Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki
Normal Fire
Fighting Water
Flying Grass
Poison Electric
Ground Psychic
Rock Ice
Bug Dragon
Ghost Dark
Steel Fairy
Wood Steam
Magma Wind
Paper Tech
Rubber Fear
Magic Light
Cosmic Sound
Food Zombie
Nuclear Virus
Cyber Glass
Plastic Fabric
Chaos Divine
Time Paint
Crystal Meme
Blood Greasy
Heart Ogre
Shadow Void
Wack Qmarks

Interactions with the type chart

Offensive Plastic Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Grass
½× Divine


Pure Plastic-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#684 Bottle-O Bottle-O
Plastic Plastic
#3307 Artificeon Artificeon
Plastic Plastic
#3169 HIM (Plastic) HIM (Plastic)
Plastic Plastic

Primary Plastic-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#943 Synthite Synthite
Plastic Glass
#685 Bottle'O'Drake Bottle'O'Drake
Plastic Dragon
#738 Recyclat Recyclat
Plastic Paper
#1698 Spino Spino
Plastic Wind
#1589 Spurchin Spurchin
Plastic Poison
#1588 Urchall Urchall
Plastic Poison
#1472 Cubaoop Cubaoop
Plastic Greasy
#1758 Blopire Blopire
Plastic Sound
#942 Phantoy Phantoy
Plastic Ghost
#1757 Tapistle Tapistle
Plastic Sound
#941 Brigo Brigo
Plastic Ghost
#917 Cool-or Cool-or
Plastic Ice
#1699 Spinga Spinga
Plastic Wind
#2727 ToyAgumon (Virus) ToyAgumon (Virus)
Plastic Virus
#2097 Maniquesque Maniquesque
Plastic Fear
#2225 SkylanderBowser SkylanderBowser
Plastic Magma
#2726 ToyAgumon ToyAgumon
Plastic Cyber
#2806 AmiiboBowser AmiiboBowser
Plastic Fire
#4086 Clamppelo Clamppelo
Plastic Fabric
#4741 DarkSkylanderBowser DarkSkylanderBowser
Plastic Dark

Secondary Plastic-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#1846 Boot Porygon Boot Porygon
Normal Plastic
#808 Dolphottle Dolphottle
Water Plastic
#807 Plastolphin Plastolphin
Water Plastic
#3317 Curry (Package) Curry (Package)
Food Plastic
#3318 Curry (Big Package) Curry (Big Package)
Food Plastic
#4084 Diemic Diemic
Dark Plastic


Move Category Power Accuracy PP Target Description
Plastic Claw Physical 75 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user slashes with a sharp claw made from plastic. Critical hits land more easily.
Plastic Wrap Physical 65 90% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Bind and squeeze the foe for four to five turns.
Garbage Thrash Physical 140 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
A second-turn attack move where critical hits land more easily. It may also make the target flinch.
RRR Ray Special 80 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
Bottle Toss Physical 50 100% 35 (max 56)
May affect anyone but the user
The user tosses a bottle.
Trash Thrash Physical 120 85% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The user shoots filthy garbage at the target to attack. It may also poison the target.
Bottle Blast Physical 25 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The repeatedly blasts the target with bottles. Two to five bottles attack in quick succession.
Bottle Dive Physical 60 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Goes first, then switches out.
REPLENIGGER Special 200 100% 50 (max 80)
May affect anyone but the user
The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
Plastic Jab Physical 65 0% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The user confounds the foe with speed, then jabs them with plastic. The attack lands without fail.
Plastic Hammer Physical 120 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
It may leave the target with paralysis.
Recycle Terrain Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
No specific target
For 5 turns everything on the ground has a chance to recycle their item. Boosts plastic moves.
Recycle Beam Special 70 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
High chance to restore a used item.
Shrink Wrap Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
Affects the user
Raises the user's SpDef and Evasion.
Melted Plastic Special 80 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also leave the target with a burn.
Boost Beam Special 120 95% 50 (max 80)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also raise the user's Sp. Atk stat.
Plastic Blaze Special 120 85% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also leave the target with a burn.
Super Spin Top Physical 120 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Building up more power, it raises the user's Speed stat.
Plastic Defense Status 0 0% 20 (max 32)
Affects the user
The user temporarily becomes 100% plastic. It sharply raises the user's Sp. Def stat.
Toy Flame Special 95 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also leave the target with a burn.
Lego Trap Status 0 0% 15 (max 24)
Affects all foes
User lays lego around foe's feet. The trap hurts foes that switch into battle.
Plastic Beam Special 120 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is blasted by a huge volume of plastic launched under great pressure.
Plastic Ray Special 90 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also reduce the target's Sp. Def stat.
Quick Plastic Special 56 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.
Spin Top Physical 70 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Building up more power, it raises the user's Speed stat.
Artificiaslam Physical 85 90% 25 (max 40)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is slammed with the user's artificial body. It may make the target flinch.
Plastic Launch Physical 40 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.
Bottle Slam Physical 120 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
A reckless, life-risking tackle with a bottle in hand. It also damages the user by a fairly large amount, however.