Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Lowers the foe's Attack stat.


In battle: When the bearer enters battle, lowers the foe's Attack by 1 stage.

Out of battle: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), 50% chance that a wild Pokémon that would appear won't, if its level is lower than the bearer's and the difference is 5 or more.

Pokémon that have Intimidate

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1088 Alolan Qwilfish Alolan Qwilfish Steel Poison Levitate Water Absorb Intimidate
800 Coraut Coraut Chaos Flying Intimidate Keen Eye No Guard
1594 Cracholiath Cracholiath Ground Dark Intimidate Filter Sand Force
1226 Abyss Gyarados Abyss Gyarados Water Dark Intimidate Illuminate Moxie
1201 Arctic Gyarados Arctic Gyarados Water Ice Snow Rush Intimidate Moxie
737 Nukreep Nukreep Dark Nuclear Immunity Explosive Intimidate
1924 Catface Catface Chaos Fear Wonder Guard Sadist Intimidate
756 Dargouille Dargouille Rock Magic Intimidate Pressure Rock Head
1037 Cthuspawn Cthuspawn Water Cosmic Water Absorb Intimidate Storm Drain
507 Herdier Herdier Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Sand Rush Scrappy
373 Salamence Salamence Dragon Flying Intimidate Moxie Moxie
1973 Coyotears Coyotears Ground Zombie Scrappy Sand Rush Intimidate
023 Ekans Ekans Poison Undiscovered Intimidate Shed Skin Cold Blooded
237 Hitmontop Hitmontop Fighting Undiscovered Intimidate Technician Steadfast
058 Growlithe Growlithe Fire Undiscovered Intimidate Flash Fire Justified
698 Wheelus Wheelus Rubber Dragon Speed Boost Speed Boost Intimidate
1958 Barkanite Barkanite Electric Undiscovered Intimidate Lightningrod Ionate
1957 Shockra Shockra Electric Undiscovered Intimidate Lightningrod Ionate
210 Granbull Granbull Fairy Undiscovered Intimidate Pixilate Strong Jaw
715 Bargear Bargear Fairy Fighting Intimidate Intimidate Shadow Tag
1923 Catace Catace Chaos Fear Wonder Guard Sadist Intimidate
1504 SmilePup SmilePup Meme Fear Synchronize Intimidate Filter
1622 Kogasella Kogasella Water Fear Intimidate Undiscovered Overcoat
1518 Numpuff Numpuff Water Electric Poison Point Swift Swim Intimidate
1893 Pinsire Pinsire Bug Undiscovered Intimidate Mold Breaker Moxie
970 Godzillus Godzillus Dragon Nuclear Intimidate Poison Heal Flare Boost
1925 Phobeon Phobeon Fear Undiscovered Unnerve Intimidate Soul Eater
403 Shinx Shinx Electric Undiscovered Rivalry Intimidate Guts
1127 Incineroar Incineroar Fire Dark Intimidate Blaze Intimidate
816 Otyab Otyab Poison Fear Gluttony Intimidate Poison Touch
914 Eldragon Eldragon Dragon Chaos Scrappy Scrappy Intimidate
1099 Phantmask Phantmask Fear Ghost Pressure Prankster Intimidate
1106 Ningenice Ningenice Ice Fear Swift Swim Water Absorb Intimidate
913 Eldrake Eldrake Dragon Chaos Sniper Sniper Intimidate
1777 Honarsal Honarsal Meme Dark Intimidate Oblivious Own Tempo
303 Mawile Mawile Steel Fairy Hyper Cutter Intimidate Strong Jaw
209 Snubbull Snubbull Fairy Undiscovered Intimidate Run Away Rattled
1120 Eldri Eldri Chaos Psychic Intimidate Intimidate Soul Eater
211 Qwilfish Qwilfish Water Poison Poison Point Intimidate Rough Skin
