Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki
Normal Fire
Fighting Water
Flying Grass
Poison Electric
Ground Psychic
Rock Ice
Bug Dragon
Ghost Dark
Steel Fairy
Wood Steam
Magma Wind
Paper Tech
Rubber Fear
Magic Light
Cosmic Sound
Food Zombie
Nuclear Virus
Cyber Glass
Plastic Fabric
Chaos Divine
Time Paint
Crystal Meme
Blood Greasy
Heart Ogre
Shadow Void
Wack Qmarks

Interactions with the type chart

Offensive Ice Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Ice
½× Magma


Pure Ice-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#614 Beartic Beartic
Ice Ice
#1620 Alolan Darumaka Alolan Darumaka
Ice Ice
#1865 Lettyice Lettyice
Ice Ice
#471 Glaceon Glaceon
Ice Ice
#662 Smoman Smoman
Ice Ice
#1564 Wolfman Wolfman
Ice Ice
#1207 Burgite Burgite
Ice Ice
#786 Avalugg Avalugg
Ice Ice
#378 Regice Regice
Ice Ice
#361 Snorunt Snorunt
Ice Ice
#1943 Snowtrode Snowtrode
Ice Ice
#1213 Alolan Vulpix Alolan Vulpix
Ice Ice
#661 Smoball Smoball
Ice Ice
#785 Bergmite Bergmite
Ice Ice
#1942 Snowtorb Snowtorb
Ice Ice
#1565 Warwolf Warwolf
Ice Ice
#613 Cubchoo Cubchoo
Ice Ice
#615 Cryogonal Cryogonal
Ice Ice
#3994 Stalagnemite Stalagnemite
Ice Ice
#2212 Pengemperor Pengemperor
Ice Ice
#2617 Galarian Darmanitan Galarian Darmanitan
Ice Ice
#2432 Nugger Nugger
Ice Ice
#3995 Stalagneton Stalagneton
Ice Ice
#2010 Buu Buu
Ice Ice
#3331 Ballbu Ballbu
Ice Ice
#2800 HIM (Ice) HIM (Ice)
Ice Ice
#2128 Snowlax Snowlax
Ice Ice
#3437 Beta Sneasel 2 Beta Sneasel 2
Ice Ice
#2211 Pengui Pengui
Ice Ice
#3108 Maiice Maiice
Ice Ice
#2528 Eiscue Eiscue
Ice Ice
#2081 M Glalie M Glalie
Ice Ice
#2616 Galarian Darumaka Galarian Darumaka
Ice Ice
#4754 Ice Mario Ice Mario
Ice Ice
#4852 Kopaka Kopaka
Ice Ice
#4557 Poppip Poppip
Ice Ice
#4449 Snowman Plusle Snowman Plusle
Ice Ice
#4370 Glastrier Glastrier
Ice Ice
#4078 Arctosaur Arctosaur
Ice Ice
#4043 Taurice Taurice
Ice Ice
#4248 Pengwarn Pengwarn
Ice Ice
#4348 Eaglass Eaglass
Ice Ice
#4558 Skipop Skipop
Ice Ice
#4482 Ice Climbers Ice Climbers
Ice Ice
#4450 Snowman Minun Snowman Minun
Ice Ice

Primary Ice-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#220 Swinub Swinub
Ice Ground
#1237 Wendigi Wendigi
Ice Zombie
#1239 Transformed M Transformed M
Ice Zombie
#1214 Alolan Ninetales Alolan Ninetales
Ice Fairy
#1208 Icendless Icendless
Ice Chaos
#221 Piloswine Piloswine
Ice Ground
#584 Vanilluxe Vanilluxe
Ice Food
#1398 Sliwa Sliwa
Ice Flying
#979 Elding Elding
Ice Cosmic
#1106 Ningenice Ningenice
Ice Fear
#1763 Coocamodie Coocamodie
Ice Food
#1762 Smoodie Smoodie
Ice Food
#362 Glalie Glalie
Ice Bone
#478 Froslass Froslass
Ice Ghost
#1238 Wendigore Wendigore
Ice Zombie
#1621 Alolan Darmanitan Alolan Darmanitan
Ice Fighting
#1210 Alolan Sandslash Alolan Sandslash
Ice Steel
#1209 Alolan Sandshrew Alolan Sandshrew
Ice Steel
#1554 Ghift Ghift
Ice Water
#583 Vanillish Vanillish
Ice Food
#1548 Lipp Lipp
Ice Psychic
#1105 Ningice Ningice
