Pokemon Wack Wiki

WARNING! The following page contains spoilers for the post-game of Pokemon Wack! If you do not want to be spoiled, do not click expand!

Mars (not to be confused with the Roman God of the same name) is a planet in Space. The Player is able to access this planet after completing the storyline in The Moon. Leveling up Lunound and a male Rogodo in sections 1-6 will evolve it into Lycanmars and Marsarrior, respectively.


In this planet, The Player will discover the effects HE has had on the martians, and will fight the god Mars. Clearing the storyline here will allow the player to access Venus, Mercury, and The Sun, the last one being the celestial body that advances the storyline.


  • RageCandyBar: Southwest of the ship.
  • Max Revive x3: East Mars.
  • Elixir: East Mars.
  • PP Up x2: East Mars, second area, southeast and northeast corners.
  • Revive: East Mars, above the PP Up.
  • Max Ether: East Mars, second area, north of the entrance.
  • Sun Stone x2: Martian Mines, north of the entrance and east of the Shiny Stone in area 2.
  • Dawn Stone x3: Martian Mines, west of the entrance, in the southeast section of area 2, and east of the first hallway in area 3.
  • PP Max: Martian Mines Area 2, southwest of the entrance.
  • Shiny Stone x2: Martian Mines Area 2, south of the PP Max and in the southeast section.
  • Dusk Stone: Martian Mines Area 3, north after the first hallway.


Youngster HIM: Rubbero Lv. 100, Arceus Lv. 100, Eldcraftian Lv. 100, TBD (Scripted Loss)

Area 3[]

Nice maz: Lavagun Lv. 99, Blastoise Lv. 99

Mice mraz: Black Door Lv. 95, Myosmic Lv. 97, Plasbul Lv. 96, Atmosro Lv. 96, Salamence Lv. 96, Eyeluminid Lv. 98

Nice amraz: Trinvasio Lv. 97, Lycanmars Lv. 97, UFOear Lv. 97, Ayymao Lv. 96, Searice Lv. 100, Cypecker Lv. 97

Nice warmas: Lycanmars Lv. 96

Nice spoli: Knood Lv. 90, Mageyser Lv. 90, Serpentice Lv. 90

Nice smacz: Vaporeon Lv. 94, Bottle'O'Drake Lv. 90

Nice conida: Otyash Lv. 90, Shelgon Lv. 100

Post-Area 3[]

Nice delib: Doita Lv. 91, Coraut Lv. 92

Nice shoesh: Turbind Lv. 92, Palossand Lv. 92, Novais Lv. 92

Nice emal: Rapidash Lv. 92, Dunesdrill Lv. 92, Vikavolt Lv. 92

Nice emot: Ijusgotbigger Lv. 92, Xeraphox Lv. 92

Nice buyl: Neonazi Lv. 93, Poryrus-Z Lv. 92

Nice mommal: Willost Lv. 92, Godzillus Lv. 92

Nice resva: Bushidon Lv. 92, Eyeluminid lv. 92

Nice hippa: Winecho Lv. 90, Carolden Lv. 90

Nice tiesa: Hulklear Lv. 92, Alolan Arcanine Lv. 92

Nice reavb: Syli Lv. 90, Mandibuzz Lv. 90

Nice retal: Panthannon Lv. 90, Gaghocean Lv. 90

Area 5-7[]