1746 Mothmowl Mothmowl Fear Flying Forewarn Intimidate Infiltrator
1745 Humowl Humowl Fear Flying Forewarn Intimidate Infiltrator
1102 Demask Demask Fear Fire Intimidate Prankster Sheer Force
1730 Gyaradeth Gyaradeth Water Dark Intimidate Anger Point Moxie
1098 Twickotweet Twickotweet Fear Undiscovered Pickup Prankster Intimidate
1308 Stalagfright Stalagfright Rock Fear Sturdy Intimidate Sand Force
1720 Visagelle Visagelle Steel Fear Unnerve Intimidate Levitate
1719 Maskett Maskett Steel Fear Unnerve Intimidate Levitate
817 Otyash Otyash Poison Fear Gluttony Intimidate Poison Touch
310 Manectric Manectric Electric Undiscovered Static Lightningrod Intimidate
1451 Alolan Arcanine Alolan Arcanine Water Undiscovered Intimidate Water Absorb Justified
1663 Roosteratrice Roosteratrice Dragon Magic Limber Intimidate Sheer Force
559 Scraggy Scraggy Dark Fighting Shed Skin Moxie Intimidate
1653 Fracture Fracture Bone Dragon Intimidate Lightningrod Battle Armor
1190 Pearoyal Pearoyal Light Flying Intimidate Illuminate Sniper
560 Scrafty Scrafty Dark Fighting Shed Skin Moxie Intimidate
1894 Cliffracer Cliffracer Flying Undiscovered Shadow Tag Serene Grace Intimidate
1593 Crachole Crachole Ground Dark Intimidate Arena Trap Sand Force
677 Hundead Hundead Zombie Fear Intimidate Moxie Pounce
1034 Nitegant Nitegant Fear Flying Technician Prankster Intimidate
736 Creeposs Creeposs Dark Undiscovered Immunity Explosive Intimidate
1038 Cthultulzu Cthultulzu Water Cosmic Regenerator Intimidate Bad Dreams
1505 SmileHound SmileHound Meme Fear Synchronize Intimidate Filter
1918 Gasheleton Gasheleton Ghost Bone Cursed Body Intimidate None
1051 Hasterror Hasterror Fear Chaos Intimidate Intimidate Magic Guard
367 Huntail Huntail Water Fear Swift Swim Intimidate Water Veil
552 Krokorok Krokorok Ground Dark Intimidate Moxie Anger Point
397 Staravia Staravia Normal Flying Intimidate Reckless Reckless
1982 Wyrmados Wyrmados Water Bug Intimidate Moxie Pride
398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying Intimidate Reckless Reckless
505 Watchog Watchog Normal Undiscovered Analytic Keen Eye Intimidate
234 Stantler Stantler Normal Fear Intimidate Graze Sap Sipper
553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark Intimidate Moxie Anger Point
697 Tiroar Tiroar Rubber Dragon Speed Boost Speed Boost Intimidate
024 Arbok Arbok Poison Undiscovered Intimidate Shed Skin Cold Blooded
1254 Gowen Gowen Divine Undiscovered Intimidate Intimidate Insomnia
128 Tauros Tauros Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Sheer Force Sheer Force
1126 Torracat Torracat Fire Undiscovered Blaze Blaze Intimidate
1234 Alolan Mightyena Alolan Mightyena Dark Ice Intimidate Fur Coat Snow Rush
1450 Alolan Growlithe Alolan Growlithe Water Undiscovered Intimidate Water Absorb Justified
755 Gargie Gargie Rock Magic Intimidate Pressure Rock Head
551 Sandile Sandile Ground Dark Intimidate Moxie Anger Point
1347 Leobble Leobble Water Light Water Absorb Intimidate Swift Swim
912 Acies Acies Dragon Undiscovered Sniper Sniper Intimidate