Ice Water
#1399 Cawice Cawice
Ice Flying
#144 Articuno Articuno
Ice Flying
#582 Vanillite Vanillite
Ice Food
#238 Smoochum Smoochum
Ice Psychic
#910 Iceis Iceis
Ice Dark
#663 Snofistor Snofistor
Ice Fighting
#911 Blizzlam Blizzlam
Ice Dark
#124 Jynx Jynx
Ice Psychic
#364 Sealeo Sealeo
Ice Water
#980 Eldone Eldone
Ice Cosmic
#365 Walrein Walrein
Ice Water
#363 Spheal Spheal
Ice Water
#1240 Transformed F Transformed F
Ice Zombie
#664 Frostear Frostear
Ice Fear
#473 Mamoswine Mamoswine
Ice Ground
#225 Delibird Delibird
Ice Flying
#2834 Swallice Swallice
Ice Fairy
#2946 Vikemon Vikemon
Ice Fighting
#2140 Ithaqwind Ithaqwind
Ice Wind
#2336 Deli Delibird Deli Delibird
Ice Food
#3214 Sweateryeti Sweateryeti
Ice Fabric
#3931 Fridgeot Fridgeot
Ice Flying
#3930 Fridgeotto Fridgeotto
Ice Flying
#3929 Fridgey Fridgey
Ice Flying
#2565 Snom Snom
Ice Bug
#3784 Skin-Skin Skin-Skin
Ice Fear
#2751 Santaltah Santaltah
Ice Shadow
#3243 Advent Letty Advent Letty
Ice Steel
#3797 Frozcatty Frozcatty
Ice Fairy
#3796 Snowkitty Snowkitty
Ice Fairy
#3785 Eye-Eye Eye-Eye
Ice Fear
#2213 Albinguin Albinguin
Ice Fear
#3768 Humanoid Articuno Humanoid Articuno
Ice Flying
#3748 Humanoid Jynx Humanoid Jynx
Ice Psychic
#2655 Syclant Syclant
Ice Bug
#2566 Frosmoth Frosmoth
Ice Bug
#2654 Syclar Syclar
Ice Bug
#2330 Mega Jynx Mega Jynx
Ice Psychic
#3333 Snoware Snoware
Ice Grass
#3354 Leosolg Leosolg
Ice Fire
#3200 SnowAgumon SnowAgumon
Ice Cyber
#2763 Garurumon Garurumon
Ice Fire
#2901 Galarian Articuno Galarian Articuno
Ice Psychic
#2142 Frigo Frigo
Ice Psychic
#2832 Wackian Gulpin Wackian Gulpin
Ice Fairy
#3334 Snowugg Snowugg
Ice Grass
#3301 Mega Avalugg Mega Avalugg
Ice Dragon
#2614 NeapolitanEiscue NeapolitanEiscue
Ice Fire
#3237 Advent Cirnai Advent Cirnai
Ice Steel
#3213 Snuggice Snuggice
Ice Fabric
#2833 Wackian Swalot Wackian Swalot
Ice Fairy
#3332 Snowbun Snowbun
Ice Grass
#4088 Vanilltank Vanilltank
Ice Food
#4368 Rlimshaikworm Rlimshaikworm
Ice Blood
#4399 Swablushavedice Swablushavedice
Ice Food
#4053 Sandanice Sandanice
Ice Ground
#4782 Penguira Penguira
Ice Water
#4349 Threaglass Threaglass
Ice Flying
#4106 Stalagcola Stalagcola
Ice Water
#4439 Santa Jynx Santa Jynx
Ice Fairy
#4054 Sandasnow Sandasnow
Ice Ground
#4549 Santa Mystiarrow Santa Mystiarrow
Ice Sound
#4249 Banguin Banguin
Ice Fighting
#4276 Cartcap Cartcap
Ice Dark

Secondary Ice-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#895 Aurorus Aurorus
Rock Ice
#086 Seel Seel
Water Ice
#1201 Arctic Gyarados Arctic Gyarados
Water Ice
#1976 Christree Christree
Grass Ice
#1954 Laprince Laprince
Water Ice
#990 Snowdoge Snowdoge
Poison Ice
#646 Kyurem Kyurem
Dragon Ice
#1921 Frizard Frizard
Fire Ice
#1920 Frozark Frozark
Fire Ice
#1601 Narlord Narlord
Water Ice
#1465 Cirnai Cirnai
Fairy Ice
#087 Dewgong Dewgong
Water Ice
#1821 Abomizzard Abomizzard
Grass Ice
#131 Lapras Lapras
Water Ice
#1275 Frostolem Frostolem
Rock Ice
