Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Contact spreads this Ability. Dmgs non-Zombie and Virus types.


Unknown custom effect

Pokémon that have Infected

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
769 Zomby Zomby Zombie Normal Poison Touch Infected Insomnia
1237 Wendigi Wendigi Ice Zombie Infected Cold Blooded Insomnia
1239 Transformed M Transformed M Ice Zombie Infected Adaptability Insomnia
679 Smobill Smobill Zombie Virus White Smoke Infected Constrictor
1632 Kleenot Kleenot Paper Virus Poison Point Infected Hustle
1238 Wendigore Wendigore Ice Zombie Infected Cold Blooded Insomnia
1194 Splague Splague Virus Cosmic Infected Poison Touch Swarm
1193 Spirus Spirus Virus Cosmic Infected Poison Touch Swarm
681 Haicaw Haicaw Zombie Flying Cursed Body Poison Touch Infected
1240 Transformed F Transformed F Ice Zombie Infected Adaptability Insomnia
2706 Nexaphago Nexaphago Virus Undiscovered Trace Infected Protean
2687 Anglereist Anglereist Ghost Zombie Infected Adaptability Vespertine
3822 Zombified Zombified Water Zombie Infected Hyper Cutter Drizzle
3063 Coronablat Coronablat Virus Food Cute Charm Infected Poison Point
3902 Entrailtle Entrailtle Water Zombie Torrent Liquid Ooze Infected
3000 HIM (Virus) HIM (Virus) Virus Undiscovered Infected Undiscovered Ice Body
3901 Oozle Oozle Water Zombie Torrent Liquid Ooze Infected
2710 H1E1 H1E1 Virus Blood Infected Undiscovered Poison Point
3787 Electabugs Electabugs Electric Zombie Static Anger Point Infected
3786 Elecharge Elecharge Electric Zombie Static Insomnia Infected
3778 Zombie Shelgon Zombie Shelgon Dragon Zombie Infected Rock Head Filter
3777 Zombie Bagon Zombie Bagon Dragon Undiscovered Infected Rock Head Sheer Force
3903 Bleedtoise Bleedtoise Water Steel Torrent Liquid Ooze Infected
2411 Glaakine Glaakine Water Zombie Infected Undiscovered Poison Point
2935 Sucklaxis Sucklaxis Zombie Food Explosive Gluttony Infected
2705 Phagus Phagus Virus Undiscovered Trace Infected Protean
2803 Nursebola Nursebola Virus Heart Infected Healer Safe Shield
2711 E Boli E Boli Virus Blood Infected Undiscovered Poison Point
2515 Servglaak Servglaak Zombie Water Intimidate Poison Touch Infected
2801 Necroseel Necroseel Water Zombie Unnerve Strong Jaw Infected
2273 Rotteon Rotteon Zombie Undiscovered Infected Weak Armor Regenerator
2686 Wackian Basculin Wackian Basculin Ghost Zombie Infected Adaptability Vespertine
2575 Parasitic Breloom Parasitic Breloom Grass Zombie Effect Spore Infected Technician
3062 Blatsoup Blatsoup Blood Food Gluttony Unnerve Infected
4160 Glaakultist Glaakultist Fear Water Infected Hydration Poison Touch