Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Boosts Attack if there is a status problem.


The bearer's Attack is boosted by 50% while it has a non-volatile status problem. The bearer's Attack isn't lowered by a burn.

Pokémon that have Guts

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
826 Grasses Grasses Grass Glass Keen Eye Guts Chlorophyll
214 Heracross Heracross Bug Fighting Swarm Guts Moxie
1542 Topmonhit Topmonhit Fighting Undiscovered Guts Steadfast Insomnia
021 Spearow Spearow Normal Flying Sniper Big Pecks Guts
022 Fearow Fearow Normal Flying Sniper Mold Breaker Guts
217 Ursaring Ursaring Normal Undiscovered Guts Quick Feet Honey Gather
1072 Berserguts Berserguts Fighting Dark Guts Reckless Mold Breaker
297 Hariyama Hariyama Fighting Undiscovered Thick Fat Guts Sheer Force
960 Vespiguard Vespiguard Bug Fighting Guts Friend Guard Defiant
236 Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting Undiscovered Guts Steadfast Insomnia
1070 Guttsu Guttsu Fighting Undiscovered Guts Reckless Mold Breaker
068 Machamp Machamp Fighting Undiscovered Guts No Guard Steadfast
136 Flareon Flareon Fire Undiscovered Flash Fire Guts Fur Coat
403 Shinx Shinx Electric Undiscovered Rivalry Intimidate Guts
1839 Tusk Act 3 Tusk Act 3 Fighting Undiscovered Compoundeyes Guts Clear Body
1737 Hongling Hongling Fighting Undiscovered Guts Regenerator Super Luck
246 Larvitar Larvitar Rock Ground Guts Undiscovered Sand Veil
532 Timburr Timburr Fighting Undiscovered Guts Sheer Force Iron Fist
668 Rubbero Rubbero Normal Rubber Guts Gluttony Adaptability
534 Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Fighting Undiscovered Guts Sheer Force Iron Fist
1071 Gatsu Gatsu Fighting Dark Guts Reckless Mold Breaker
276 Taillow Taillow Normal Flying Guts Scrappy Speed Boost
019 Rattata Rattata Normal Undiscovered Poison Heal Guts Strong Jaw
066 Machop Machop Fighting Undiscovered Guts No Guard Steadfast
974 Hulklear Hulklear Nuclear Fighting Reckless Anger Point Guts
770 Zombeast Zombeast Zombie Fighting Guts Moxie Stamina
827 Grasstacles Grasstacles Grass Glass Keen Eye Guts Berserk
067 Machoke Machoke Fighting Undiscovered Guts No Guard Steadfast
1541 Gohng Gohng Fighting Undiscovered Guts Steadfast Insomnia
206 Dunsparce Dunsparce Normal Undiscovered Serene Grace Rattled Guts
296 Makuhita Makuhita Fighting Undiscovered Thick Fat Guts Sheer Force
538 Throh Throh Fighting Undiscovered Guts Inner Focus Mold Breaker
1288 Champeon Champeon Fighting Undiscovered Martialate Hustle Guts
1993 Mordrayal Mordrayal Blood Undiscovered Battle Armor Guts Sheer Force
1158 Golisopod Golisopod Bug Water Guts Battle Armor Intimidate
1464 Youmurai Youmurai Ghost Steel Guts Quick Feet Rattled
533 Gurdurr Gurdurr Fighting Undiscovered Guts Sheer Force Iron Fist
020 Raticate Raticate Normal Undiscovered Hustle Guts Strong Jaw
405 Luxray Luxray Electric Undiscovered Frisk Intimidate Guts
277 Swellow Swellow Normal Flying Guts Scrappy Speed Boost
404 Luxio Luxio Electric Undiscovered Rivalry Intimidate Guts
3867 Kamina Kamina Fighting Undiscovered Intimidate Guts Hustle
2017 Beeta Beeta Water Fighting Swift Swim Water Veil Guts
2016 Cheepa Cheepa Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Water Veil Guts
2012 Gyaoon Gyaoon Normal Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Sheer Force
3983 Zenchamp Zenchamp Psychic Fighting Guts Undiscovered Steadfast
2002 ASHGAAAAAA ASHGAAAAAA Fairy Ghost Guts Undiscovered Aftermath
3982 Zenchoke Zenchoke Psychic Fighting Guts Undiscovered Steadfast
