Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Passes through the foe's barrier and strikes.


The bearer's moves ignore the foe's Light Screen, Mist, Reflect and Safeguard.

Gen 6: The bearer's moves also bypass a target's Substitute.

Pokémon that have Infiltrator

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1732 Suriv Suriv Steel Virus Download Infiltrator Levitate
1484 Dardra Dardra Dark Undiscovered Filter Undiscovered Infiltrator
187 Hoppip Hoppip Grass Flying Chlorophyll Leaf Guard Infiltrator
1055 Malworm Malworm Virus Bug Compoundeyes Infiltrator Swarm
188 Skiploom Skiploom Grass Flying Chlorophyll Leaf Guard Infiltrator
1991 Ittybatty Ittybatty Poison Flying Inner Focus Infiltrator Anticipation
547 Whimsicott Whimsicott Grass Fairy Prankster Infiltrator Chlorophyll
1829 Koakuma Koakuma Chaos Undiscovered Magic Bounce Infiltrator Super Luck
442 Spiritomb Spiritomb Ghost Dark Pressure Undiscovered Infiltrator
1760 Tickood Tickood Bug Blood Siphon Undiscovered Infiltrator
1759 Larvick Larvick Bug Blood Siphon Undiscovered Infiltrator
1746 Mothmowl Mothmowl Fear Flying Forewarn Intimidate Infiltrator
1745 Humowl Humowl Fear Flying Forewarn Intimidate Infiltrator
1731 Babirys Babirys Steel Virus Download Infiltrator Levitate
1394 Lumix Lumix Light Undiscovered Illuminate Undiscovered Infiltrator
883 Malamar Malamar Dark Psychic Contrary Infiltrator Infiltrator
1393 Shalight Shalight Light Dark Illuminate Undiscovered Infiltrator
1673 Woopeck Woopeck Wood Flying Sniper Infiltrator Sniper
1672 Flwood Flwood Wood Flying Sniper Infiltrator Sniper
1386 Batt Batt Wood Dark Levitate Undiscovered Infiltrator
042 Golbat Golbat Poison Flying Inner Focus Infiltrator Anticipation
1371 Cybirb Cybirb Cyber Flying Sniper Infiltrator Sniper
1485 Shadight Shadight Light Dark Illuminate Undiscovered Infiltrator
1546 Cottomew Cottomew Grass Flying Chlorophyll Leaf Guard Infiltrator
1545 Dandemew Dandemew Grass Flying Chlorophyll Leaf Guard Infiltrator
1544 Lefmew Lefmew Grass Flying Chlorophyll Leaf Guard Infiltrator
1045 Macat Macat Zombie Dark Unnerve Dark Life Infiltrator
546 Cottonee Cottonee Grass Fairy Prankster Infiltrator Chlorophyll
169 Crobat Crobat Poison Flying Inner Focus Infiltrator Infiltrator
878 Meowstic Meowstic Psychic Undiscovered Keen Eye Infiltrator Prankster
1395 Shadrix Shadrix Dark Undiscovered Illuminate Undiscovered Infiltrator
1385 Baall Baall Dark Flying Inner Focus Steadfast Infiltrator
1372 Cypecker Cypecker Cyber Flying Sniper Infiltrator Sniper
041 Zubat Zubat Poison Flying Inner Focus Infiltrator Anticipation
1277 Blat Blat Blood Flying Strong Jaw Unnerve Infiltrator
1278 Batood Batood Blood Flying Strong Jaw Unnerve Infiltrator
882 Inkay Inkay Dark Psychic Contrary Prankster Infiltrator
336 Seviper Seviper Poison Undiscovered Shed Skin Adaptability Infiltrator
1247 Armisy Armisy Divine Psychic Unaware Infiltrator Protean
291 Ninjask Ninjask Bug Flying Speed Boost Undiscovered Infiltrator
787 Noibat Noibat Sound Dragon Frisk Infiltrator Soundproof
1054 Virurm Virurm Virus Bug Compoundeyes Infiltrator Swarm
1046 Jackorse Jackorse Zombie Dark Sadist Dark Life Infiltrator
