon
Ghost Dark
Steel Fairy
Wood Steam
Magma Wind
Paper Tech
Rubber Fear
Magic Light
Cosmic Sound
Food Zombie
Nuclear Virus
Cyber Glass
Plastic Fabric
Chaos Divine
Time Paint
Crystal Meme
Blood Greasy
Heart Ogre
Shadow Void
Wack Qmarks

Interactions with the type chart

Offensive Ground Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Poison
½× Wood


Pure Ground-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#1972 Coyot Coyot
Ground Ground
#529 Drilbur Drilbur
Ground Ground
#050 Diglett Diglett
Ground Ground
#028 Sandslash Sandslash
Ground Ground
#1141 Mudbray Mudbray
Ground Ground
#450 Hippowdon Hippowdon
Ground Ground
#1592 Ahole Ahole
Ground Ground
#051 Dugtrio Dugtrio
Ground Ground
#231 Phanpy Phanpy
Ground Ground
#027 Sandshrew Sandshrew
Ground Ground
#1108 Terreon Terreon
Ground Ground
#383 Groudon Groudon
Ground Ground
#1322 Diog Diog
Ground Ground
#1142 Mudsdale Mudsdale
Ground Ground
#449 Hippopotas Hippopotas
Ground Ground
#2914 Earth Unown Earth Unown
Ground Ground
#3652 Humanoid Sandslash Humanoid Sandslash
Ground Ground
#3999 Drillduo Drillduo
Ground Ground
#3651 Humanoid Sandshrew Humanoid Sandshrew
Ground Ground
#2239 Geo Charmander Geo Charmander
Ground Ground
#3439 Beta Phanpy Beta Phanpy
Ground Ground
#2559 Silicobra Silicobra
Ground Ground
#2560 Sandaconda Sandaconda
Ground Ground
#3674 Humanoid Diglett Humanoid Diglett
Ground Ground
#3363 Boarstag Boarstag
Ground Ground
#3411 Kaiju Eleko Kaiju Eleko
Ground Ground
#2240 Geo Charmeleon Geo Charmeleon
Ground Ground
#2422 Cthoniurm Cthoniurm
Ground Ground
#3675 Humanoid Dugtrio Humanoid Dugtrio
Ground Ground
#3073 HIM (Ground) HIM (Ground)
Ground Ground
#2338 Mega Donphan Mega Donphan
Ground Ground
#3246 Advent Chen Advent Chen
Ground Ground
#2013 Eleko Eleko
Ground Ground
#2423 Shuddermell Shuddermell
Ground Ground
#4277 Molstub Molstub
Ground Ground
#4851 Onua Onua
Ground Ground
#4836 Applejack Applejack
Ground Ground
#4049 Drilleon Drilleon
Ground Ground
#4182 Beta Hippopotas Beta Hippopotas
Ground Ground
#4183 Beta Hippowdon Beta Hippowdon
Ground Ground
#4013 Krabbune Krabbune
Ground Ground
#4047 Clayto Clayto
Ground Ground
#4758 Dillon Dillon
Ground Ground

Primary Ground-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#1878 Diablex Diablex
Ground Dark
#1594 Cracholiath Cracholiath
Ground Dark
#232 Donphan Donphan
Ground Bone
#1973 Coyotears Coyotears
Ground Zombie
#1228 Alolan Dugtrio Alolan Dugtrio
Ground Steel
#623 Golurk Golurk
Ground Ghost
#464 Rhyperior Rhyperior
Ground Rock
#1826 Suwakrog Suwakrog
Ground Water
#330 Flygon Flygon
Ground Dragon
#1625 Tenshearth Tenshearth
Ground Divine
#328 Trapinch Trapinch
Ground Bug
#1227 Alolan Diglett Alolan Diglett
Ground Steel
#1644 FuidiC1 FuidiC1
Ground Qmarks
#1637 Gyarth Gyarth
Ground Rock
#329 Vibrava Vibrava
Ground Dragon
#1593 Crachole Crachole
Ground Dark
#207 Gligar Gligar
Ground Flying
#951 Mexigust Mexigust
Ground Wind
#530 Excadrill Excadrill
Ground Steel
#700 Sphinxiant Sphinxiant
Ground Divine
#1323 Demonig Demonig
Ground Chaos
#552 Krokorok Krokorok
Ground Dark
#343 Baltoy Baltoy
Ground Psychic
#618 Stunfisk Stunfisk
Ground Electric
#553 Krookodile Krookodile
Ground Dark
#1339 Chevak Chevak
Ground Fighting
#551 Sandile Sandile
Ground Dark
#952 Muchoshot Muchoshot
Ground Wind
#645 Landorus Landorus
Ground Flying
#622 Golett Golett
Ground Ghost
#472 Gliscor Gliscor
Ground Flying
