Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Heals status problems if it is raining.


At the end of each round, cures the bearer's status in rainy weather.

Pokémon that have Hydration

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
802 Canyou Canyou Wood Water Swift Swim Battle Armor Hydration
617 Accelgor Accelgor Bug Dark Hydration Unburden Unburden
490 Manaphy Manaphy Water Light Hydration Undiscovered Isolation
1161 Pyukumuku Pyukumuku Water Undiscovered Aftermath Unaware Hydration
370 Luvdisc Luvdisc Water Heart Swift Swim Cute Charm Hydration
801 Oregi Oregi Wood Undiscovered Swift Swim Battle Armor Hydration
489 Phione Phione Water Fairy Hydration Undiscovered Clear Body
901 Sliggoo Sliggoo Dragon Poison Sap Sipper Gooey Hydration
1986 IndianElephant IndianElephant Normal Undiscovered Sturdy Undiscovered Hydration
594 Alomomola Alomomola Water Undiscovered Hydration Healer Regenerator
1826 Suwakrog Suwakrog Ground Water Own Tempo Hydration Moody
900 Goomy Goomy Dragon Undiscovered Sap Sipper Gooey Hydration
345 Lileep Lileep Rock Grass Suction Cups Storm Drain Hydration
1548 Lipp Lipp Ice Psychic Oblivious Forewarn Hydration
1650 Cool Shuckle Cool Shuckle Bug Rock Sunbathe Hydration Harvest
1302 Naiqua Naiqua Fairy Water Torrent Undiscovered Hydration
616 Shelmet Shelmet Bug Undiscovered Hydration Battle Armor Overcoat
368 Gorebyss Gorebyss Water Psychic Swift Swim Siphon Hydration
346 Cradily Cradily Rock Grass Suction Cups Storm Drain Hydration
134 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water Undiscovered Water Absorb Hydration Hydration
1363 Thundoud Thundoud Wind Electric Swift Swim Hydration Levitate
692 Battie Battie Wood Ghost Swift Swim Swift Swim Hydration
238 Smoochum Smoochum Ice Psychic Oblivious Forewarn Hydration
693 Capsileau Capsileau Wood Ghost Swift Swim Swift Swim Hydration
1075 Gaghocean Gaghocean Divine Water Swift Swim Hydration Water Absorb
961 Lapsy Lapsy Water Undiscovered Water Absorb Weak Armor Hydration
339 Barboach Barboach Water Ground Oblivious Anticipation Hydration
902 Goodra Goodra Dragon Poison Sap Sipper Gooey Hydration
535 Tympole Tympole Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Hydration Water Absorb
278 Wingull Wingull Water Flying Keen Eye Hydration Rain Dish
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Oblivious Filter Hydration
3993 Rapidouse Rapidouse Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Water Veil Hydration
2369 SwimNecrolilith SwimNecrolilith Water Magic Hydration Swift Swim Drizzle
3207 Otamamon Otamamon Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Damp Hydration
2815 MarineAngemon MarineAngemon Water Fairy Torrent Hydration Graze
3992 Ponytamp Ponytamp Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Water Veil Hydration
2858 Floatskull Floatskull Ghost Blood Cursed Body Hydration None
3784 Skin-Skin Skin-Skin Ice Fear Unnerve Forewarn Hydration
3380 Froggo Froggo Water Undiscovered Hydration Undiscovered Rain Dish
2364 Mega Luvdisc X Mega Luvdisc X Water Dark Berserker Undiscovered Hydration
2150 Tuber (F) Tuber (F) Water Rubber Swift Swim Undiscovered Hydration
2343 Mega Gorebyss Mega Gorebyss Water Blood Siphon Undiscovered Hydration
2683 Aloby Aloby Water Undiscovered Hydration Healer Regenerator
2165 Fisherman Fisherman Water Undiscovered Suction Cups Sticky Hold Hydration
2149 Tuber (M) Tuber (M) Water Rubber Swift Swim Undiscovered Hydration
2066 Gooseling Gooseling Normal Flying Oblivious Hydration Swift Swim
2412 Kelpight Kelpight Grass Light Water Veil Chlorophyll Hydration
3294 Kaiju Lileep Kaiju Lileep Rock Grass Suction Cups Storm Drain Hydration
3571 Pyukuluku Pyukuluku Water Undiscovered Aftermath Unaware Hydration
2152 Swimmer F Swimmer F Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Undiscovered Hydration
3123 Fionnancer Fionnancer Fighting Water Rain Dish Hydration Pride
2949 Wackian Barboach Wackian Barboach Steam Psychic Oblivious Anticipation Hydration
3406 Kaiju Pyukumuku Kaiju Pyukumuku Water Undiscovered Aftermath Unaware Hydration
3758 Humanoid Vaporeon Humanoid Vaporeon Water Undiscovered Water Absorb Hydration Hydration
2597 Zora Mask Cofagrigus Zora Mask Cofagrigus Ghost Water Hydration Swift Swim Mummy
3454 Naviathan Naviathan Water Steel Water Veil Heatproof Hydration
3412 Kaiju Goomy Kaiju Goomy Dragon Undiscovered Sap Sipper Gooey Hydration
2151 Swimmer M Swimmer M Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Undiscovered Hydration
3208 Gekomon Gekomon Water Sound Soundproof Damp Hydration
2365 Mega Luvdisc Y Mega Luvdisc Y Water Heart Pride Undiscovered Hydration
2950 Wackian Whiscash Wackian Whiscash Steam Psychic Oblivious Filter Hydration
2596 Zora Mask Yamask Zora Mask Yamask Ghost Water Hydration Swift Swim Mummy
3322 Martharider Martharider Divine Undiscovered Clear Body Shield Dust Hydration
2354 Mega Whiscash Mega Whiscash Water Ground Simple Undiscovered Hydration
3010 Acthulist Acthulist Fear Water Unnerve Hydration Swift Swim
3121 Wakamaid Wakamaid Water Undiscovered Swift Swim Rain Dish Hydration
3209 ShogunGekomon ShogunGekomon Water Sound Soundproof Damp Hydration
2684 Seraphmola Seraphmola Water Undiscovered Hydration Healer Regenerator
3038 Magiroll Magiroll Water Food Swift Swim Hydration Safe Shield
2067 Gooseloose Gooseloose Normal Flying Anger Point Hydration Swift Swim
3218 Manaphake Manaphake Water Light Hydration Undiscovered None
2859 Bloodetan Bloodetan Ghost Blood Cursed Body Hydration None
2107 Slugeongoo Slugeongoo Greasy Dragon Simple Undiscovered Hydration
2860 Bloodoom Bloodoom Ghost Blood Cursed Body Hydration None
2102 Elephyxiation Elephyxiation Poison Undiscovered Sturdy Undiscovered Hydration
4160 Glaakultist Glaakultist Fear Water Infected Hydration Poison Touch