#215 Sneasel Sneasel
Dark Ice
#1200 Arctic Magikarp Arctic Magikarp
Water Ice
#1646 Frozone Frozone
Ghost Ice
#1641 Beta Seel Beta Seel
Water Ice
#1376 Searice Searice
Fire Ice
#894 Amaura Amaura
Rock Ice
#1095 Snowpil Snowpil
Bug Ice
#091 Cloyster Cloyster
Water Ice
#460 Abomasnow Abomasnow
Grass Ice
#1648 Icepick Icepick
Bug Ice
#1361 Frwind Frwind
Wind Ice
#1266 Phantice Phantice
Steam Ice
#1009 Narwhar Narwhar
Water Ice
#1255 Laprageddon Laprageddon
Dragon Ice
#1234 Alolan Mightyena Alolan Mightyena
Dark Ice
#459 Snover Snover
Grass Ice
#1419 Cuberus Cuberus
Virus Ice
#991 Cocaiturd Cocaiturd
Poison Ice
#918 Fridigor Fridigor
Tech Ice
#917 Cool-or Cool-or
Plastic Ice
#1267 Serpentice Serpentice
Steam Ice
#1096 Froskoon Froskoon
Bug Ice
#686 Chillzie Chillzie
Zombie Ice
#1113 Crabominable Crabominable
Fighting Ice
#461 Weavile Weavile
Dark Ice
#1097 Rhemorice Rhemorice
Bug Ice
#2923 Ice Venomoth Ice Venomoth
Bug Ice
#2757 Subaluga Subaluga
Steel Ice
#2579 Galarian Mr. Mime Galarian Mr. Mime
Psychic Ice
#3991 Golacier Golacier
Water Ice
#2775 Frostiseel Frostiseel
Water Ice
#2944 Ikkakumon Ikkakumon
Water Ice
#2584 Arctovish Arctovish
Water Ice
#2765 MetalGarurumon MetalGarurumon
Cyber Ice
#2922 Ice Venonat Ice Venonat
Bug Ice
#2340 Mega Torkoal Mega Torkoal
Fire Ice
#3223 Beta Lapras Beta Lapras
Water Ice
#3710 Humanoid Seel Humanoid Seel
Water Ice
#3755 Humanoid Lapras Humanoid Lapras
Water Ice
#2891 Gidget Gidget
Tech Ice
#2766 ZeedGarurumon ZeedGarurumon
Cyber Ice
#2578 Wood Abomasnow Wood Abomasnow
Wood Ice
#2982 Hyogamon Hyogamon
Dark Ice
#3711 Humanoid Dewgong Humanoid Dewgong
Water Ice
#2172 Chillrock Chillrock
Tech Ice
#2811 Penguinmon Penguinmon
Water Ice
#3588 Ice Bouffalant Ice Bouffalant
Normal Ice
#3715 Humanoid Cloyster Humanoid Cloyster
Water Ice
#3291 Kaiju Weavile Kaiju Weavile
Dark Ice
#3890 Luca Zamon Luca Zamon
Dragon Ice
#2690 Noseer Noseer
Normal Ice
#2582 Arctozolt Arctozolt
Electric Ice
#2201 Ice Victini Ice Victini
Paper Ice
#2910 Elsnow Elsnow
Heart Ice
#3203 SnowGoblimon SnowGoblimon
Dark Ice
#2971 Candicegong Candicegong
Normal Ice
#2580 Mr. Rime Mr. Rime
Psychic Ice
#3014 Aculthqua Aculthqua
Fear Ice
Paper Ice
#2894 Granny Granny
Tech Ice
#2892 Betty Betty
Tech Ice
#2297 Rhantegice Rhantegice
Bug Ice
#2577 Wood Snover Wood Snover
Wood Ice
#2479 Frostpup Frostpup
Fairy Ice
#2351 Mega Minun Mega Minun
Electric Ice
#4547 Santa Cirno Santa Cirno
Fairy Ice
#4224 Gigantain Gigantain
Ground Ice
#4596 Christmas Torterra Christmas Torterra
Grass Ice
#4451 Christmas Stantler Christmas Stantler
Normal Ice
#4548 Santa Kisume Santa Kisume
Fire Ice
#4786 Zoma Zoma
Dark Ice
#4563 Santa Joon Santa Joon
Fighting Ice
#4188 Beta Abomasnow Beta Abomasnow
Grass Ice
#4265 Winteroid Winteroid
Rock Ice
#4226 Frospidey Frospidey
Bug Ice
#4551 Santa Rumiarkness Santa Rumiarkness
Dark Ice
#4552 Santa Wrigglight Santa Wrigglight
Bug Ice
#4542 Subzero Subzero