3981 Zenchop Zenchop Psychic Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Steadfast
2877 HIM (Fighting) HIM (Fighting) Fighting Undiscovered Berserker Undiscovered Guts
3937 Fearolt Fearolt Electric Flying Sniper Mold Breaker Guts
3936 Spearolt Spearolt Electric Flying Lightningrod Keen Eye Guts
3690 Humanoid Machop Humanoid Machop Fighting Undiscovered Guts No Guard Steadfast
2056 Lu Buserker Lu Buserker Fighting Dark Guts Intimidate Berserker
3643 Humanoid Rattata Humanoid Rattata Normal Undiscovered Poison Heal Guts Strong Jaw
3646 Humanoid Fearow Humanoid Fearow Normal Flying Sniper Big Pecks Guts
3900 Lichizard Lichizard Fire Bone Guts Blaze Tough Claws
3899 Dragon Dragon Dragon Undiscovered Intimidate Guts Tough Claws
3898 Charmeworm Charmeworm Fire Zombie Guts Blaze Tough Claws
3467 Curry (Burger) Curry (Burger) Food Greasy Guts Undiscovered Stamina
3882 Kenchira Kenchira Normal Flying Speed Boost Guts Huge Power
3483 Mayumior Mayumior Ground Fighting Battle Armor Guts Friend Guard
2044 Tamamocat Tamamocat Food Undiscovered Quick Feet Undiscovered Guts
3839 Deaderant Deaderant Zombie Undiscovered Hustle Guts Strong Jaw
2568 Grapploct Grapploct Fighting Undiscovered Guts Limber Suction Cups
2940 Froglide Froglide Flying Undiscovered Guts Thick Fat Water Absorb
3361 Puppee Puppee Normal Undiscovered Scrappy Undiscovered Guts
3760 Humanoid Flareon Humanoid Flareon Fire Undiscovered Flash Fire Guts Fur Coat
2063 Beoserker Beoserker Fighting Undiscovered Guts Unburden Berserker
3692 Humanoid Machamp Humanoid Machamp Fighting Undiscovered Guts No Guard Steadfast
3040 Shrawk Shrawk Fighting Undiscovered Sturdy Guts Mold Breaker
3417 Kaiju Machoke Kaiju Machoke Fighting Undiscovered Guts No Guard Steadfast
3299 Timbito Timbito Food Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Trace
2820 Boba Boba Tech Fighting Iron Fist Guts Steadfast
3645 Humanoid Spearow Humanoid Spearow Normal Flying Sniper Big Pecks Guts
3644 Humanoid Raticate Humanoid Raticate Normal Undiscovered Hustle Guts Strong Jaw
3883 Kenchukuo Kenchukuo Fighting Flying Speed Boost Guts Sheer Force
2006 Jalter Jalter Dragon Fire Anger Point Guts Berserk
3502 Atlasbell Atlasbell Grass Fighting Chlorophyll Guts Gluttony
3501 Bellscrop Bellscrop Grass Undiscovered Chlorophyll Guts Gluttony
2784 Ponchomon Ponchomon Grass Fighting Guts Sand Rush Iron Fist
2021 Kungfrog Kungfrog Water Fighting Water Absorb Guts Swift Swim
3890 Luca Zamon Luca Zamon Dragon Ice Guts Undiscovered None
3851 Crazymadio Crazymadio Ghost Fighting Shadow Tag Guts Iron Fist
3410 Kaiju Ursaring Kaiju Ursaring Normal Cosmic Guts Quick Feet Swift Swim
3409 Kaiju Dunsparce Kaiju Dunsparce Normal Undiscovered Serene Grace Rattled Guts
3838 Zombicater Zombicater Zombie Undiscovered Poison Heal Guts Strong Jaw
3395 Beta Larvitar Beta Larvitar Rock Ground Guts Undiscovered Sand Veil
3790 Irivatar Irivatar Steel Undiscovered Guts Bulletproof Sand Veil
3342 Dunspit Dunspit Normal Ground Marvel Scale Rattled Guts
3341 Dunspa Dunspa Normal Undiscovered Marvel Scale Rattled Guts
3054 Burniel Burniel Fire Light Guts Defiant Blaze
3276 Kaiju Fearow Kaiju Fearow Normal Flying Sniper Mold Breaker Guts
2020 Sumorog Sumorog Water Fighting Water Absorb Guts Swift Swim
3295 Corida Corida Fighting Virus Acid Rush Guts Technician
3273 Kaiju Machop Kaiju Machop Fighting Undiscovered Guts No Guard Steadfast
2127 Wack Raticate Wack Raticate Normal Poison Hustle Guts Technician
3300 Doughnutter Doughnutter Food Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Trace
2011 Gyao Gyao Normal Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Sheer Force