#344 Claydol Claydol
Ground Psychic
#3245 Advent Ran Advent Ran
Ground Psychic
#2504 Subroclock Subroclock
Ground Time
#4000 Drilldrio Drilldrio
Ground Steel
#2241 Geo Charizard Geo Charizard
Ground Flying
#3941 Raicoal Raicoal
Ground Magma
#3265 Juvite Golett Juvite Golett
Ground Magic
#3875 Glitchtet Glitchtet
Ground Qmarks
#3874 Glitchtrio Glitchtrio
Ground Qmarks
#3873 Glitchlett Glitchlett
Ground Qmarks
#3483 Mayumior Mayumior
Ground Fighting
#3840 Brimshrew Brimshrew
Ground Fire
#2643 Mantastorm Mantastorm
Ground Electric
#2879 Digger Digger
Ground Tech
#2644 Stuntrap Stuntrap
Ground Steel
#2641 Stunfish Stunfish
Ground Electric
#2878 Molbot Molbot
Ground Tech
#3940 Pikacoal Pikacoal
Ground Magma
#3408 Kaiju Gligar Kaiju Gligar
Ground Flying
#2527 Galarian Stunfisk Galarian Stunfisk
Ground Steel
#3399 Beta Gligar Beta Gligar
Ground Flying
#3266 Juvite Golurk Juvite Golurk
Ground Magic
#3090 Genjiturtle Genjiturtle
Ground Flying
#2395 Tsoadggua Tsoadggua
Ground Greasy
#2642 Shockeel Shockeel
Ground Electric
#2656 Colossoil Colossoil
Ground Dark
#4223 Bigliff Bigliff
Ground Rock
#4224 Gigantain Gigantain
Ground Ice
#4278 Molstache Molstache
Ground Fighting
#4222 Hillarge Hillarge
Ground Grass
#4392 Dugtriosandwich Dugtriosandwich
Ground Food
#4648 Isaac Isaac
Ground Magic
#4598 Knuckles Knuckles
Ground Fighting
#4535 Banjo Kazooie Banjo Kazooie
Ground Flying
#4279 Molbeardo Molbeardo
Ground Fighting
#4531 King K Rool King K Rool
Ground Steel

Secondary Ground-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#220 Swinub Swinub
Ice Ground
#075 Graveler Graveler
Rock Ground
#1303 Aulpriland Aulpriland
Fairy Ground
#1264 Mageyser Mageyser
Magma Ground
#1159 Sandygast Sandygast
Ghost Ground
#1934 Mega Steelix Mega Steelix
Steel Ground
#247 Pupitar Pupitar
Rock Ground
#221 Piloswine Piloswine
Ice Ground
#076 Golem Golem
Rock Ground
#1831 Toyohimoon Toyohimoon
Water Ground
#246 Larvitar Larvitar
Rock Ground
#095 Onix Onix
Rock Ground
#537 Seismitoad Seismitoad
Water Ground
#1460 Jhemoran Jhemoran
Dragon Ground
#322 Numel Numel
Fire Ground
#995 Camerano Camerano
Fire Ground
#443 Gible Gible
Dragon Ground
#1616 Suikaoni Suikaoni
Fighting Ground
#862 Diggersby Diggersby
Normal Ground
#1324 Wigglearth Wigglearth
Bug Ground
#194 Wooper Wooper
Water Ground
#1326 Zygarde (Perfect) Zygarde (Perfect)
Dragon Ground
#499 Pignite Pignite
Fire Ground
#034 Nidoking Nidoking
Poison Ground
#323 Camerupt Camerupt
Fire Ground
#906 Zygarde Zygarde
Dragon Ground
#1328 Zygarde (Cell) Zygarde (Cell)
Dragon Ground
#1327 Zygarde (Dog) Zygarde (Dog)
Dragon Ground
#1325 Dooworm Dooworm
Bug Ground
#445 Garchomp Garchomp
Dragon Ground
#195 Quagsire Quagsire
Water Ground
#1329 Zygarde (Core) Zygarde (Core)
Dragon Ground
#031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen
Poison Ground
#536 Palpitoad Palpitoad
Water Ground
#389 Torterra Torterra
Grass Ground
#290 Nincada Nincada
Bug Ground
#958 Dunesdrill Dunesdrill
Normal Ground
#1928 Minoravest Minoravest
Grass Ground
#339 Barboach Barboach
Water Ground
#074 Geodude Geodude
Rock Ground
#729 Patima Patima
Wood Ground
#260 Swampert Swampert
Water Ground
#730 Saplom Saplom
Wood Ground
#500 Emboar Emboar
Fire Ground
#208 Steelix Steelix
Steel Ground
#473 Mamoswine Mamoswine
Ice Ground
#444 Gabite Gabite
Dragon Ground
#423 Gastrodon Gastrodon
Water Ground
#340 Whiscash Whiscash
Water Ground
#259 Marshtomp Marshtomp