Mars Shade Xyx: UFOlien Lv. 94

Mars Shade Gyg: Bouldars Lv. 92, Willost Lv. 90

Mars Shade Ixi: Univax Lv. 92, Cubaoop Lv. 94

Mars Shade Waq: Ayymao Lv. 92

Mars Shade Sls: Goopars Lv. 92

Mars Shade Ili: Cubaoop Lv. 92, Warchon Lv. 90

Mars Shade Oxo: Goopars Lv. 93, Heruptin Lv. 92

Mars Shade Ara: Searice Lv. 92

Mars Shade Dma: Goopars Lv. 96

Mars Shade Qna: Searice Lv. 92, Searam Lv. 92

Mars Shade mVC: Electrode Lv. 94

Mars Shade Vav: Cypecker Lv. 92, Porygon-Z Lv. 90

Mars Shade Qone: UFOear Lv. 92, Drakosm Lv. 93

Mars Shade Sube: Drakosm Lv. 100

Mars Shade Aka: Searice Lv. 97

Mars Shade Gerit: UFOear Lv. 92, Starmie Lv. 90

Mars Shade Sube: Drakosm Lv. 100


Mars Shade Wzb: Absol Lv. 97

Mars Shade Flz: Alolan Reuniclus Lv. 95, Turbind Lv. 94

Mars Shade Bvnm: Beta Umbreon Lv. 94, Bellboyant Lv. 94, Tripstar Lv. 95

Mars Shade Susl: Warchon Lv. 96, Eldreye Lv. 96

Mars Shade Vela: Ninetales Lv. 93, Drakosm Lv. 93

Mars Shade Klaz: Silvally Lv. 95, Crystal Steelix Lv. 94

Mars Shade Kozuoa: Willost Lv. 94, Memee Lv. 100

Mars Shade Talka: Exploud Lv. 96, Politoed Lv. 94, Parasect Lv. 95

Mars Shade Blaru: Zoroark Lv. 94, Zereurior Lv. 94

Mars Shade Lopm: Lopunny Lv. 95, Archango Lv. 93

Mars Shade Zureta: Twinz Lv. 95, Metagross Lv. 95

Mars Shade Wjs: Wailord Lv. 95, Ayymao Lv. 96, Blissey Lv. 95

Mars Shade Liya: UFOlien Lv. 97

Mars Shade Zlui: Latias Lv. 94, Torkoal Lv. 94, Heruptin Lv. 93

Mars Shade Barxa: Clawitzer Lv. 94, Clefable Lv. 94


Mars Shade Xwolu: Otyash Lv. 93, Eyeluminid Lv. 94

Mars Shade Femxo: Aegislash Lv. 94, Diebbyuk Lv. 94

Mars Shade Werta: Goblord Lv. 94, Cypecker Lv. 94

Mars Shade Soyua: Lycanmars Lv. 94, Machamp Lv. 95

Mars Shade Uikm: Trinvasio Lv. 94, Metang Lv. 100

Mars Shade Mythua: Beta Kingdra Lv. 94, Pikablu Lv. 94

Mars Shade Koiu: Galvantula Lv. 94, Rhyperior Lv. 94

Mars Shade Tushi: Reactiox Lv. 94, Alolan Qwilfish Lv. 94

Mars Shade Revesa: Turtonator Lv. 94, Heruptin Lv. 94, Dunesdrill Lv. 94, Angeist Lv. 94, Gothitelle Lv. 94, Talonflame Lv. 94

Mars Shade Vbgas: Solaioss Lv. 94, Charizard Lv. 94 x3, Ijusgotbigger Lv. 94, Castform Lv. 94

Mars Shade Baseda: Lunighton Lv. 94, Blastoise Lv. 94, Feraligatr Lv. 94, Swampert Lv. 94, Ijusgotsmal Lv. 94, Castform Lv. 94

Mars Shade Asever: Absol Lv. 94, Ursaring Lv. 94, Blaziken Lv. 94, Marshtomp Lv. 100, Mightyena Lv. 94, Lopunny Lv. 94

Mars Shade Beam: Abomasnow Lv. 94, Aurorus Lv. 94, Castform Lv. 94, Articuno Lv. 94, Vanilluxe Lv. 95, Snofistor Lv. 94

Mars Shade Markiplier: Tyranitar Lv. 95, Hippowdon Lv. 95, Warchon Lv. 95, Lycanroc Lv. 95, Clawnd Lv. 95, Bouldars Lv. 98


Mars Shade Tiopa: UFOwoah Lv. 100

Mars Shade Fiberop: Drakosm Lv. 96, Goopars Lv. 96

Mars Shade Kluiav: Goopars Lv. 96, Dragonite Lv. 95

Mars Shade Byuv: Salamence Lv. 96, Geodude Lv. 100

Mars Shade Malee: Golem Lv. 96

God Mars: Lycanmars Lv. 98, Marsarrior Lv. 100, Cypecker Lv. 100, Cobalion Lv. 98, Roman Falinks Lv. 99, Trinvasio Lv. 99

Martian Mines[]

Mars Shade Ledil: Trarsile Lv. 97, Cacemon Lv. 97, Bouldars Lv. 97

Martian MARSORTURED: Marsybie Lv. 96, Mars Shade Lv. 96, Honarsal Lv. 96, Maidcoresh Lv. 96, MARSORTURED Lv. 96, Torturlens Lv. 96


Section 1[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-86 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-86 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-86 10%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-86 10%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-86 10%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-87 10%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-86 5%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-86 5%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-86 1%
Birbley Birbley
Cave Cave
5-15 1%

Section 2[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-86 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-86 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-86 10%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-86 10%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-86 10%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-87 10%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-86 5%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-86 5%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
Tiwisone Tiwisone
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-86 1%
Facefugger Facefugger
Cave Cave
84-86 1%

Section 3[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
85-88 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 4%
Tiwisone Tiwisone
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-89 1%
Facefugger Facefugger
Cave Cave
84-89 1%

Section 4[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
85-88 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 4%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-89 1%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 1%

Section 5[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
85-88 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Searice Searice
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Searice Searice
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Searice Searice
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 4%
Tiwisone Tiwisone
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-89 1%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 1%