1001 Diebbuk Diebbuk Ghost Undiscovered Constrictor Siphon Infiltrator
877 Espurr Espurr Psychic Undiscovered Breakdown Infiltrator Own Tempo
788 Noivern Noivern Sound Dragon Frisk Infiltrator Soundproof
1483 Lidra Lidra Light Undiscovered Filter Undiscovered Infiltrator
189 Jumpluff Jumpluff Grass Flying Chlorophyll Leaf Guard Infiltrator
1048 Nukadow Nukadow Ghost Nuclear Cursed Body Unnerve Infiltrator
3504 Hoprake Hoprake Grass Dark Chlorophyll Anger Point Infiltrator
2571 Dreepy Dreepy Dragon Ghost Clear Body Infiltrator Rough Skin
3433 Beta Jumpluff Beta Jumpluff Grass Flying Chlorophyll Leaf Guard Infiltrator
3503 Hoppot Hoppot Grass Undiscovered Chlorophyll Anger Point Infiltrator
2735 Brattler Brattler Dark Grass Harvest Infiltrator Drought
2976 Lucyper Lucyper Normal Poison Shed Skin Adaptability Infiltrator
3666 Humanoid Golbat Humanoid Golbat Poison Flying Inner Focus Infiltrator Anticipation
3574 Perzelwurm Perzelwurm Dragon Undiscovered Unnerve Shed Skin Infiltrator
3573 Dragon Meowth Dragon Meowth Dragon Undiscovered Unnerve Shed Skin Infiltrator
2786 Volkraken Volkraken Water Fire Analytic Infiltrator Pressure
3665 Humanoid Zubat Humanoid Zubat Poison Flying Inner Focus Infiltrator Anticipation
3228 Golden Absol Golden Absol Dark Light Hyper Cutter Super Luck Infiltrator
3314 Kiyodere Kiyodere Dragon Fire Moody Undiscovered Infiltrator
3081 Seiganyan Seiganyan Ghost Undiscovered Cute Charm Infiltrator Magic Bounce
2603 Duscelle Duscelle Ghost Dark Cursed Body Infiltrator Shadow Call
3799 Sevicious Sevicious Poison Dark Shed Skin Adaptability Infiltrator
2785 Volkritter Volkritter Water Fire Anticipation Infiltrator Unnerve
2736 Malaconda Malaconda Dark Grass Harvest Infiltrator Drought
2572 Drakloak Drakloak Dragon Ghost Clear Body Infiltrator Rough Skin
2567 Clobbopus Clobbopus Fighting Undiscovered Guts Limber Infiltrator
2025 Vladpire Vladpire Blood Dark Infiltrator Sadist Shadow Call
2573 Dragapult Dragapult Dragon Ghost Clear Body Infiltrator Rough Skin
4852 Kopaka Kopaka Ice Undiscovered Compoundeyes Infiltrator Ice Body
4501 Solid Snake Solid Snake Dark Tech Infiltrator Unburden Technician
4155 Scpee106 Scpee106 Dark Poison Scrappy Infiltrator Poison Touch
4781 Coommate Coommate Cosmic Heart Cute Charm Infiltrator Berserker
4834 Kijyo Koyo Kijyo Koyo Dragon Undiscovered Moody Undiscovered Infiltrator
4610 Sawcubus Sawcubus Chaos Blood Hyper Cutter Undiscovered Infiltrator
4456 Z Gardevoir Z Gardevoir Blood Fairy Synchronize Infiltrator Shadow Tag
4719 Jessica Jessica Normal Undiscovered Iron Fist Undiscovered Infiltrator
4647 Bandana Dee Bandana Dee Normal Undiscovered Adaptability Undiscovered Infiltrator
4626 TankTopMastah TankTopMastah Fighting Undiscovered Infiltrator Unburden Reckless
4226 Frospidey Frospidey Bug Ice Snow Cloak Sniper Infiltrator
4227 Froscorpio Froscorpio Bug Ice Snow Cloak Sniper Infiltrator
4414 Shrowser Shrowser Fire Ghost Infiltrator Mold Breaker Blaze
4562 Goldeneye007 Goldeneye007 Normal Undiscovered Infiltrator Sniper Technician
4231 Spovum Spovum Psychic Undiscovered Infiltrator Regenerator None
4780 Crwutemate Crwutemate Cosmic Undiscovered Cute Charm Infiltrator Berserker