Water Ground
#1160 Palossand Palossand
Ghost Ground
#1263 Magamen Magamen
Magma Ground
#3699 Humanoid Graveler Humanoid Graveler
Rock Ground
#3946 Boxiqueen Boxiqueen
Poison Ground
#2647 Crystal Golem Crystal Golem
Crystal Ground
#2798 Grave Dugtrio Grave Dugtrio
Ghost Ground
#3658 Humanoid Nidoking Humanoid Nidoking
Poison Ground
#2627 Torcano Torcano
Fire Ground
#2561 Galarian Yamask Galarian Yamask
Ghost Ground
#3881 Hombeast Hombeast
Rock Ground
#3396 Beta Tyranitar Beta Tyranitar
Rock Ground
#3078 Tenmonarch Tenmonarch
Flying Ground
#3484 Keikidol Keikidol
Divine Ground
#3719 Humanoid Onix Humanoid Onix
Rock Ground
#3184 Larvipede Larvipede
Bug Ground
#3700 Humanoid Golem Humanoid Golem
Rock Ground
#3698 Humanoid Geodude Humanoid Geodude
Rock Ground
#2599 TIK Mask Cofagrigus TIK Mask Cofagrigus
Ghost Ground
#3185 Sandrawler Sandrawler
Bug Ground
#2797 Grave Diglett Grave Diglett
Ghost Ground
#3541 Curry (Potato) Curry (Potato)
Food Ground
#3138 Dwelder Dwelder
Steel Ground
#2980 Ogremon Ogremon
Dark Ground
#3849 Earthmadio Earthmadio
Ghost Ground
#2061 Ozyridias Ozyridias
Divine Ground
#2645 Crystal Geodude Crystal Geodude
Crystal Ground
#2975 Hapbray Hapbray
Normal Ground
#3460 Smoguana Smoguana
Fire Ground
#2646 Crystal Graveler Crystal Graveler
Crystal Ground
#3451 Equilibra Equilibra
Steel Ground
#3395 Beta Larvitar Beta Larvitar
Rock Ground
#3461 Smokomodo Smokomodo
Fire Ground
#3364 Elephian Elephian
Steel Ground
#3342 Dunspit Dunspit
Normal Ground
#3338 Beta Wooper Beta Wooper
Water Ground
#3655 Humanoid Nidoqueen Humanoid Nidoqueen
Poison Ground
#3015 Aculggua Aculggua
Fear Ground
#2354 Mega Whiscash Mega Whiscash
Water Ground
#2745 Ruin Maniac Ruin Maniac
Normal Ground
#3221 Faketerra Faketerra
Grass Ground
#2045 Enkiduvine Enkiduvine
Divine Ground
#2562 Runerigus Runerigus
Ghost Ground
#3091 Greatcatfish Greatcatfish
Wind Ground
#2664 Fidgit Fidgit
Poison Ground
#2670 Turlucky Turlucky
Food Ground
#3880 Hombone Hombone
Rock Ground
#3542 Curry (Big Potato) Curry (Big Potato)
Food Ground
#3111 Suikamini Suikamini
Fire Ground
#2030 Avicecaster Avicecaster
Magic Ground
#4347 Tabbumble Tabbumble
Bug Ground
#4134 Mokelembe Mokelembe
Fear Ground
#4053 Sandanice Sandanice
Ice Ground
#4180 Beta Gabite Beta Gabite
Dragon Ground
#4075 Kaiju Sandrawler Kaiju Sandrawler
Bug Ground
#4179 Beta Gible Beta Gible
Dragon Ground
#4711 Garcynthia Garcynthia
Dragon Ground
#4181 Beta Garchomp Beta Garchomp
Dragon Ground
#4054 Sandasnow Sandasnow
Ice Ground
#4282 Oniogre Oniogre
Grass Ground
#4168 Beta Torterra Beta Torterra
Grass Ground
#4424 Beta Gastrodon Beta Gastrodon
Water Ground


Move Category Power Accuracy PP Target Description
Sand Dive Physical 120 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Diving on the first turn, the user rises and hits on the next turn. It can be used to dive in the ocean.
Sand Tomb Physical 45 90% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user traps the target inside a harshly raging sandstorm for four to five turns.
Tunnel Away Physical 70 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting.
Ram Physical 130 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user tucks in its head to raise its Attack in the first turn, then rams the foe on the next turn.
Mud Shot Special 60 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user attacks by hurling a blob of mud at the target. It also reduces the target's Speed.
