Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Reduces damage when HP is full.


The bearer takes half damage from moves that hit it while the bearer is at full HP.

Pokémon that have Multiscale

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
249 Lugia Lugia Psychic Flying Multiscale Undiscovered Drizzle
1998 Chargradon Chargradon Grass Undiscovered Overgrow Undiscovered Multiscale
1997 Chargra Chargra Grass Undiscovered Overgrow Undiscovered Multiscale
1996 Karnancer Karnancer Fire Divine Blaze Multiscale Drought
1974 Levelcap Levelcap Fabric Divine Magic Guard Magic Guard Multiscale
1217 Alolan Exeggutor Alolan Exeggutor Grass Dragon Multiscale Harvest Marvel Scale
1077 Israfel Israfel Divine Chaos Soundproof Multiscale Parental Bond
149 Dragonite Dragonite Dragon Flying Inner Focus Undiscovered Multiscale
1027 Wizcap Wizcap Fabric Magic Magic Guard Multiscale Prankster
1204 Alolan Dragonite Alolan Dragonite Dragon Undiscovered Thick Fat Thick Fat Multiscale
1298 Moon Core Moon Core Blood Undiscovered Graze Multiscale Drizzle
1104 Mimikyu Mimikyu Ghost Fairy Multiscale Multiscale Cursed Body
1177 Lunala Lunala Cosmic Ghost Multiscale Multiscale Shadow Call
1026 Maghat Maghat Fabric Magic Magic Guard Multiscale Drizzle
369 Relicanth Relicanth Water Rock Marvel Scale Rock Head Multiscale
1999 Chargroar Chargroar Grass Dragon Overgrow Undiscovered Multiscale
2607 Keaton Mask Mimikyu Keaton Mask Mimikyu Fairy Undiscovered Multiscale Multiscale Cursed Body
3339 Fire Eiscue Fire Eiscue Fire Undiscovered Multiscale Undiscovered Ice Body
3400 Caenislancer Caenislancer Fighting Divine Moxie Multiscale Berserker
3793 Scar-Lugia Scar-Lugia Psychic Dark Multiscale Undiscovered Drizzle
3773 Humanoid Dragonite Humanoid Dragonite Dragon Flying Inner Focus Undiscovered Multiscale
2175 POOF POOF Magic Undiscovered Magic Guard Magic Guard Multiscale
3473 Lotamiesq Lotamiesq Grass Fear Unnerve Undiscovered Multiscale
2271 Nuked Dragonite Nuked Dragonite Nuclear Fairy Inner Focus Undiscovered Multiscale
2034 Siegfriedaber Siegfriedaber Dragon Undiscovered Battle Armor Multiscale Wonder Guard
2614 NeapolitanEiscue NeapolitanEiscue Ice Fire Multiscale Undiscovered Flame Body
2528 Eiscue Eiscue Ice Undiscovered Multiscale Undiscovered Ice Body
2905 Regidragon Regidragon Dragon Undiscovered Clear Body Multiscale Marvel Scale
4411 Mimikyufeast Mimikyufeast Ghost Food Multiscale Undiscovered Cursed Body
4786 Zoma Zoma Dark Ice Moxie Multiscale Mold Breaker
4247 Aphrenus Aphrenus Dragon Heart Multiscale Undiscovered None
4784 Dragonlord Dragonlord Dark Dragon Multiscale Intimidate Mold Breaker