The user continually rolls into the target over five turns. It becomes stronger each time it hits.
this move has the following additional effects:
If this attack is successful, this effect begins and X is set to 0. This effect lasts for 5 rounds (including the current round). During this effect: The user is forced to use this attack during each of its turns and cannot take any other action. Power is multiplied by 2^X. X increases by 1 whenever this attack is successful. The effect ends if this attack misses or is ineffective against the target during use, or if the user is switched out or prevented from using this attack (e.g. if the user falls asleep or becomes frozen). If the user is asleep (i.e. move was used by Sleep Talk), this attack just deals damage and lasts 1 round.
Pokémon that learn Ice Ball
Level Up
Note: Due to memory issues, results are limited to 50.