Earth Bind Special 55 90% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Traps the target for four to five turns.
Hisou Sword Physical 150 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Unless the target faints, the user must rest on the next turn.
Magic Sand Special 120 75% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
A magical sand that invokes fatigue is scattered across the target. It may also induce sleep.
Summon Golems Special 25 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Summon golems to attack 2-5 times in a row. Deals physical damage.
Thousand Waves Physical 90 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user attacks with a wave that crawls along the ground. Those hit can't flee from battle.
Land's Wrath Special 100 100% 10 (max 16)
Affects all foes
The user gathers the energy of the land and focuses that power on opposing Pokémon to damage them.
Behemoth Physical 130 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Burning lash. High chance to lwr target's Attack stat.
Rototiller Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
No specific target
Tilling the soil, the user makes it easier for plants to grow. This raises the Attack and Sp. Atk stats of Grass-type Pokémon.
Stomping Tantrum Physical 75 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
If the user's previous move has failed, the power of this move doubles.
Summon Sphinx Special 30 85% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Summon minions to attack 2-5 times in a row. Deals physical damage.
Cursed Ground Physical 80 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Causes confusion.
Dig Physical 100 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user burrows, then attacks on the second turn. It can also be used to exit dungeons.
Sand Cloak Physical 95 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
May protect the user. Also deals Bug-type damage.
Earth Elementals Special 25 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Summon elementals to attack 2-5 times in a row. Deals physical damage.
Mud Sport Status 0 0% 15 (max 24)
Affects the user and the ally
Raises SpDef. It weakens Electric-type moves while the user is in the battle. If Marshy, Defense raised too.
Gaia Pulse Special 100 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also raise the user's Sp. Atk stat.
Shore Up Status 0 0% 5 (max 8)
Affects the user
User restores 1/2 HP. More in a sandstorm.
Thousand Arrows Physical 90 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
This move also hits opposing Pokémon that are in the air. Those Pokémon are knocked down to the ground.
Terraform Physical 80 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Eliminate such moves as Bind, Wrap, Leech Seed, and Spikes.
Seismic Kick Physical 90 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Very high chance to lower the target's Defense and the user's Evasion.
Age of Babylon Special 1 90% 6 (max 9)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is hit 2-??? times.
Mud Bomb Special 65 90% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user launches a hard-packed mud ball to attack. It may also lower the target's accuracy.
Steady Hand Physical 70 0% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user attacks last. In return, this move is guaranteed not to miss.