Dark Ice
#4437 Galarian Mime Jr. Galarian Mime Jr.
Psychic Ice
#4187 Beta Snover Beta Snover
Grass Ice
#4432 Sneaviwrath Sneaviwrath
Shadow Ice
#4227 Froscorpio Froscorpio
Bug Ice
#4395 Vulpixsundae Vulpixsundae
Food Ice
#4319 Fluinter Fluinter
Poison Ice
#4564 Santa Shion Santa Shion
Ghost Ice
#4169 Beta Prinplup Beta Prinplup
Water Ice
#4170 Beta Empoleon Beta Empoleon
Water Ice


Move Category Power Accuracy PP Target Description
Aurora Beam Special 65 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is hit with a rainbow-colored beam. This may also lower the target's Attack stat.
Snow Storm Special 60 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Snowstorm makes it hail for five turns.
Icicle Spear Physical 25 100% 30 (max 48)
May affect anyone but the user
The user launches sharp icicles at the target. It strikes two to five times in a row.
Blasphemous Ice Physical 100 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is razed with a eldritch ice of great intensity. It may freeze.
Hibernation Status 0 0% 15 (max 24)
Affects the user
Freezes user. It fully restores the user's HP and heals any status problem. Heals while frozen.
Ice Fang Physical 65 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user bites with cold-infused fangs. It may also make the target flinch or leave it frozen.
Mist Status 0 0% 30 (max 48)
Affects the user and the ally
The user cloaks its body with a white mist that prevents any of its stats from being cut for ten turns.
Hail Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
Affects all Pokémon on the field
The user summons a hail storm lasting five turns. It damages all Pokémon except the Ice type.
Cold Front Special 90 90% 10 (max 16)
Affects all but the user
Hits everything around the user. It may also freeze the target solid.
Sled Rush Physical 60 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Building up more power, it raises the user's Speed stat.
Ultra Snow Storm Special 100 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Snowstorm makes it hail for five turns.
Freeze-Dry Special 80 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The user rapidly cools the target. This may also leave the target frozen. This move is super effective on Water types.
Ice Shard Physical 40 100% 30 (max 48)
May affect anyone but the user
The user flash freezes chunks of ice and hurls them at the target. This move always goes first.
Slush Crush Physical 80 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Crushes the opp with partially melted snow, lowering the opp's Speed.
Chilly Boom Special 250 100% 5 (max 8)
Affects all but the user
The user creates a freezing explosion to all those around it. The user faints upon using this move.
Karackle Slash Physical 70 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user slashes the target the instant an opportunity arises. Critical hits land more easily.
