I've been thinking. The 'dex for this wiki is a bit janky, and it is split into parts when its a bit faster to do one whole page. This is my first page on the wiki (not ever on fandom.) And for the heck of it, scientific freaking names too. Please, do tell in the comments if I missed ANY Pokémon, and/or you have a new 'mon. This is in my custom order, well, only the fanon ones. So, without further ado, let's get into it! (You. Not me. Your alone here, I'm gonna go eat some 'za.) I hope there aren't negative Pokémon...
??? - ???
Bulbasaur - Sphenodon bulbus | 1
Ivysaur - Sphenodon hedera | 2
Venusaur - Sphenodon magnus , Mega Venusaur - Sphenodon magnus magnus , Gigantamax Venusaur - Sphenodon magnus mortiferum | 3 , 3.1 , 3.2
Charmander - Dracoaves igna | 4
Charmeleon - Dracoaves charmelion | 5
Charizard - Dracoaves ferox , Mega Charizard X - Dracoaves ferox durungulae , Mega Charizard Y - Dracoaves ferox siccitas , Gigantamax Charizard - Dracoaves ferox flamma | 6 , 6.1 , 6.2 , 6.3
Squirtle - Geomyda tormenta | 7
Wartortle - Geomyda torrentis | 8
Blastoise - Geomyda explosio , Mega Blastoise - Geomyda explosio megaculator , Gigantamax Blastoise - Geomyda explosio magnaculator | 9 , 9,1 , 9.2
Caterpie - Aporia humida | 10
Metapod - Aporia exuvans | 11
Butterfree - Aporia oculicompositus , Gigantamax Butterfree - Aporia oculicompositus copiosus | 12 , 12.1
Weedle - Vespa puncta | 13
Kakuna - Vespa kakuna | 14
Beedrill - Vespa turba , Mega Beedrill - Vespa adaptabilitas | 15 , 15.1
Pidgey - Falco machus | 16
Pidgeotto - Falco acutoculus | 17
Pidgeot - Falco pedimplicatus , Mega Pidgeot - Falco pedimplicatus nulcustodia | 18
Rattata - Rattus normalus , Kantoan Rattata - Rattus normalus kantus , Alolan Rattata - Rattus normalus alolus | 19 , 19.1 , 19.2
Raticate - Rattus fugerus , Alolan Raticate - Rattus fugerus alolus | 20 , 20.1
Spearow - Passer rostrus | 21
Fearow - Passer longacutus | 22
Ekans - Naja ajans | 23
Arbok - Naja terreo | 24
Pikachu - Mus pikalus , Kantoan Pikachu - Mus pikalus kantus , Alolan Pikachu - Mus pikalus alolus , Gigantamax Pikachu - Mus pikalus stabilis | 25 , 25.1 , 25.2 , 25.3
Raichu - Mus electricus , Alolan Raichu - Mus electricus alolanauta | 26 , 26.1
Sandshrew - Manis rotis , Kantoan Sandshrew - Manis rotis kantis , Alolan Sandshrew - Manis rotis alolus | 27 , 27.1 , 27.2
Sandslash - Manis veluharenae , Alolan Sandslash - Manis veluharenae alolus | 28 , 28.1
Nidoran♀ - Arma toxa that technically is just male and female of the same species, look at the branch. So eh... | 29
Nidorina - Arma toxa | 30
Page is a WIP!