Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


The Pokémon may pick up items.


In battle: At the end of each round, the bearer picks up the most recently consumed held item (used either by its own effect or by Fling/Natural Gift). This ability cannot pick up an item used by the bearer, or one used by a Pokémon that is no longer in battle (not even if it switched out and then back in again). This doesn't happen if the bearer is holding another item. The item may then be consumed immediately.

Out of battle: After each battle that the player wins, 10% chance of the bearer gaining an item to hold. The item is randomly chosen, and depends on the bearer's level - see below for the possible items listed in Essentials. This occurs even if the bearer didn't battle or if it is fainted, and only if it isn't holding anything.

Pokémon that have Pickup

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
216 Teddiursa Teddiursa Normal Undiscovered Pickup Honey Gather Quick Feet
190 Aipom Aipom Normal Undiscovered Run Away Pickup Skill Link
747 Mousee Mousee Tech Cyber Pickup Cute Charm Plus
446 Munchlax Munchlax Normal Undiscovered Pickup Thick Fat Gluttony
1922 Jackask Jackask Fear Grass Harvest Prankster Pickup
1926 Skullask Skullask Fear Bone Soul Eater Prankster Pickup
861 Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal Undiscovered Pickup Huge Power Huge Power
263 Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Normal Undiscovered Pickup Gluttony Quick Feet
1098 Twickotweet Twickotweet Fear Undiscovered Pickup Prankster Intimidate
862 Diggersby Diggersby Normal Ground Pickup Huge Power Sturdy
1573 Tael Tael Normal Undiscovered Technician Pickup Thick Tail
231 Phanpy Phanpy Ground Undiscovered Pickup Undiscovered Sand Veil
1532 Meowsy Meowsy Normal Undiscovered Pickup Technician Unnerve
506 Lillipup Lillipup Normal Undiscovered Insomnia Pickup Run Away
898 Dedenne Dedenne Electric Fairy Plus Pickup Minus
264 Linoone Linoone Normal Undiscovered Pickup Unburden Quick Feet
1896 Nazrat Nazrat Normal Undiscovered Pickup Limber Pickpocket
1197 Moonse Moonse Food Cosmic Rattled Early Bird Pickup
792 Gourgeist Gourgeist Ghost Grass Pickup Frisk Insomnia
417 Pachirisu Pachirisu Electric Undiscovered Volt Absorb Pickup Ionate
791 Pumpkaboo Pumpkaboo Ghost Grass Pickup Frisk Insomnia
935 Boxo Boxo Paper Undiscovered Pickup Simple Weak Armor
052 Meowth Meowth Normal Undiscovered Pickup Technician Unnerve
2214 Galarian Zigzagoon Galarian Zigzagoon Dark Normal Pickup Gluttony Tough Claws
2254 Lord Stillnut Lord Stillnut Food Normal Sturdy Battle Armor Pickup
3439 Beta Phanpy Beta Phanpy Ground Undiscovered Pickup Undiscovered Sand Veil
3968 Magisian Magisian Fairy Undiscovered Pickup Limber Technician
2253 Mr Stillnut Mr Stillnut Food Normal Sturdy Battle Armor Pickup
3676 Humanoid Meowth Humanoid Meowth Normal Undiscovered Pickup Technician Unnerve
3967 Meowxie Meowxie Fairy Undiscovered Pickup Limber Technician
2288 Lord Killnut Lord Killnut Food Fear Sturdy Battle Armor Pickup
3487 Doggaunn Doggaunn Rock Fairy Pickup Undiscovered Scrappy
3436 Beta Teddiursa Beta Teddiursa Normal Undiscovered Pickup Honey Gather Quick Feet
3431 Beta Aipom Beta Aipom Normal Undiscovered Run Away Pickup Skill Link
3864 Dragoone Dragoone Normal Dragon Pickup Bulletproof Filter
2215 Galarian Linoone Galarian Linoone Dark Normal Pickup Gluttony Tough Claws
2106 Yamper Yamper Electric Undiscovered Static Pickup Plus
2287 Mr Killnut Mr Killnut Food Fear Sturdy Battle Armor Pickup
2529 Rookiedee Rookiedee Flying Undiscovered Hyper Cutter Big Pecks Pickup
2252 Stillnut Stillnut Food Normal Sturdy Battle Armor Pickup
3352 Floxo Floxo Flying Normal Limber Technician Pickup
4287 Kerajog Kerajog Normal Undiscovered Rough Skin Pickup None
4832 Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Dumas Paper Undiscovered Friend Guard Undiscovered Pickup
4286 Hairjog Hairjog Normal Undiscovered Rough Skin Pickup None
4792 Wackqualitydoge Wackqualitydoge Normal Undiscovered Insomnia Pickup Run Away
4744 Arcade Bunny Arcade Bunny Normal Undiscovered Pickup Undiscovered Sticky Hold
4505 Villager Villager Normal Undiscovered Own Tempo Pickup Harvest
4652 Chibi Robo Chibi Robo Tech Undiscovered Volt Absorb Pickup Motor Drive
4521 Isabelle Isabelle Normal Undiscovered Friend Guard Pickup Healer
4394 Yamperpasta Yamperpasta Electric Food Static Pickup Plus
4405 Pikachufruitflan Pikachufruitflan Electric Food Static Pickup Plus
4386 GratinPumpkaboo GratinPumpkaboo Food Grass Pickup Frisk Insomnia