Section 6[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
85-88 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Searice Searice
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Searice Searice
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Searice Searice
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 4%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-89 1%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 1%

Section 7[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Cubaoop Cubaoop
Cave Cave
90-91 20%
Goopars Goopars
Cave Cave
84-89 20%
Bouldars Bouldars
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Ligoop Ligoop
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Bouldars Bouldars
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Ligoop Ligoop
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Goopars Goopars
Cave Cave
84-89 4%
Cubaoop Cubaoop
Cave Cave
90-91 4%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-89 1%
Cubaoop Cubaoop
Cave Cave
90-91 1%

Section 8[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Trinvasio Trinvasio
Cave Cave
84-86 20%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-86 20%
Drakosm Drakosm
Cave Cave
84-86 10%
Cubaoop Cubaoop
Cave Cave
84-86 10%
Cubaoop Cubaoop
Cave Cave
84-86 10%
UFOwoah UFOwoah
Cave Cave
84-87 10%
Ligoop Ligoop
Cave Cave
84-86 5%
Cubaoop Cubaoop
Cave Cave
84-86 5%
Drakosm Drakosm
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
Drakosm Drakosm
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
Searice Searice
Cave Cave
84-86 1%
Searice Searice
Cave Cave
84-86 1%

Additionally, the later sections contain wandering Mars Shades (specifically 22 of them on the mountain and 10 at the peak, all at level 97)

Martian Mines[]

The Martian Mines are a sub-location in Mars. The very depths of the cave contain the legendary Pokémon MARSORTURED, and the Martian Orb item.

Encounters (Section 1)[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Trarsile Trarsile
Cave Cave
84-88 20%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-88 20%
Bouldars Bouldars
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Ayyliem Ayyliem
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Bouldars Bouldars
Cave Cave
84-89 4%
Trarsile Trarsile
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
Trarsile Trarsile
Cave Cave
84-89 1%
Facefugger Facefugger
Cave Cave
84-89 1%

Encounters (Section 2)[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Trarsile Trarsile
Cave Cave
84-90 20%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-88 20%
Bouldars Bouldars
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Tridler Tridler
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Trarsile Trarsile
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Facefugger Facefugger
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Trarsile Trarsile
Cave Cave
84-89 4%
Torturlens Torturlens
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
Marsybie Marsybie
Cave Cave
84-89 1%
Honarsal Honarsal
Cave Cave
84-89 1%

Encounters (Section 3)[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Torturlens Torturlens
Cave Cave
84-90 20%
Torturlens Torturlens
Cave Cave
84-88 20%
Bouldars Bouldars
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Maidcoresh Maidcoresh
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Marsybie Marsybie
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Marsybie Marsybie
Cave Cave
84-89 10%
Marsybie Marsybie
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Cybirb Cybirb
Cave Cave
84-89 5%
Torturlens Torturlens
Cave Cave
84-89 4%
Trarsile Trarsile
Cave Cave
84-86 4%
Honarsal Honarsal
Cave Cave
84-89 1%
Honarsal Honarsal
Cave Cave
84-89 1%

Encounters (Section 4)[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Torturlens Torturlens
Cave Cave
90-92 20%
Torturlens Torturlens
Cave Cave
90-94 20%
Honarsal Honarsal
Cave Cave
90-94 10%
Maidcoresh Maidcoresh
Cave Cave
90-92 10%
Marsybie Marsybie
Cave Cave
90-94 10%
Marsybie Marsybie
Cave Cave
90-92 10%
Marsybie Marsybie
Cave Cave
90-92 5%
Maidcoresh Maidcoresh
Cave Cave
90-92 5%
Torturlens Torturlens
Cave Cave
90-93 4%
Trarsile Trarsile
Cave Cave
90-93 4%
Honarsal Honarsal
Cave Cave
90-96 1%
Honarsal Honarsal
Cave Cave
90-96 1%

Encounters (Section 5)[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Torturlens Torturlens
Cave Cave
90-92 20%
Torturlens Torturlens
Cave Cave
90-94 20%
Honarsal Honarsal
Cave Cave
90-94 10%
Maidcoresh Maidcoresh
Cave Cave
90-92 10%
Marsybie Marsybie
Cave Cave
90-94 10%
Marsybie Marsybie
Cave Cave
90-92 10%
Marsybie Marsybie
Cave Cave
90-92 5%
Maidcoresh Maidcoresh
Cave Cave
90-92 5%
Torturlens Torturlens
Cave Cave
90-93 4%
Trarsile Trarsile
Cave Cave
90-93 4%
Honarsal Honarsal
Cave Cave
90-96 1%
Honarsal Honarsal
Cave Cave
90-96 1%

MARSORTURED Lv. 94 (final room) Marsech (After beating HIMSELF)

Throne of Mars[]

Mars (After beating HIMSELF)