059 Arcanine Arcanine Fire Undiscovered Intimidate Flash Fire Justified
284 Masquerain Masquerain Bug Water Intimidate Levitate Unnerve
1158 Golisopod Golisopod Bug Water Guts Battle Armor Intimidate
130 Gyarados Gyarados Water Flying Intimidate Moxie Pride
1082 Agonangel Agonangel Fear Time Synchronize Intimidate Clear Body
799 Eyat Eyat Dark Flying Intimidate Keen Eye Unnerve
1035 Huntorror Huntorror Fear Flying Unnerve Shadow Tag Intimidate
742 Horrorux Horrorux Fear Undiscovered Intimidate Pressure Unnerve
405 Luxray Luxray Electric Undiscovered Frisk Intimidate Guts
969 Zilly Zilly Dragon Undiscovered Intimidate Regenerator Flare Boost
938 Eldrute Eldrute Chaos Undiscovered Unnerve Sadist Intimidate
760 Kawaidesha Kawaidesha Fairy Fear Intimidate Cute Charm Dry Skin
508 Stoutland Stoutland Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Sand Rush Scrappy
1101 Witchise Witchise Fear Magic Magic Guard Prankster Intimidate
741 Grinix Grinix Fear Undiscovered Intimidate Pressure Unnerve
1805 Iskanrider Iskanrider Fighting Electric Moxie Undiscovered Intimidate
664 Frostear Frostear Ice Fear Intimidate Intimidate Snow Warning
404 Luxio Luxio Electric Undiscovered Rivalry Intimidate Guts
3867 Kamina Kamina Fighting Undiscovered Intimidate Guts Hustle
2724 Tomohawk Tomohawk Flying Fighting Intimidate Prankster Justified
2810 Qwilptain Qwilptain Water Steel Water Veil Intimidate Rough Skin
3974 Ionnine Ionnine Electric Fire Intimidate Swift Swim Ionate
3973 Iolithe Iolithe Electric Undiscovered Intimidate Swift Swim Ionate
3955 Arachtuff Arachtuff Bug Fear Intimidate Oblivious Frisk
3954 Jigglisect Jigglisect Bug Undiscovered Intimidate Oblivious Frisk
2472 Koilrig Koilrig Steel Poison Poison Point Intimidate Detonator
3754 Humanoid Gyarados Humanoid Gyarados Water Flying Intimidate Moxie Pride
3938 Mechans Mechans Tech Undiscovered Intimidate Magnet Pull Cold Blooded
2477 Moosid Moosid Normal Dark Intimidate Fur Coat Berserker
2220 Scpee173 Scpee173 Rock Fear Intimidate Sturdy Vespertine
3355 Snekindian Snekindian Grass Undiscovered Intimidate Shed Skin Cold Blooded
2056 Lu Buserker Lu Buserker Fighting Dark Guts Intimidate Berserker
3910 Buff Salamence Buff Salamence Dragon Heart Intimidate Moxie Moxie
3899 Dragon Dragon Dragon Undiscovered Intimidate Guts Tough Claws
3881 Hombeast Hombeast Rock Ground Hyper Cutter Intimidate Hustle
3870 Radiorange Radiorange Nuclear Food Blaze Intimidate Explosive
2967 GrapLeomon GrapLeomon Fighting Tech Intimidate Iron Fist Furious Feet
3863 Abyssparce Abyssparce Ghost Dark Intimidate Illuminate Hustle
3843 Rubirina Rubirina Poison Fire Poison Point Intimidate Hustle
2968 SaberLeomon SaberLeomon Fighting Rock Intimidate Strong Jaw Speed Boost
3752 Humanoid Tauros Humanoid Tauros Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Sheer Force Sheer Force
3818 Mawnium Mawnium Poison Dark Intimidate Poison Touch Strong Jaw
3817 Thornium Thornium Poison Fairy Intimidate Effect Spore Strong Jaw
3816 Thornleef Thornleef Poison Undiscovered Intimidate Effect Spore Strong Jaw
2443 Lagoonask Lagoonask Fear Water Swift Swim Prankster Intimidate
