Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Protects the Pokémon from damage from weather.


The bearer is immune to damage inflicted by weather (i.e. sandstorm and hail).

Gen 6: The bearer is also immune to powder-based moves, as well as the ability Effect Spore.

Pokémon that have Overcoat

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1174 Kommo-o Kommo-o Dragon Fighting Soundproof Bulletproof Overcoat
987 Sushish Sushish Water Food Wonder Skin Overcoat Water Veil
1622 Kogasella Kogasella Water Fear Intimidate Undiscovered Overcoat
1897 Ichiran Ichiran Fighting Wind No Guard Iron Fist Overcoat
412 Burmy Burmy Bug Undiscovered Shed Skin Overcoat Overcoat
1634 Toasted Toasted Food Ghost Thick Fat Overcoat Super Luck
090 Shellder Shellder Water Undiscovered Battle Armor Skill Link Overcoat
1089 Shelldor Shelldor Water Undiscovered Battle Armor Overcoat Overcoat
1249 Onigirice Onigirice Food Undiscovered Wonder Skin Overcoat Water Veil
578 Duosion Duosion Psychic Undiscovered Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
541 Swadloon Swadloon Bug Grass Leaf Guard Chlorophyll Overcoat
1613 Alolan Reuniclus Alolan Reuniclus Water Ghost Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
629 Vullaby Vullaby Bone Flying Big Pecks Overcoat Weak Armor
1612 Alolan Duosion Alolan Duosion Water Ghost Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
1611 Alolan Solosis Alolan Solosis Water Ghost Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
1598 Eggotto Eggotto Food Undiscovered Thick Fat Overcoat Super Luck
1597 Eggit Eggit Food Undiscovered Thick Fat Overcoat Super Luck
937 Boxtress Boxtress Paper Steel Overcoat Battle Armor Sturdy
1324 Wigglearth Wigglearth Bug Ground Overcoat Shed Skin Run Away
1539 Turbann Turbann Water Undiscovered Battle Armor Overcoat Overcoat
542 Leavanny Leavanny Bug Grass Overcoat Chlorophyll Marvel Scale
579 Reuniclus Reuniclus Psychic Undiscovered Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
616 Shelmet Shelmet Bug Undiscovered Hydration Battle Armor Overcoat
1469 Tiwisone Tiwisone Rock Psychic Overcoat Static Adaptability
091 Cloyster Cloyster Water Ice Battle Armor Skill Link Overcoat
540 Sewaddle Sewaddle Bug Grass Swarm Chlorophyll Overcoat
1364 Clwister Clwister Wind Chaos Overcoat Oblivious Levitate
372 Shelgon Shelgon Dragon Bone Rock Head Overcoat Filter
726 Cummunculus Cummunculus Wind Magic Overcoat Lightningrod Levitate
630 Mandibuzz Mandibuzz Bone Flying Big Pecks Overcoat Weak Armor
1325 Dooworm Dooworm Bug Ground Sheer Force Regenerator Overcoat
205 Forretress Forretress Bug Steel Sturdy Overcoat Heatproof
589 Escavalier Escavalier Bug Steel Swarm Battle Armor Overcoat
1173 Hakamo-o Hakamo-o Dragon Fighting Soundproof Bulletproof Overcoat
1172 Jangmo-o Jangmo-o Dragon Undiscovered Soundproof Bulletproof Overcoat
988 Sashumish Sashumish Water Food Wonder Skin Overcoat Water Veil
1248 Onigi Onigi Food Undiscovered Wonder Skin Overcoat Water Veil
1633 Breadamo Breadamo Food Normal Thick Fat Overcoat Super Luck
577 Solosis Solosis Psychic Undiscovered Overcoat Magic Guard Regenerator
1615 Futovant Futovant Wind Water Overcoat Defiant Rattled
725 Hompuff Hompuff Wind Magic Overcoat Lightningrod Levitate
413 Wormadam Wormadam Bug Grass Anticipation Overcoat Filter
204 Pineco Pineco Bug Undiscovered Sturdy Overcoat Overcoat
2923 Ice Venomoth Ice Venomoth Bug Ice Tinted Lens Overcoat Thick Fat
3214 Sweateryeti Sweateryeti Ice Fabric Fur Coat Overcoat Snow Cloak
2922 Ice Venonat Ice Venonat Bug Ice Compoundeyes Overcoat Run Away
3714 Humanoid Shellder Humanoid Shellder Water Undiscovered Battle Armor Skill Link Overcoat
2501 Withrew Withrew Chaos Poison Overcoat Zen Mode Wonder Guard
3349 Beta Forretress 2 Beta Forretress 2 Bug Undiscovered Sturdy Overcoat Heatproof
3521 Mummeem Mummeem Zombie Paper Shield Dust Mummy Overcoat
3715 Humanoid Cloyster Humanoid Cloyster Water Ice Battle Armor Skill Link Overcoat
3522 Pharoammy Pharoammy Zombie Paper Shield Dust Mummy Overcoat
2431 Loyaland Loyaland Dark Fairy Fur Coat Overcoat Strong Jaw
3430 Beta Forretress Beta Forretress Bug Steel Sturdy Overcoat Heatproof
3418 Kaiju Shelmet Kaiju Shelmet Bug Steel Swarm Battle Armor Overcoat
2762 Gabumon Gabumon Normal Fire Overcoat No Guard Adaptability
3523 Momummy Momummy Zombie Paper Shield Dust Mummy Overcoat
3311 Mashielder Mashielder Steel Undiscovered Friend Guard Undiscovered Overcoat
3213 Snuggice Snuggice Ice Fabric Fur Coat Overcoat Snow Cloak
3449 Mumbao Mumbao Grass Fairy Solar Power Trace Overcoat
3297 Skirona Skirona Rubber Virus Acid Rush Overcoat Acid Rain
3450 Jumbao Jumbao Grass Fairy Solar Power Trace Overcoat
2894 Granny Granny Tech Ice Overcoat Anticipation Forewarn
2893 Betty Z Betty Z Tech Heart Overcoat Cute Charm Dazzling
2892 Betty Betty Tech Ice Overcoat Cute Charm Dazzling
4223 Bigliff Bigliff Ground Rock Oblivious Sturdy Overcoat
4224 Gigantain Gigantain Ground Ice Oblivious Sturdy Overcoat
4222 Hillarge Hillarge Ground Grass Oblivious Sturdy Overcoat
4255 Spalcazar Spalcazar Rock Flying Overcoat Sturdy None
4253 Sparroof Sparroof Normal Flying Overcoat Sturdy None
4502 Olimar Olimar Grass Cosmic Overcoat Harvest Skill Link
4571 Kage no Mushi Kage no Mushi Bug Grass Overcoat Undiscovered Marvel Scale
4254 Spastle Spastle Rock Flying Overcoat Sturdy None
4276 Cartcap Cartcap Ice Dark Gluttony Overcoat Moody