Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Ups Sp. Atk if another Pokémon has Plus or Minus.


The bearer's Special Attack is boosted by 50% while the bearer's ally has the ability Plus or Minus.

Pokémon that have Plus

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
747 Mousee Mousee Tech Cyber Pickup Cute Charm Plus
1884 Gengetseam Gengetseam Psychic Light Plus Pressure Bad Dreams
1867 Lyricound Lyricound Ghost Sound Soundproof Cacophony Plus
380 Latias Latias Dragon Psychic Levitate Undiscovered Plus
1765 Crystandy Crystandy Crystal Food Clear Body Undiscovered Plus
181 Ampharos Ampharos Electric Light Static Undiscovered Plus
1762 Smoodie Smoodie Ice Food Ice Body Water Absorb Plus
1180 Magearna Magearna Steel Fairy Pride Pride Plus
1714 Lemmongade Lemmongade Food Electric Water Absorb Storm Drain Plus
1764 Rockandy Rockandy Crystal Food Clear Body Undiscovered Plus
1477 MT2 MT2 Steel Electric Flash Fire Undiscovered Plus
1600 Dustunny Dustunny Fabric Fairy Fur Coat Static Plus
898 Dedenne Dedenne Electric Fairy Plus Pickup Minus
1766 Cracandy Cracandy Crystal Food Clear Body Undiscovered Plus
1928 Minoravest Minoravest Grass Ground Harvest Chlorophyll Plus
1042 F-00 F-00 Tech Normal Volt Absorb Volt Absorb Plus
311 Plusle Plusle Electric Undiscovered Plus Undiscovered None
1713 Lemmong Lemmong Food Electric Water Absorb Storm Drain Plus
2558 Toxtricity Toxtricity Poison Electric Cacophony Plus Technician
3293 Kaiju Klinklang Kaiju Klinklang Steel Tech Plus Undiscovered Minus
2106 Yamper Yamper Electric Undiscovered Static Pickup Plus
3278 Kaiju Latias Kaiju Latias Dragon Psychic Levitate Undiscovered Plus
3229 Benbenee Benbenee Sound Undiscovered Plus Undiscovered Soundproof
4025 Shockking Shockking Dark Electric Levitate Undiscovered Plus
4449 Snowman Plusle Snowman Plusle Ice Undiscovered Plus Undiscovered None
4713 Maytias Maytias Dragon Psychic Levitate Undiscovered Plus
4024 Sparkking Sparkking Dark Electric Levitate Undiscovered Plus
4394 Yamperpasta Yamperpasta Electric Food Static Pickup Plus
4405 Pikachufruitflan Pikachufruitflan Electric Food Static Pickup Plus