3813 Mutagon Mutagon Psychic Dragon Synchronize Intimidate Unnerve
2513 Kapierce Kapierce Fighting Steel Super Luck Defiant Intimidate
3804 Demohate Demohate Dark Heart Intimidate Swift Swim Oblivious
2635 Taker Taker Dark Fear Intimidate Bad Dreams None
2213 Albinguin Albinguin Ice Fear Intimidate Unnerve Snow Rush
3779 Zombie Salamence Zombie Salamence Dragon Zombie Intimidate Moxie Moxie
3604 Liberinx Liberinx Electric Dark Insomnia Intimidate Vespertine
2430 Hollowland Hollowland Dark Ghost Intimidate Shadow Call Strong Jaw
2514 Alakatana Alakatana Fighting Steel Super Luck Defiant Intimidate
3183 Megidramon Megidramon Dragon Dark Contrary Sheer Force Intimidate
2461 Ayymask Ayymask Fear Cosmic Vacuum Prankster Intimidate
3648 Humanoid Arbok Humanoid Arbok Poison Undiscovered Intimidate Shed Skin Constrictor
2747 Tamer Tamer Normal Dark Intimidate Mold Breaker Constrictor
3603 Dark Shinx Dark Shinx Electric Dark Insomnia Intimidate Vespertine
3682 Humanoid Growlithe Humanoid Growlithe Fire Undiscovered Intimidate Flash Fire Justified
2738 Cawmodore Cawmodore Steel Flying Intimidate Volt Absorb Big Pecks
3647 Humanoid Ekans Humanoid Ekans Poison Undiscovered Intimidate Shed Skin Constrictor
2296 Ghatanovisage Ghatanovisage Fear Undiscovered Intimidate Undiscovered Static
2640 Darkmare Darkmare Dark Fear Intimidate Vespertine Prankster
3618 Psychic Qwilfish Psychic Qwilfish Psychic Poison Poison Point Intimidate Rough Skin
3683 Humanoid Arcanine Humanoid Arcanine Fire Undiscovered Intimidate Flash Fire Justified
3939 Mecharbok Mecharbok Tech Dragon Intimidate Magnet Pull Cold Blooded
2097 Maniquesque Maniquesque Plastic Fear Intimidate Undiscovered Tangled Feet
2973 Mistydos Mistydos Normal Water Swift Swim Cute Charm Intimidate
3495 Seirabbit Seirabbit Normal Cosmic Compoundeyes Mold Breaker Intimidate
3486 Nemunag Nemunag Steel Fear Intimidate Unnerve Own Tempo
3871 Chocwork Chocwork Tech Food Metalworker Intimidate Explosive
3007 Gordrarm Gordrarm Dragon Fighting Simple Intimidate Weak Armor
2842 Dreadark Dreadark Fear Dark Cursed Body Intimidate Sadist
3107 Yukifire Yukifire Fire Undiscovered Blaze Intimidate Synchronize
2384 Pizzaurex Pizzaurex Food Dragon Intimidate Magma Armor Strong Jaw
2863 Bacopter Bacopter Dragon Flying Inner Focus Intimidate None
2966 Astaurios Astaurios Fighting Steel Sheer Force Intimidate Reckless
2648 Turkking Turkking Normal Flying Thick Fat Gluttony Intimidate
3402 Kaiju Scrafty Kaiju Scrafty Dark Fighting Shed Skin Moxie Intimidate
2470 Fugury Fugury Water Poison Reckless Intimidate Berserker
3399 Beta Gligar Beta Gligar Ground Flying Hyper Cutter Immunity Intimidate
3379 Qwilsmug Qwilsmug Water Steel Poison Point Intimidate Unaware
3374 Crowscare Crowscare Grass Flying Intimidate Unnerve Suction Cups
3181 WarGrowlmon WarGrowlmon Dragon Nuclear Intimidate Defiant Sheer Force
2281 The Guy The Guy Qmarks Undiscovered Serene Grace Intimidate Healer
3203 SnowGoblimon SnowGoblimon Dark Ice Prankster Super Luck Intimidate
2383 Pizzaur Pizzaur Food Dragon Intimidate Magma Armor Strong Jaw