Arctic Spear Physical 90 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
High critical hit ratio.
Absolute Ice Status 0 0% 1 (max 1)
Affects all foes
The user lays a trap of hanging icicles around the foe. The trap hurts foes that switch into battle.
Gently Weeps Special 95 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
25% chance to also freeze the target solid.
Freeze Point Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
No specific target
All Water moves become Ice-type for 10 turns.
SNOWDOGECHALLENGE Physical 95 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Takes advantage of the target's addiction, x2 dmg if target is poisoned.
V-create Physical 180 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
With a icy forehead, the user hurls itself at the foe. It lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, and Speed.
Ice Hammer Physical 100 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user swings and hits with its strong and heavy fist. It lowers the user's Speed, however.
Aurora Veil Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
Affects the user and the ally
Raises your team's defenses for 6 turns. Only works in Hail.
Perfect Freeze Special 160 90% 3 (max 4)
May affect anyone but the user
Freezes the foe.
Icicles Status 0 0% 20 (max 32)
Affects all foes
The user lays a trap of hanging icicles around the foe. The trap hurts foes that switch into battle.
Figure Eight Physical 80 100% 10 (max 16)
Affects all but the user
Does double damage during Icy Terrain.
Icy Terrain Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
No specific target
The user turns the ground under everyone's feet to ice for five turns. Slows down everyone but Speeds up Ice-types.
Icicle Crash Physical 85 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user attacks by harshly dropping an icicle onto the foe. It may also make the target flinch.
Hail Ball Physical 60 85% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Makes it hail for five turns.
Arctic Emperor Physical 50 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Goes first. Does double damage if the opponent is using a damaging move.
Subzero Wail Special 80 80% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Does double damage during Hail.
Snowman Status 0 0% 5 (max 8)
Affects the user
Goes last. In Hail, creates a substitute for no cost of health.
Frost Breath Special 50 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user blows a cold breath on the target. This attack always results in a critical hit.
Howling Blaster Special 95 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Also deals Fire-type damage. Chance to Burn.
Ice Punch Physical 75 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is punched with an icy fist. It may also leave the target frozen.
Frozen Iceberg Physical 90 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Uses Defense stat to attack. Can only be used when the user is frozen.
Frost Fang Physical 100 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user bites with cold-infused fangs. It may also make the target flinch or leave it frozen.
Glaciate Special 100 95% 10 (max 16)
Affects all foes
The user attacks by blowing freezing cold air at the foe. This attack reduces the targets' Speed stat.
Frigerate Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is frigerated, becoming Ice-type.
Frostbite Physical 80 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
A deathly cold touch that may burn the target.
Skid Out Physical 40 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
An attack move that inflicts double damage if used on a target that is switching out of battle.
Snowball Punch Physical 25 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Hits two to five times. If used in Hail or Icy Terrain it will hit 5 times.
Snowball Fight Physical 18 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Hits two to five times. If used in Hail or Icy Terrain it will hit 5 times.
Icebreaker Physical 100 100% 8 (max 12)
May affect anyone but the user
Goes first, but it only works the first turn the user is in battle.
Blizzard Special 120 70% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the opposing team. It may also freeze them solid.
Cold Snap Status 0 60% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is struck with an intense cold that freezes it solid.
Icy Wind Special 55 95% 15 (max 24)
Affects all foes
The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. It also lowers the targets' Speed stat.
Cold Shoulder Status 0 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Drastically lowers the target's Speed. Then it switches with a party Pokémon.
Soul Chill Special 100 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is left with at least 1 HP.
Freezing Kiss Status 0 80% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The user gives a cold kiss to the target that freezes it solid.
Snow Bank Physical 60 100% 15 (max 24)
Affects all foes
The user attacks by crashing the foe with a snow bank. This attack reduces the targets' Speed stat.
GraceCrossFreezer Special 30 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user launches sharp icicles at the target. It strikes two to five times in a row.
Permafrost Status 0 0% 5 (max 8)
Affects all Pokémon on the field
Prevents Hazards from being set for 8 turns.
