Pewter City is a location in the Kanto region. It connects to Route 2 in the south and Route 3 in the east. A man in the Poke Center will trade a Geodude for his Slakoth.
Places of Interest[]
Pewter City Museum[]
A museum with fossils on display. In the room to the east, accessible from using Cut on the tree outside, there is a scientist who will give you a Lv. 5 Aerodactyl if you defeat him in battle.
Super Nerd Aero: Aerodactyl Lv. 7
Pewter Gym[]
The first gym of the Kanto region. Despite there being another trainer in the Gym, Brock is the only one who is actually challenge-able.
Gym Leader BROCK: Geodude Lv. 12, Onix Lv. 14, Aerodactyl (Mega) Lv. 9
- Aerodactylite: Northeast corner.
- TM39 (Rock Tomb): From Brock after his defeat.