2286 Killnut Killnut Food Fear Intimidate Sadist Shadow Call
2103 Tristilt Tristilt Bug Dark Levitate Undiscovered Intimidate
2512 Stabra Stabra Fighting Steel Hyper Cutter Defiant Intimidate
2077 M Manectric M Manectric Electric Undiscovered Intimidate Undiscovered Intimidate
3137 Floweyrst Floweyrst Normal Grass Unnerve Undiscovered Intimidate
2857 Timbark Timbark Grass Dark Intimidate Chlorophyll None
3482 Yachieou Yachieou Dragon Dark Intimidate Mold Breaker Battle Armor
2979 Goblimon Goblimon Dark Fairy Prankster Super Luck Intimidate
2840 Furrygon Furrygon Fabric Dragon Intimidate Fur Coat Prankster
2398 Mega Arcanine Mega Arcanine Fire Undiscovered Intimidate Flash Fire Justified
3204 Shamanmon Shamanmon Fairy Undiscovered Prankster Super Luck Intimidate
3008 Garagonarm Garagonarm Dragon Fighting Simple Intimidate Weak Armor
2984 Titamon Titamon Chaos Fighting Unnerve Intimidate Defiant
2981 Fugamon Fugamon Dark Wind Unnerve Intimidate Moxie
2965 Leomon Leomon Fighting Undiscovered Intimidate Justified Friend Guard
3880 Hombone Hombone Rock Ground Hyper Cutter Intimidate Hustle
2515 Servglaak Servglaak Zombie Water Intimidate Poison Touch Infected
2625 Mega Arbok Mega Arbok Poison Dragon Simple Undiscovered Intimidate
2856 Barkbark Barkbark Grass Undiscovered Intimidate Chlorophyll None
2285 Mothydra Mothydra Water Fear Intimidate Shed Skin Drizzle
2244 Unownking Unownking Psychic Dark Unnerve Undiscovered Intimidate
2841 Furror Furror Fabric Dragon Intimidate Fur Coat Prankster
3815 Thorita Thorita Poison Undiscovered Intimidate Effect Spore Strong Jaw
3803 Evidisc Evidisc Dark Heart Swift Swim Intimidate Oblivious
2038 Georgiorider Georgiorider Divine Undiscovered Friend Guard Undiscovered Intimidate
2488 Nucleshark Nucleshark Steel Nuclear Poison Touch Swift Swim Intimidate
2471 Qwimarine Qwimarine Steel Poison Poison Point Intimidate Detonator
2450 Optulzu Optulzu Fear Blood Intimidate Shadow Call Zen Mode
2168 Endmeran Endmeran Cosmic Fear Intimidate Pressure Anger Point
3286 Kaiju Stoutland Kaiju Stoutland Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Sand Rush Scrappy
2122 Crocwistul Crocwistul Rock Undiscovered Intimidate Moxie Anger Point
4138 Scpee939 Scpee939 Fear Sound Intimidate Strong Jaw Trace
4336 Holectric Holectric Electric Undiscovered Intimidate Undiscovered None
4229 Daggerat Daggerat Steel Undiscovered Intimidate Undiscovered None
4818 Negarman Negarman Chaos Dark Bad Dreams Intimidate Ethereal
4173 Bachibacchi Bachibacchi Electric Undiscovered Rivalry Guts Intimidate
4335 Hologg Hologg Electric Undiscovered Intimidate Undiscovered None
4823 Jaguar Taiga Jaguar Taiga Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Vespertine Moxie
4201 Slendmeran Slendmeran Fear Undiscovered Unnerve Constrictor Intimidate
4152 Kasai Kasai Normal Undiscovered Sniper Undiscovered Intimidate
4676 Reptile Reptile Poison Undiscovered Unnerve Poison Heal Intimidate
4729 Genji Genji Normal Undiscovered Soundproof Insomnia Intimidate
4375 Scorpiofree Scorpiofree Fear Blood Intimidate Berserker Tough Claws
