Pokemon Wack Wiki

Mysterious Dungeon is a location accessible by showing the Mystery Ticket to the old man with a boat in Cutcha Town.


  • Mewtwonite X: On a table in the southwest building.
  • Mewtwonite Y: On a table in the southwest building.
  • Heart Scale x9: First area; three in the main room, two in the northwest room, and two in the east hallway. Second area, one in each hallway.
  • Max Revive: Second area, east of the door.


Mewtwo: Pikachutwo Lv. 100, Mewtwo Lv. 100 x2, Clone Blastoise Lv. 100, Clone Charizard Lv. 100, Clone Venusaur Lv. 100


Area 1[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Pikachutwo Pikachutwo
Cave Cave
68-80 20%
Ditto Ditto
Cave Cave
68-93 20%
Pikachutwo Pikachutwo
Cave Cave
65-94 10%
Golbat Golbat
Cave Cave
52-91 10%
Clone Bulbasaur Clone Bulbasaur
Cave Cave
52-96 10%
Clone Squirtle Clone Squirtle
Cave Cave
55-95 10%
Clone Charmander Clone Charmander
Cave Cave
58-94 5%
Ditto Ditto
Cave Cave
58-93 5%
Parasect Parasect
Cave Cave
55-84 4%
Electrode Electrode
Cave Cave
54-85 4%
Golbat Golbat
Cave Cave
52-81 1%
Wobbuffet Wobbuffet
Cave Cave
51-83 1%

Area 2[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Pikachutwo Pikachutwo
Cave Cave
78-94 20%
Ditto Ditto
Cave Cave
78-93 20%
Pikachutwo Pikachutwo
Cave Cave
75-94 10%
Golbat Golbat
Cave Cave
72-91 10%
Clone Ivysaur Clone Ivysaur
Cave Cave
72-96 10%
Clone Wartortle Clone Wartortle
Cave Cave
75-95 10%
Clone Charmeleon Clone Charmeleon
Cave Cave
78-97 5%
Ditto Ditto
Cave Cave
78-93 5%
Parasect Parasect
Cave Cave
75-84 4%
Electrode Electrode
Cave Cave
74-85 4%
Golbat Golbat
Cave Cave
72-81 1%
Wobbuffet Wobbuffet
Cave Cave
71-83 1%

Mewtwo Lv. 100 (In the final room)

Shadow Mewtwo Lv. 100 (in the final room, must have Mewtwo in your party and have beaten Mars)
