Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Steals an item when hit by another Pokémon.


When a Pokémon hits the bearer with a move that makes contact, the bearer steals the attacker's held item (if the bearer has no item itself). Doesn't apply if either Pokémon has a substitute.

Pokémon that have Pickpocket

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
275 Shiftry Shiftry Grass Dark Chlorophyll Early Bird Pickpocket
1074 Goblord Goblord Steel Fairy Pickpocket Pickpocket Super Luck
1462 Mariswitch Mariswitch Light Magic Pickpocket Undiscovered Super Luck
1810 Hundssassin Hundssassin Dark Undiscovered Parental Bond Skill Link Pickpocket
885 Barbaracle Barbaracle Rock Water Tough Claws Sniper Pickpocket
215 Sneasel Sneasel Dark Ice Technician Snow Rush Pickpocket
1572 Beta Sneasel Beta Sneasel Dark Undiscovered Technician Pickpocket Pickpocket
274 Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Grass Dark Chlorophyll Early Bird Pickpocket
1016 Trojorse Trojorse Wood Virus Firewall Mold Breaker Pickpocket
1219 Alolan Muk Alolan Muk Poison Dark Pickpocket Poison Touch Gluttony
1073 Gublin Gublin Steel Fairy Pickpocket Pickpocket Pressure
1896 Nazrat Nazrat Normal Undiscovered Pickup Limber Pickpocket
1015 Trojony Trojony Wood Virus Firewall Mold Breaker Pickpocket
884 Binacle Binacle Rock Water Tough Claws Sniper Pickpocket
273 Seedot Seedot Grass Undiscovered Chlorophyll Early Bird Pickpocket
1218 Alolan Grimer Alolan Grimer Poison Dark Gluttony Poison Touch Pickpocket
461 Weavile Weavile Dark Ice Technician Snow Rush Pickpocket
3028 Wyrmaiden Wyrmaiden Heart Dragon Rough Skin Pickpocket Tough Claws
2531 Skwovet Skwovet Normal Undiscovered Gluttony Undiscovered Pickpocket
2631 Wackian Baidy Wackian Baidy Fairy Dark Prankster Regenerator Pickpocket
2632 Wackian Audino Wackian Audino Fairy Dark Prankster Regenerator Pickpocket
2228 Wood Seedot Wood Seedot Wood Undiscovered Battle Armor Early Bird Pickpocket
2673 Zimbaga Zimbaga Grass Undiscovered Pickpocket Frisk Speed Boost
2739 Biker Biker Normal Tech Speed Boost Undiscovered Pickpocket
3291 Kaiju Weavile Kaiju Weavile Dark Ice Technician Snow Rush Pickpocket
3438 Beta Sneasel 3 Beta Sneasel 3 Dark Undiscovered Technician Pickpocket Pickpocket
3437 Beta Sneasel 2 Beta Sneasel 2 Ice Undiscovered Technician Pickpocket Pickpocket
2522 Morgrem Morgrem Dark Fairy Prankster Frisk Pickpocket
2426 Steamercom Steamercom Cyber Steam Pickpocket Sticky Hold Technician
3272 Kaiju Seedot Kaiju Seedot Grass Undiscovered Chlorophyll Early Bird Pickpocket
3240 Advent Marisa Advent Marisa Electric Dark Shield Dust Undiscovered Pickpocket
2229 Wood Nuzleaf Wood Nuzleaf Wood Wind Pounce Early Bird Pickpocket
2532 Greedent Greedent Normal Undiscovered Gluttony Undiscovered Pickpocket
2740 Cueball Cueball Dark Tech Speed Boost Undiscovered Pickpocket
2230 Wood Shiftry Wood Shiftry Wood Wind Bellows Early Bird Pickpocket
2674 Somalorilla Somalorilla Grass Dark Pickpocket Skill Link Speed Boost
2259 Burglar Burglar Dark Undiscovered Pickpocket Undiscovered Trace
2105 Impidimp Impidimp Dark Fairy Prankster Frisk Pickpocket
4434 Astrolotl Astrolotl Fire Dragon Regenerator Insomnia Pickpocket
4569 Moemura Moemura Magic Undiscovered Pickpocket Undiscovered Defiant
4273 Schnormous Schnormous Dragon Normal Pickpocket Undiscovered None
4677 Kano Kano Dark Tech Pickpocket Undiscovered Keen Eye
4433 Solotl Solotl Fire Dragon Regenerator Insomnia Pickpocket
4533 Joker Joker Dark Psychic Zen Mode Undiscovered Pickpocket