Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Prevents it from becoming infatuated.


The bearer cannot become infatuated. The bearer is cured of its infatuation if it becomes infatuated. The bearer is not affected by the move Captivate.

Gen 6: Also, the bearer is not affected by the move Taunt. The bearer is cured of its taunt if it becomes taunted.

Pokémon that have Oblivious

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
220 Swinub Swinub Ice Ground Oblivious Snow Cloak Thick Fat
823 Fedoraz Fedoraz Dark Fabric Oblivious Skeptic Dark Life
674 Swirlix Swirlix Fairy Food Sweet Veil Unburden Oblivious
080 Slowbro Slowbro Water Psychic Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
1954 Laprince Laprince Water Ice Water Absorb Battle Armor Oblivious
1567 Likk Likk Normal Undiscovered Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
199 Slowking Slowking Water Psychic Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
1601 Narlord Narlord Water Ice Water Veil Oblivious Pressure
221 Piloswine Piloswine Ice Ground Oblivious Thick Fat Thick Fat
079 Slowpoke Slowpoke Water Psychic Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
1590 Luigi Luigi Normal Undiscovered Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
1777 Honarsal Honarsal Meme Dark Intimidate Oblivious Own Tempo
463 Lickilicky Lickilicky Normal Food Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
1652 Slowloss Slowloss Water Ghost Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
322 Numel Numel Fire Ground Oblivious Simple Own Tempo
320 Wailmer Wailmer Water Undiscovered Water Veil Oblivious Pressure
825 M'ladee M'ladee Dark Fabric Oblivious Skeptic Dark Life
1468 Goopars Goopars Rubber Undiscovered Oblivious Undiscovered Adaptability
1591 Yoshi Yoshi Normal Dragon Own Tempo Oblivious Speed Boost
1548 Lipp Lipp Ice Psychic Oblivious Forewarn Hydration
1370 Ayymao Ayymao Cosmic Undiscovered Oblivious Synchronize Analytic
680 Uncrow Uncrow Zombie Flying Cursed Body Poison Touch Oblivious
321 Wailord Wailord Water Undiscovered Drizzle Oblivious Pressure
675 Slurpuff Slurpuff Fairy Food Sweet Veil Unburden Oblivious
1364 Clwister Clwister Wind Chaos Overcoat Oblivious Levitate
824 Euphoreye Euphoreye Dark Fabric Oblivious Skeptic Dark Life
1151 Bounsweet Bounsweet Grass Undiscovered Oblivious Leaf Guard Leaf Guard
238 Smoochum Smoochum Ice Psychic Oblivious Forewarn Hydration
1147 Salandit Salandit Fire Poison Scrappy Scrappy Oblivious
314 Illumise Illumise Bug Fairy Oblivious Tinted Lens Prankster
1776 Marsybie Marsybie Zombie Cyber Levitate Technician Oblivious
124 Jynx Jynx Ice Psychic Oblivious Forewarn Filter
364 Sealeo Sealeo Ice Water Thick Fat Ice Body Oblivious
108 Lickitung Lickitung Normal Undiscovered Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
339 Barboach Barboach Water Ground Oblivious Anticipation Hydration
365 Walrein Walrein Ice Water Thick Fat Ice Body Oblivious
363 Spheal Spheal Ice Water Thick Fat Ice Body Oblivious
1369 Ayyliem Ayyliem Cosmic Undiscovered Oblivious Synchronize Analytic
1152 Steenee Steenee Grass Undiscovered Oblivious Leaf Guard Leaf Guard
473 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice Ground Oblivious Snow Cloak Thick Fat
340 Whiscash Whiscash Water Ground Oblivious Filter Hydration
3017 Aculyellow Aculyellow Fear Sound Unnerve Own Tempo Oblivious
3998 Slowsidian Slowsidian Rock Dark Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
2478 Swirlpup Swirlpup Fairy Food Fur Coat Unburden Oblivious
3955 Arachtuff Arachtuff Bug Fear Intimidate Oblivious Frisk
3954 Jigglisect Jigglisect Bug Undiscovered Intimidate Oblivious Frisk
2257 Breeder Breeder Normal Heart Oblivious Undiscovered Parental Bond
3804 Demohate Demohate Dark Heart Intimidate Swift Swim Oblivious
3373 Okaabirb Okaabirb Normal Flying Parental Bond Undiscovered Oblivious
3748 Humanoid Jynx Humanoid Jynx Ice Psychic Oblivious Forewarn Filter
3704 Humanoid Slowbro Humanoid Slowbro Water Psychic Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