Slip Away Physical 70 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
After making its attack, the user slips away to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting.
Frozen Wall Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
Affects the user
Protects user and harshly lowers the target's Speed. Chance of failing rises if used in succession.
Snow Cloak Special 95 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
May make it Hail. Also deals Bug-type damage.
Frozen Blade Physical 70 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user slashes the target the with a freezing blade. Critical hits land more easily.
Snow Fort Status 0 0% 20 (max 32)
Affects the user
Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def stats. More in Hail.
Winter Burst Special 160 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The user can't move on the next turn.
Icicle Cleave Physical 70 100% 15 (max 24)
Affects the user
The user strikes swiftly with a blade made of ice, increasing the chance of critical hits landing.
Aurora Resonance Special 90 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
May set up Aurora Veil.
Christmas Spirit Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
No specific target
Starts Grassy Terrain, Icy Terrain, Lucky Chant and Hail.
Snow Blind Special 55 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user lets loose a flow of brightly shining snow, blinding the target and lowering its accuracy.
Frozen Inferno Special 100 50% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Freezes the target.
Freeze Them Status 0 100% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is struck with an intense cold that freezes it solid.
Ice Sport Status 0 0% 15 (max 24)
Affects all Pokémon on the field
Raises SpDef. Weakens Flying-type moves while the user is in the battle. Raises Atk and SpAtk in Hail.
Ice Gatling Physical 18 100% 30 (max 48)
May affect anyone but the user
Goes first. It strikes two to five times in a row.
Ice Beam Special 95 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. It may also freeze the target solid.
Avalanche Physical 60 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
An attack move that inflicts double the damage if the user has been hurt by the foe in the same turn.
Freeze Shock Physical 140 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
On the second turn, the user hits the foe with electrically charged ice. It may also paralyze the foe.
Ice Ball Physical 30 90% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The user continually rolls into the target over five turns. It becomes stronger each time it hits.
Packed Ice Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
Affects the user
Only works in Hail. Sharply raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def stats.
Ice Cage Physical 60 90% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Traps the foe in a cage of ice for four to five turns.
Burning Ice Special 100 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
This attack also deals Fire-type damage.
Freezing Slash Physical 80 100% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
High crit rate. High freeze rate.
Icicle Cleave Physical 70 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Critical hits land more easily.
Iceberg Physical 150 100% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
The lower the user's HP, the less powerful this attack becomes.
Cool Down Status 0 0% 5 (max 8)
Affects the user
The user restores its own HP. The amount of HP regained varies with the weather.
Glacial Rend Physical 75 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Does double damage during Hail.
Flavored Ice Special 80 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
May also paralyze, burn, or freeze the target.
Ice Thaw Special 70 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
This attack inflicts big damage on a frozen target. It also THAWS the target up, however.
Frost Kick Physical 85 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user launches a kick with a high critical-hit ratio. It may also leave the target frozen solid.
Haze Status 0 0% 30 (max 48)
Affects all Pokémon on the field
The user creates a haze that eliminates every stat change among all the Pokémon engaged in battle.
Hiberslam Physical 70 90% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
The user falls asleep and becomes fully healed after using this move.
Sheer Cold Special 1 30% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The foe is attacked with a blast of absolute-zero cold. The target instantly faints if it hits.
Powder Snow Special 40 100% 25 (max 40)
Affects all foes
The user attacks with a chilling gust of powdery snow. It may also freeze the targets.
Hypothermia Special 80 100% 10 (max 16)
Affects all foes
Chance to cause Sleep.
Ice Shatter Physical 80 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
This attack inflicts big damage on a frozen target. It also wakes the target up, however.
Ice Age Special 100 50% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Freezes the foe.
Arctic Crash Physical 120 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user slams its freezing body into the target to attack. The user also sustains serious damage and the target may be frozen.
General Winter Physical 120 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect any foe, but not the ally
The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
Shiver Status 0 0% 20 (max 32)
Affects the user
Take less damage from Fire and Ice moves. Increases Speed in Hail or Sun.
Ice Burn Special 140 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
On the second turn, an ultracold, freezing wind surrounds the foe. This may leave it with a burn.