/give @p diamond_axe{display:{Name:'[{"text":"Jungle Log Breaker","italic":false}]',Lore:['[{"text":"Use this to enter the","italic":false}]','[{"text":"Tmesis. I will literally","italic":false}]','[{"text":"eat you if I see you","italic":false}]','[{"text":"using this on the Qqqaltel","italic":false}]','[{"text":"Jungle.","italic":false}]']},CanDestroy:[jungle_log]} 1
TM02 (Dragon Claw): Northwest of Team Wack Grunt 0
Helioliskite: B1F, southwest corner.
Key Kard: Under the final grunt in B1F.
Hyper Potion x2: Southwest of Team Wack Grunt 5. B3F, northeast area.
Uranium x2: Southeast of Team Wack Grunt 4, and the southeast corner of B2F.
Hulklearite: West side of the Basement, after clearing out Team Wack.
Rodactylite: East side of the Basement, after clearing out Team Wack.
Cell Battery x5: B3F, by the door, in the center of the second area, in the southwest corner of the second area, and two in the hallway at the end of the area.
Reactioxite: B3F, east of the Hyper Potion.
PP Up x2: B3F, southeast of the Reactioxite, and in the southeast corner of the second area.
Strip Club Key: In the room at the end of the basement, after clearing out Team Wack.