Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


The Pokémon only takes damage from attacks.


The bearer is immune to damage inflicted by effects (e.g. weather, entry hazards, Leech Seed, being burned/poisoned). Any other effects (e.g. being trapped) are not resisted.

Pokémon that have Magic Guard

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1670 Swirlia Swirlia Food Undiscovered Serene Grace Undiscovered Magic Guard
1475 Koisheep Koisheep Normal Psychic Unaware Wonder Skin Magic Guard
065 Alakazam Alakazam Psychic Magic Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
1995 Tamamon Tamamon Magic Undiscovered Pride Competitive Magic Guard
709 Beaucake Beaucake Food Fairy Serene Grace Sugar Rush Magic Guard
1974 Levelcap Levelcap Fabric Divine Magic Guard Magic Guard Multiscale
173 Cleffa Cleffa Fairy Undiscovered Cute Charm Magic Guard Friend Guard
1965 Yuugihol Yuugihol Fighting Undiscovered Mold Breaker Magic Guard Sheer Force
035 Clefairy Clefairy Fairy Cosmic Cute Charm Magic Guard Friend Guard
429 Mismagius Mismagius Ghost Magic Levitate Undiscovered Magic Guard
036 Clefable Clefable Fairy Cosmic Unaware Magic Guard Friend Guard
1094 Acasmoc Acasmoc Cosmic Chaos Magic Guard Vacuum Magic Guard
1381 Flashard Flashard Crystal Fire Flash Fire Magic Guard Levitate
064 Kadabra Kadabra Psychic Magic Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
063 Abra Abra Psychic Magic Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
1882 Ellythe Ellythe Steel Wind Suction Cups Magic Guard Hyper Cutter
1771 Marpet Marpet Fabric Flying Magic Guard Wonder Skin Simple
1755 Seerorb Seerorb Crystal Magic Anticipation Forewarn Magic Guard
1754 Predorb Predorb Crystal Undiscovered Anticipation Forewarn Magic Guard
1729 Gapkari Gapkari Psychic Chaos Focus Pressure Magic Guard
578 Duosion Duosion Psychic Undiscovered Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
708 Cuplet Cuplet Food Fairy Serene Grace Cute Charm Magic Guard
926 Xeraphox Xeraphox Fighting Cosmic Magic Guard Contrary Scrappy
1613 Alolan Reuniclus Alolan Reuniclus Water Ghost Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
1659 Alenkar Alenkar Psychic Ghost Synchronize Levitate Magic Guard
1639 Beta Clefairy Beta Clefairy Normal Undiscovered Wonder Skin Magic Guard Friend Guard
1442 Tapu Lele Tapu Lele Psychic Fairy Cute Charm Undiscovered Magic Guard
1669 Suckert Suckert Food Undiscovered Serene Grace Undiscovered Magic Guard
1612 Alolan Duosion Alolan Duosion Water Ghost Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
1611 Alolan Solosis Alolan Solosis Water Ghost Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
1596 Stargem Stargem Crystal Cosmic Wonder Skin Shed Skin Magic Guard
1595 Staresh Staresh Crystal Cosmic Magic Guard Shed Skin Magic Guard
579 Reuniclus Reuniclus Psychic Undiscovered Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
1520 Beta Cleffa Beta Cleffa Fairy Undiscovered Cute Charm Magic Guard Friend Guard
1027 Wizcap Wizcap Fabric Magic Magic Guard Multiscale Prankster
1051 Hasterror Hasterror Fear Chaos Intimidate Intimidate Magic Guard
700 Sphinxiant Sphinxiant Ground Divine Sand Rush Pressure Magic Guard
1671 Lolichap Lolichap Food Undiscovered Serene Grace Undiscovered Magic Guard
1402 Saibah Saibah Dragon Wind Super Luck Magic Guard Moxie
1383 Phanshard Phanshard Crystal Ghost Cursed Body Magic Guard Levitate
1380 Cristo Cristo Crystal Undiscovered Filter Magic Guard Levitate
1403 Rideusa Rideusa Blood Magic Magic Guard Speed Boost Protean
1304 Sylphind Sylphind Fairy Wind Magic Guard Undiscovered Vacuum
1093 Mawcar Mawcar Cosmic Chaos Magic Guard Vacuum Magic Guard
1026 Maghat Maghat Fabric Magic Magic Guard Multiscale Drizzle
1772 Flarpet Flarpet Fabric Flying Magic Guard Wonder Skin Simple
1050 Kingellow Kingellow Fear Undiscovered Prankster Prankster Magic Guard
577 Solosis Solosis Psychic Undiscovered Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
1421 Snoozerus Snoozerus Virus Psychic Magic Guard Bad Dreams Levitate
1384 Storshard Storshard Crystal Chaos Cursed Body Magic Guard Levitate