3703 Humanoid Slowpoke Humanoid Slowpoke Water Psychic Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
2066 Gooseling Gooseling Normal Flying Oblivious Hydration Swift Swim
2486 Clownask Clownask Fear Fairy Own Tempo Prankster Oblivious
2258 Twins Twins Normal Undiscovered Oblivious Own Tempo Parental Bond
3622 Fairy Smoochum Fairy Smoochum Grass Fairy Oblivious Unaware Leaf Guard
3732 Humanoid Lickitung Humanoid Lickitung Normal Undiscovered Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
2949 Wackian Barboach Wackian Barboach Steam Psychic Oblivious Anticipation Hydration
2161 Lass Lass Normal Undiscovered Cute Charm Undiscovered Oblivious
2975 Hapbray Hapbray Normal Ground Oblivious Stamina Own Tempo
3112 Rinnosudude Rinnosudude Steel Normal Oblivious Suction Cups Rattled
3018 Acultchotcho Acultchotcho Fear Normal Unnerve Oblivious Aftermath
3376 Sneewii Sneewii Fairy Undiscovered Oblivious Undiscovered Cute Charm
3362 Hippsycho Hippsycho Psychic Water Own Tempo Oblivious Scrappy
2057 Kiarayoin Kiarayoin Normal Undiscovered Oblivious Undiscovered Competitive
2950 Wackian Whiscash Wackian Whiscash Steam Psychic Oblivious Filter Hydration
2256 Lady Lady Heart Fairy Cute Charm Oblivious Synchronize
3039 Ebichu Ebichu Normal Heart Gluttony Cute Charm Oblivious
2917 Gender Unown Gender Unown Heart Undiscovered Guts Oblivious Mold Breaker
2464 Zombmask Zombmask Fear Zombie Oblivious Prankster Unaware
3803 Evidisc Evidisc Dark Heart Swift Swim Intimidate Oblivious
2302 AZATHOTH AZATHOTH Chaos Divine Oblivious Undiscovered Early Bird
2626 Clowdpoke Clowdpoke Water Steel Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
2326 Madegg Madegg Dark Undiscovered Tangled Feet Undiscovered Oblivious
2526 Galarian Rapidash Galarian Rapidash Fairy Psychic Oblivious Immunity Flame Body
2321 Dark Bounsweet Dark Bounsweet Dark Magic Magic Guard Oblivious Contrary
2408 Dementad Dementad Water Fear Cursed Body Oblivious Own Tempo
4839 Pinkie Pie Pinkie Pie Fairy Chaos Oblivious Own Tempo Moody
4095 Holloach Holloach Grass Poison Oblivious Own Tempo Acid Rush
4218 Thicclops Thicclops Heart Fire Thick Fat Undiscovered Oblivious
4023 Lickoral Lickoral Rock Water Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
4840 Fluttershy Fluttershy Heart Flying Oblivious Undiscovered Own Tempo
4217 Oppeye Oppeye Heart Fire Cute Charm Undiscovered Oblivious
4223 Bigliff Bigliff Ground Rock Oblivious Sturdy Overcoat
4764 9S 9S Tech Cyber Oblivious Analytic Prankster
4224 Gigantain Gigantain Ground Ice Oblivious Sturdy Overcoat
4096 Illexash Illexash Grass Poison Oblivious Own Tempo Acid Rush
4222 Hillarge Hillarge Ground Grass Oblivious Sturdy Overcoat
4067 Galarian Slowbro Galarian Slowbro Poison Psychic Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
4092 Slowspike Slowspike Rock Undiscovered Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
4803 Beni enma Beni enma Food Undiscovered Oblivious Own Tempo Healer
4737 Birdo Birdo Normal Undiscovered Cute Charm Oblivious Cloud Nine
4439 Santa Jynx Santa Jynx Ice Fairy Oblivious Snow Rush Filter
4105 Reeficoral Reeficoral Rock Water Own Tempo Oblivious Cloud Nine
4740 Gooigi Gooigi Poison Rubber Own Tempo Oblivious Magic Bounce
4633 Shy Gal Shy Gal Normal Heart Own Tempo Undiscovered Oblivious
4632 Shy Ghost Shy Ghost Normal Ghost Levitate Undiscovered Oblivious
4631 Shy Fly Guy Shy Fly Guy Normal Flying Own Tempo Undiscovered Oblivious
4634 Koopa Troopa Koopa Troopa Normal Undiscovered Battle Armor Undiscovered Oblivious
4077 Phallusaur Phallusaur Rock Heart Thick Fat Oblivious Unaware
4618 Dawnpoke Dawnpoke Water Psychic Oblivious Own Tempo Regenerator
4841 Spike Spike Dragon Undiscovered Oblivious Undiscovered Own Tempo
4219 Huranium Huranium Normal Nuclear Insomnia Oblivious Unnerve
4630 Shy Guy Shy Guy Normal Undiscovered Own Tempo Undiscovered Oblivious
4216 Loleye Loleye Heart Undiscovered Cute Charm Undiscovered Oblivious
4690 Bubbles Bubbles Rubber Cyber Own Tempo Undiscovered Oblivious