Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Boosts the power of punching moves.


The power of the bearer's punching moves is boosted by 20%.

Pokémon that have Iron Fist

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
477 Dusknoir Dusknoir Ghost Undiscovered Cursed Body Shadow Call Iron Fist
1897 Ichiran Ichiran Fighting Wind No Guard Iron Fist Overcoat
623 Golurk Golurk Ground Ghost Iron Fist No Guard Klutz
532 Timburr Timburr Fighting Undiscovered Guts Sheer Force Iron Fist
534 Conkeldurr Conkeldurr Fighting Undiscovered Guts Sheer Force Iron Fist
1930 Melmetal Melmetal Steel Undiscovered Iron Fist Undiscovered Magnet Pull
466 Electivire Electivire Electric Fighting Motor Drive Iron Fist Insomnia
107 Hitmonchan Hitmonchan Fighting Undiscovered Iron Fist Undiscovered Inner Focus
1536 Tripstar Tripstar Bug Undiscovered Swarm Undiscovered Iron Fist
166 Ledian Ledian Bug Cosmic Iron Fist Defiant Victory Star
390 Chimchar Chimchar Fire Undiscovered Blaze Iron Fist Iron Fist
874 Pancham Pancham Fighting Undiscovered Iron Fist Mold Breaker Scrappy
1028 Stando Stando Steel Fighting Clear Body Iron Fist Defiant
1112 Crabrawler Crabrawler Fighting Undiscovered Iron Fist Anger Point Hyper Cutter
1295 Right Arm Right Arm Divine Undiscovered Iron Fist Iron Fist Clear Body
533 Gurdurr Gurdurr Fighting Undiscovered Guts Sheer Force Iron Fist
875 Pangoro Pangoro Fighting Dark Iron Fist Mold Breaker Scrappy
391 Monferno Monferno Fire Fighting Blaze Iron Fist Iron Fist
622 Golett Golett Ground Ghost Iron Fist No Guard Klutz
1113 Crabominable Crabominable Fighting Ice Iron Fist Fur Coat Snow Rush
392 Infernape Infernape Fire Fighting Blaze Iron Fist Iron Fist
2695 Nohface Nohface Ghost Undiscovered Frisk Limber Iron Fist
2427 Steamnie Steamnie Steam Magic Flame Body Iron Fist Sheer Force
3988 Tentabrawl Tentabrawl Fighting Poison Hustle Undiscovered Iron Fist
3987 Tentapunch Tentapunch Fighting Poison Hustle Undiscovered Iron Fist
3584 Fire Electivire Fire Electivire Fire Undiscovered Flame Body Iron Fist Immolate
2967 GrapLeomon GrapLeomon Fighting Tech Intimidate Iron Fist Furious Feet
3265 Juvite Golett Juvite Golett Ground Magic Iron Fist No Guard Klutz
2315 Gooswole Gooswole Rubber Fighting Stamina Iron Fist Pro
3731 Humanoid Hitmonchan Humanoid Hitmonchan Fighting Undiscovered Iron Fist Undiscovered Inner Focus
2820 Boba Boba Tech Fighting Iron Fist Guts Steadfast
2819 RazorZ RazorZ Tech Fighting Iron Fist Battle Armor Sturdy
3492 Jooney Jooney Fighting Undiscovered Defiant Undiscovered Iron Fist
2784 Ponchomon Ponchomon Grass Fighting Guts Sand Rush Iron Fist
3851 Crazymadio Crazymadio Ghost Fighting Shadow Tag Guts Iron Fist
2314 Gooarm Gooarm Rubber Fighting Gooey Iron Fist Aftermath
2696 Kitsunoh Kitsunoh Steel Ghost Frisk Limber Iron Fist
3266 Juvite Golurk Juvite Golurk Ground Magic Iron Fist No Guard Klutz
2657 Revenankh Revenankh Ghost Fighting Shed Skin Cloud Nine Iron Fist
2780 Togemon Togemon Grass Fighting Guts Natural Cure Iron Fist
4721 Krauss Krauss Normal Undiscovered Iron Fist Undiscovered Moxie
4793 Wackmuscleman Wackmuscleman Normal Fighting Steadfast Iron Fist Run Away
4512 Mii Brawler Mii Brawler Normal Undiscovered Inner Focus Trace Iron Fist
4479 Captain Falcon Captain Falcon Fire Fighting Iron Fist Undiscovered Steadfast
4625 Genosu Genosu Tech Undiscovered Iron Fist Download Sheer Force
4681 Tifa Tifa Normal Fighting Iron Fist Furious Feet Cute Charm
4149 Akasaka Akasaka Fighting Undiscovered Iron Fist Undiscovered Guts
4563 Santa Joon Santa Joon Fighting Ice Snow Rush Undiscovered Iron Fist
4719 Jessica Jessica Normal Undiscovered Iron Fist Undiscovered Infiltrator
4508 Little Mac Little Mac Fighting Undiscovered Iron Fist Undiscovered Steadfast
4237 Poolossus Poolossus Poison Fighting Iron Fist Undiscovered None
4801 Master Hand Master Hand Normal Undiscovered Sheer Force Undiscovered Iron Fist