857 Delphox Delphox Fire Magic Blaze Forewarn Magic Guard
975 Arcaneon Arcaneon Magic Undiscovered Magic Guard Magicate Magic Bounce
710 Gatteri Gatteri Food Fairy Serene Grace Sugar Rush Magic Guard
1756 Prophorb Prophorb Crystal Psychic Anticipation Forewarn Magic Guard
782 Univax Univax Cosmic Undiscovered Filter Vacuum Magic Guard
1101 Witchise Witchise Fear Magic Magic Guard Prankster Intimidate
781 Cosmix Cosmix Cosmic Undiscovered Filter Vacuum Magic Guard
561 Sigilyph Sigilyph Psychic Flying Wonder Skin Magic Guard Tinted Lens
3980 Shinigazam Shinigazam Dark Blood Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
3979 Cutabra Cutabra Dark Blood Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
2730 Cupra Cupra Bug Psychic Shield Dust Keen Eye Magic Guard
2725 Mega Mismagius Mega Mismagius Ghost Magic Levitate Undiscovered Magic Guard
2755 Hououmon Hououmon Fire Light Serene Grace Regenerator Magic Guard
2961 Cosmic Cleffa Cosmic Cleffa Rock Undiscovered Sturdy Magic Guard Friend Guard
2732 Aurumoth Aurumoth Bug Psychic Shed Skin Compoundeyes Magic Guard
3819 Cleffgar Cleffgar Rock Dark Rough Skin Magic Guard Friend Guard
2120 Cakeross Cakeross Food Blood Serene Grace Cute Charm Magic Guard
2323 Dark Tsareena Dark Tsareena Dark Magic Magic Guard Shadow Call Contrary
3821 Garfable Garfable Rock Dark Rough Skin Magic Guard Friend Guard
3820 Clegoyle Clegoyle Rock Dark Rough Skin Magic Guard Friend Guard
3689 Humanoid Alakazam Humanoid Alakazam Psychic Magic Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
3688 Humanoid Kadabra Humanoid Kadabra Psychic Undiscovered Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
3687 Humanoid Abra Humanoid Abra Psychic Undiscovered Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
2987 Fox DigiTamamon Fox DigiTamamon Magic Cyber Pride Competitive Magic Guard
2175 POOF POOF Magic Undiscovered Magic Guard Magic Guard Multiscale
3659 Humanoid Clefairy Humanoid Clefairy Fairy Cosmic Cute Charm Magic Guard Friend Guard
2226 Bowletta Bowletta Fire Magic Prankster Magic Guard Blaze
2666 HIM (Rock) HIM (Rock) Rock Undiscovered Magic Guard Magic Bounce Sand Stream
2075 Chaneller Chaneller Ghost Undiscovered Cursed Body Undiscovered Magic Guard
3978 Abrark Abrark Dark Blood Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
2202 Ishtarin Ishtarin Divine Heart Competitive Undiscovered Magic Guard
2658 Protowatt Protowatt Electric Water Trace Magic Guard Minus
2958 Angewomon Angewomon Divine Flying Magic Guard Serene Grace Regenerator
3660 Humanoid Clefable Humanoid Clefable Fairy Cosmic Unaware Magic Guard Friend Guard
3378 Lunabbit Lunabbit Fairy Undiscovered Cute Charm Magic Bounce Magic Guard
3347 Clefmontop Clefmontop Fighting Fairy Cute Charm Magic Guard Scrappy
2005 Jeannearc Jeannearc Divine Light Natural Cure Magic Guard Moxie
3279 Kaiju Natu Kaiju Natu Psychic Flying Magic Bounce Early Bird Magic Guard
3247 Advent Yukari Advent Yukari Psychic Undiscovered Shield Dust Undiscovered Magic Guard
2032 Shakespearster Shakespearster Normal Paper Friend Guard Wonder Skin Magic Guard
2962 Cosmic Clefairy Cosmic Clefairy Rock Cosmic Sturdy Magic Guard Friend Guard
2963 Cosmic Clefable Cosmic Clefable Rock Cosmic Sturdy Magic Guard Friend Guard
2659 Krilowatt Krilowatt Electric Water Trace Magic Guard Minus
2731 Argalis Argalis Bug Psychic Shed Skin Compoundeyes Magic Guard
2322 Dark Steenee Dark Steenee Dark Magic Magic Guard Shadow Call Contrary
2321 Dark Bounsweet Dark Bounsweet Dark Magic Magic Guard Oblivious Contrary
4816 Gorgon Gorgon Blood Chaos Magic Guard Speed Boost Protean
4820 Irisviel Irisviel Divine Undiscovered Healer Undiscovered Magic Guard
4371 Clefairicon Clefairicon Fairy Qmarks Magic Guard Undiscovered Friend Guard
4835 Twilight Sparkle Twilight Sparkle Magic Psychic Magic Guard Undiscovered Magicate
4830 Lolidusa Lolidusa Divine Magic Magic Guard Undiscovered Speed Boost
4615 Humanoid Delphox Humanoid Delphox Fire Magic Blaze Forewarn Magic Guard
4817 BB BB Cyber Virus Moody Prankster Magic Guard
4376 Starruz Starruz Cosmic Fear Clear Body Magic Guard Analytic