3296 Kungfloo Kungfloo Fighting Virus Acid Rush Guts Poison Touch
3180 Growlmon Growlmon Dragon Fire Guts Defiant Sheer Force
3179 Guilmon Guilmon Dragon Fire Guts Defiant Tough Claws
2719 Colosshale Colosshale Water Dark Guts Storm Drain Flare Boost
3691 Humanoid Machoke Humanoid Machoke Fighting Undiscovered Guts No Guard Steadfast
3145 Domineko Domineko Heart Rubber Guts Sadist Stamina
3468 Curry (Big Burger) Curry (Big Burger) Food Greasy Guts Undiscovered Stamina
3005 Dark Fighting Golduck Dark Fighting Golduck Dark Fighting Guts Frisk Technician
3004 Dark Fighting Psyduck Dark Fighting Psyduck Dark Fighting Guts Frisk Technician
2941 Amphibifloat Amphibifloat Flying Water Guts Thick Fat Water Absorb
3335 Larv Larv Rock Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Cute Charm
2917 Gender Unown Gender Unown Heart Undiscovered Guts Oblivious Mold Breaker
2028 Bersertacus Bersertacus Fighting Chaos Regenerator Guts Berserker
2297 Rhantegice Rhantegice Bug Ice Regenerator Guts Siphon
2780 Togemon Togemon Grass Fighting Guts Natural Cure Iron Fist
3897 Rotmander Rotmander Fire Zombie Guts Blaze Tough Claws
2613 Galarian Farfetch'd Galarian Farfetch'd Fighting Undiscovered Steadfast Guts Scrappy
3055 Zophlare Zophlare Fire Light Guts Defiant Blaze
2567 Clobbopus Clobbopus Fighting Undiscovered Guts Limber Infiltrator
2216 Obstagoon Obstagoon Dark Normal Reckless Guts Tough Claws
2656 Colossoil Colossoil Ground Dark Guts Unnerve Magic Bounce
2366 Sirfetch'd Sirfetch'd Fighting Undiscovered Steadfast Undiscovered Guts
4576 Senseion Senseion Fighting Undiscovered Inner Focus Serene Grace Guts
4173 Bachibacchi Bachibacchi Electric Undiscovered Rivalry Guts Intimidate
4720 Rainbow Mika Rainbow Mika Fighting Undiscovered Limber Undiscovered Guts
4536 Min Min Min Min Food Fighting Guts Undiscovered Blaze
4009 Goomgar Goomgar Normal Flying Guts Undiscovered Hustle
4777 Zangief Zangief Fighting Undiscovered Inner Focus Undiscovered Guts
4815 Dariuserker Dariuserker Chaos Bone Regenerator Guts Berserker
4812 Mordrider Mordrider Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Guts Sunbathe
4149 Akasaka Akasaka Fighting Undiscovered Iron Fist Undiscovered Guts
4775 Guile Guile Fighting Undiscovered Inner Focus Undiscovered Guts
4137 Scpee3166 Scpee3166 Food Fabric Defeatist Undiscovered Guts
4776 E Honda E Honda Fighting Undiscovered Thick Fat Guts Inner Focus
4051 Caireon Caireon Rock Undiscovered Filter Guts Cute Charm
4738 Goombella Goombella Normal Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Hustle
4722 Natsuhi Natsuhi Normal Undiscovered Headache Tangled Feet Guts
4662 Sheeva Sheeva Fighting Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Moxie
4678 Liu Kang Liu Kang Fighting Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Steadfast
4672 Johnny Cage Johnny Cage Fighting Undiscovered Own Tempo Undiscovered Guts
4645 Tomba Tomba Rock Normal Sturdy Guts Soundproof
4171 Beta Shinx Beta Shinx Electric Undiscovered Rivalry Guts Intimidate
4598 Knuckles Knuckles Ground Fighting Guts Undiscovered Moxie
4172 Bachichi Bachichi Electric Undiscovered Rivalry Guts Intimidate
4453 Thunder Armor Swellow Thunder Armor Swellow Normal Flying Volt Absorb Motor Drive Guts
4111 Electric Obstagoon Electric Obstagoon Electric Poison Reckless Guts Tough Claws
4008 Paragoomer Paragoomer Normal Flying Guts Undiscovered Hustle
4007 Goomly Goomly Normal Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Hustle
4145 Keiichi Keiichi Normal Undiscovered Guts Undiscovered Anger Point