Mudbath Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
Affects the user
Heals HP, heals more HP in Marshy Terrain and raises SpDef.
Desert Storm Special 110 70% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Always hits during a Sandstorm. May lower the target's Accuracy.
Keter Malkuth Special 120 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Starts Grassy Terrain.
Pitfall Status 0 0% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
Lays an entry hazard that traps pokemon that switch in.
Sand Dune Physical 60 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
An attack move that inflicts double the damage if the user has been hurt by the foe in the same turn.
Drill Run Physical 80 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user crashes into its target while rotating its body like a drill. Critical hits land more easily.
Shifting Sands Special 60 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user knocks away the target and drags out another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
Tremble Physical 1 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
It becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
Sand Blast Physical 75 90% 15 (max 24)
Affects all but the user
Does double damage during a Sandstorm.
Mud Cover Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The target becomes Ground type.
Spit Sand Physical 1 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
More Stockpile, more damage. Decreases Stockpile by 1.
Bulldoze Physical 60 100% 20 (max 32)
Affects all but the user
The user strikes everything around it by stomping on the ground. It reduces hit Pokémon's Speed.
Earthen Feast Physical 95 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
Marshy Terrain Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
No specific target
Lower's speed of pokemon that aren't Water, Grass or Ground type for 5 turns.
Sand Jet Physical 40 100% 30 (max 48)
May affect anyone but the user
The user quickly charges at the foe with sand. This move always goes first.
Sand Slash Physical 95 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
A slash of sand, a Sandslash if you will. Critical hits land more easily.
Sand Cannon Physical 110 55% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Sand is shot out at a rapid pace at the targets pace, reducing its accuracy.
Mudslide Special 80 90% 10 (max 16)
Affects all foes
Hits both foes in a double battle. May lower accuracy.
Earth Power Special 90 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user makes the ground under the foe erupt with power. It may also lower the target's Sp. Def.
Fissure Physical 1 30% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The target instantly faints if it hits.
Racing Earth Physical 70 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The user cloaks itself with flame and attacks. Building up more power, it raises the user's Speed stat.
Tectonic Slam Physical 120 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
A reckless, life-risking tackle. It also damages the user by a fairly large amount, however.
Scorching Sand Special 80 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Shoots scorching sand at the target. It may also leave the target with a burn.
Bury Physical 80 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Traps for 3 to 5 turns. Double damage to Ghost and Zombie types.
Terra Hammer Physical 120 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user slams its rugged body into the target to attack. The user also sustains serious damage.
Earth Bomb Physical 120 85% 5 (max 8)
Affects all but the user
Attacks everything around it, but also receives terrible damage.
Spikes Status 0 0% 20 (max 32)
Affects all foes
The user lays a trap of spikes at the foe's feet. The trap hurts foes that switch into battle.
Mud-Slap Special 20 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user hurls mud in the target's face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.
Sand-Attack Status 0 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Sand is hurled in the target's face, reducing its accuracy.
Clay Pulse Special 80 100% 15 (max 24)
Affects all foes
May reduce the targets' Speed stat.
Gravity Shift Special 70 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
After making its attack, the user shifts gravity to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting.
Quicksand Special 80 100% 10 (max 16)
Affects all but the user
The user traps the target in a thick layer of quicksand. It may also cause paralysis.
Unstable Horizon Special 90 90% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
May lower targets accuracy.
Precipice Blades Physical 120 90% 10 (max 16)
Affects all foes
The user attacks opposing Pokémon by manifesting the power of the land in fearsome blades of stone.
Earthquake Physical 100 100% 10 (max 16)
Affects all but the user
The user sets off an earthquake that strikes every Pokémon around it.
Burrower Beneath Physical 140 100% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The user burrows, then attacks on the second turn. It can also be used to exit dungeons.
Earth Chomp Physical 90 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
60% chance to lower the target's Defense stat.
Magnitude Physical 1 100% 30 (max 48)
Affects all but the user
The user looses a ground-shaking quake affecting everyone around the user. Its power varies.
High Horsepower Physical 95 100% 25 (max 40)
May affect anyone but the user
User attacks with its whole body.