4127 Ridleyuge Ridleyuge Dragon Cosmic Levitate Undiscovered Intimidate
4144 Higurena Higurena Steel Blood Intimidate Undiscovered Unnerve
4583 Hell Knight Hell Knight Chaos Undiscovered Intimidate Undiscovered Unnerve
4696 Dracula Dracula Blood Zombie Sadist Undiscovered Intimidate
4539 Safer-Sephiroth Safer-Sephiroth Divine Dark Hyper Cutter Pro Intimidate
4374 Metalblud Metalblud Bug Fear Intimidate Sadist Anger Point
4561 Swashbull Swashbull Fighting Water Intimidate Hyper Cutter Strong Jaw
4794 WACKCHAD WACKCHAD Normal Heart Cute Charm Intimidate Run Away
4043 Taurice Taurice Ice Undiscovered Intimidate Sheer Force Refrigerate
4697 Ivy Ivy Dark Undiscovered Intimidate Undiscovered Sadist
4194 Sadakoring Sadakoring Ghost Undiscovered Firewall Intimidate Pounce
4751 Phantom Ganon Phantom Ganon Dark Ghost Inner Focus Undiscovered Intimidate
4784 Dragonlord Dragonlord Dark Dragon Multiscale Intimidate Mold Breaker
4731 Fury Bowser Fury Bowser Dragon Chaos Intimidate Undiscovered Blaze
4543 Mileena Mileena Dark Undiscovered Intimidate Strong Jaw Sadist
4196 Pyraheadmid Pyraheadmid Fear Steel Intimidate Undiscovered Unnerve
4695 Alucard Alucard Dark Zombie Inner Focus Heatproof Intimidate
4202 Hachishaku Hachishaku Ghost Undiscovered Unnerve Undiscovered Intimidate
4122 Chupacryptid Chupacryptid Fear Blood Wonder Skin Siphon Intimidate
4034 Beeking Beeking Bug Flying Intimidate Swarm Lightningrod
4637 Mawvenus Mawvenus Grass Flying Hyper Cutter Intimidate Strong Jaw
4623 MetaBat MetaBat Normal Fighting Scrappy Stamina Intimidate
4538 Sephiroth Sephiroth Steel Dark Hyper Cutter Pro Intimidate
4154 Natsumiyoshi Natsumiyoshi Normal Blood Hyper Cutter Undiscovered Intimidate
4171 Beta Shinx Beta Shinx Electric Undiscovered Rivalry Guts Intimidate
4589 Spider Demon Spider Demon Chaos Tech Analytic Undiscovered Intimidate
4587 Cyberdemon Cyberdemon Chaos Cyber Intimidate Undiscovered Defiant
4844 Wyrdeer Wyrdeer Normal Psychic Intimidate Dreamcatcher Sap Sipper
4560 Yarrbull Yarrbull Fighting Water Intimidate Hyper Cutter Rattled
4243 Stingnarl Stingnarl Bug Dark Intimidate Undiscovered None
4546 Krampusird Krampusird Ghost Fairy Shadow Tag Snow Rush Intimidate
4126 Ridteen Ridteen Dragon Undiscovered Steadfast Undiscovered Intimidate
4172 Bachichi Bachichi Electric Undiscovered Rivalry Guts Intimidate
4228 Moustab Moustab Steel Undiscovered Intimidate Undiscovered None
4438 Krampird Krampird Ghost Fairy Shadow Tag Snow Rush Intimidate
4436 Dragon Gyarados Dragon Gyarados Water Dragon Intimidate Moxie Pride
4432 Sneaviwrath Sneaviwrath Shadow Ice Hyper Cutter Intimidate Shadow Call
4373 Slasherpie Slasherpie Bug Fear Intimidate Sadist Anger Point
4136 Gorefielf Gorefielf Food Fear Intimidate Undiscovered Unnerve
4584 Baron of Hell Baron of Hell Chaos Undiscovered Intimidate Undiscovered Unnerve
4540 Herobrine Herobrine Normal Ghost Intimidate Undiscovered Moody
4087 Rushedsalamence Rushedsalamence Dragon Flying Intimidate Moxie Speed Boost
4230 Sworodent Sworodent Steel Undiscovered Intimidate Undiscovered None
4045 Flarados Flarados Fire Dragon Flame Body Flash Fire Intimidate