Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


May heal an ally's status conditions.


At the end of each round, 30% chance to cure the bearer's ally's status. This happens before taking burn/poison damage (which then isn't taken).

Pokémon that have Healer

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
531 Audino Audino Normal Fairy Healer Regenerator Klutz
1091 Lightsy Lightsy Light Psychic Levitate Undiscovered Healer
1657 Clegnyana Clegnyana Divine Undiscovered Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer
796 Aromatisse Aromatisse Fairy Poison Healer Aroma Veil Natural Cure
1551 Beta Bellossom Beta Bellossom Grass Poison Chlorophyll Undiscovered Healer
594 Alomomola Alomomola Water Undiscovered Hydration Healer Regenerator
1154 Comfey Comfey Fairy Undiscovered Natural Cure Prankster Healer
488 Cresselia Cresselia Psychic Cosmic Levitate Undiscovered Healer
1092 Syli Syli Light Psychic Levitate Undiscovered Healer
1561 Happi Happi Normal Heart Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer
113 Chansey Chansey Normal Undiscovered Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer
795 Spritzee Spritzee Fairy Undiscovered Healer Aroma Veil Natural Cure
182 Bellossom Bellossom Grass Undiscovered Chlorophyll Own Tempo Healer
946 Audinette Audinette Normal Fairy Healer Undiscovered Klutz
1340 Bishess Bishess Magic Light Natural Cure Healer Anticipation
2553 Hattrem Hattrem Psychic Undiscovered Anticipation Healer Anger Point
2826 Meddy Meddy Tech Heart Natural Cure Healer Friend Guard
3088 Nursingale Nursingale Normal Chaos Healer Undiscovered Natural Cure
2552 Hatenna Hatenna Psychic Undiscovered Anticipation Healer Magic Bounce
3737 Humanoid Chansey Humanoid Chansey Normal Undiscovered Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer
2683 Aloby Aloby Water Undiscovered Hydration Healer Regenerator
2487 Autisma Autisma Virus Heart Poison Heal Healer Irradiated
2825 Medbot Medbot Tech Undiscovered Natural Cure Healer Friend Guard
2554 Hatterene Hatterene Psychic Fairy Anticipation Healer Anger Point
3480 Urumicow Urumicow Normal Undiscovered Thick Fat Undiscovered Healer
2131 Chanseychanse Chanseychanse Qmarks Undiscovered Shed Skin Undiscovered Healer
2827 MeddyZ MeddyZ Tech Heart Natural Cure Healer Friend Guard
2803 Nursebola Nursebola Virus Heart Infected Healer Safe Shield
2281 The Guy The Guy Qmarks Undiscovered Serene Grace Intimidate Healer
2684 Seraphmola Seraphmola Water Undiscovered Hydration Healer Regenerator
2828 Docbot Docbot Tech Steel Natural Cure Healer Friend Guard
2629 Baidy Baidy Normal Undiscovered Healer Regenerator Klutz
2649 Wackian Chansey Wackian Chansey Normal Steel Natural Cure Serene Grace Healer
2665 DrBowser DrBowser Fire Virus Healer Immunity Natural Cure
2630 Melodyno Melodyno Normal Fairy Healer Regenerator Safe Shield
2402 Ebolass Ebolass Virus Heart Poison Heal Healer Irradiated
2401 Ebolette Ebolette Virus Heart Poison Heal Healer Irradiated
4091 Blissea Blissea Water Undiscovered Rain Dish Undiscovered Healer
4327 Capseal Capseal Water Undiscovered Natural Cure Healer None
4015 Frientorb Frientorb Fairy Undiscovered Soundproof Friend Guard Healer
4820 Irisviel Irisviel Divine Undiscovered Healer Undiscovered Magic Guard
4788 Heal Slimee Heal Slimee Normal Undiscovered Heatproof Healer Anticipation
4150 Irie Irie Normal Undiscovered Healer Undiscovered Natural Cure
4790 Cure Slimee Cure Slimee Normal Undiscovered Heatproof Healer Prankster
4803 Beni enma Beni enma Food Undiscovered Oblivious Own Tempo Healer
4329 Manursee Manursee Water Undiscovered Natural Cure Healer None
4685 Aerith Aerith Normal Fairy Natural Cure Healer Friend Guard
4492 Dr Mario Dr Mario Normal Undiscovered Healer Undiscovered Natural Cure
4686 Red XIII Red XIII Fire Normal Natural Cure Healer Friend Guard
4016 Luxutrode Luxutrode Fairy Steel Soundproof Friend Guard Healer
4328 Nurseal Nurseal Water Undiscovered Natural Cure Healer None
4521 Isabelle Isabelle Normal Undiscovered Friend Guard Pickup Healer
4478 Ness Ness Psychic Undiscovered Super Luck Healer Regenerator
4028 Basiney Basiney Water Undiscovered Rain Dish Undiscovered Healer