Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Raises Speed if hit by an Electric-type move.


The bearer is immune to Electric-type moves. If hit by one, increases the bearer's Speed by 1 stage.

Pokémon that have Motor Drive

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
948 Propod Propod Tech Cyber Motor Drive Download Lightningrod
522 Blitzle Blitzle Electric Undiscovered Lightningrod Motor Drive Sap Sipper
1994 Berserfran Berserfran Electric Undiscovered Volt Absorb Motor Drive Ionate
1873 Nitorech Nitorech Water Tech Swift Swim Technician Motor Drive
1132 Charjabug Charjabug Bug Electric Static Static Motor Drive
1816 Electrain Electrain Steel Electric Lightningrod Motor Drive Speed Boost
1636 Toastaem Toastaem Tech Fire Flash Fire Motor Drive Immolate
1817 Shinkantrain Shinkantrain Steel Tech Volt Absorb Motor Drive Speed Boost
466 Electivire Electivire Electric Fighting Motor Drive Iron Fist Insomnia
1686 Sewan Sewan Tech Fabric Flash Fire Motor Drive Lightningrod
956 Jetcraft Jetcraft Tech Flying Motor Drive Turbine Weak Armor
1479 Transport Transport Tech Time Motor Drive Undiscovered None
1635 Toater Toater Tech Undiscovered Flash Fire Motor Drive Lightningrod
955 Playne Playne Normal Flying Motor Drive Turbine Weak Armor
1687 Sewantor Sewantor Tech Fabric Flash Fire Motor Drive Lightningrod
587 Emolga Emolga Electric Flying Static Undiscovered Motor Drive
947 Nanos Nanos Tech Cyber Motor Drive Inner Focus Lightningrod
523 Zebstrika Zebstrika Electric Undiscovered Lightningrod Motor Drive Sap Sipper
2074 Gadgeteon Gadgeteon Tech Undiscovered Lightningrod Motor Drive Download
4503 ROB ROB Tech Undiscovered Motor Drive Volt Absorb Analytic
4306 Splug Splug Electric Undiscovered Adaptability Motor Drive None
4712 Elesatrika Elesatrika Electric Undiscovered Lightningrod Motor Drive Sap Sipper
4652 Chibi Robo Chibi Robo Tech Undiscovered Volt Absorb Pickup Motor Drive
4605 E-102 E-102 Tech Undiscovered Motor Drive Undiscovered Volt Absorb
4308 Cabilisk Cabilisk Electric Dragon Adaptability Motor Drive None
4453 Thunder Armor Swellow Thunder Armor Swellow Normal Flying Volt Absorb Motor Drive Guts
4307 Adaplug Adaplug Electric Undiscovered Adaptability Motor Drive None