Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki
Normal Fire
Fighting Water
Flying Grass
Poison Electric
Ground Psychic
Rock Ice
Bug Dragon
Ghost Dark
Steel Fairy
Wood Steam
Magma Wind
Paper Tech
Rubber Fear
Magic Light
Cosmic Sound
Food Zombie
Nuclear Virus
Cyber Glass
Plastic Fabric
Chaos Divine
Time Paint
Crystal Meme
Blood Greasy
Heart Ogre
Shadow Void
Wack Qmarks

Interactions with the type chart

Offensive Poison Defensive
Power Types   Power Types
½× Fighting
½× Poison


Pure Poison-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#023 Ekans Ekans
Poison Poison
#1435 Poipole Poipole
Poison Poison
#033 Nidorino Nidorino
Poison Poison
#568 Trubbish Trubbish
Poison Poison
#569 Garbodor Garbodor
Poison Poison
#317 Swalot Swalot
Poison Poison
#030 Nidorina Nidorina
Poison Poison
#029 Nidoran F Nidoran F
Poison Poison
#1540 Grimey Grimey
Poison Poison
#109 Koffing Koffing
Poison Poison
#089 Muk Muk
Poison Poison
#024 Arbok Arbok
Poison Poison
#316 Gulpin Gulpin
Poison Poison
#336 Seviper Seviper
Poison Poison
#032 Nidoran M Nidoran M
Poison Poison
#1538 Beta Umbreon Beta Umbreon
Poison Poison
#110 Weezing Weezing
Poison Poison
#088 Grimer Grimer
Poison Poison
#3653 Humanoid Nidoran F Humanoid Nidoran F
Poison Poison
#3970 Taintduck Taintduck
Poison Poison
#3969 Sluduck Sluduck
Poison Poison
#3302 HIM (Poison) HIM (Poison)
Poison Poison
#2278 Snakeny Snakeny
Poison Poison
#3816 Thornleef Thornleef
Poison Poison
#3211 Nanimon Nanimon
Poison Poison
#3734 Humanoid Weezing Humanoid Weezing
Poison Poison
#3733 Humanoid Koffing Humanoid Koffing
Poison Poison
#3713 Humanoid Muk Humanoid Muk
Poison Poison
#3712 Humanoid Grimer Humanoid Grimer
Poison Poison
#3648 Humanoid Arbok Humanoid Arbok
Poison Poison
#3654 Humanoid Nidorina Humanoid Nidorina
Poison Poison
#3206 Geremon Geremon
Poison Poison
#3657 Humanoid Nidorino Humanoid Nidorino
Poison Poison
#3656 Humanoid Nidoran M Humanoid Nidoran M
Poison Poison
#3647 Humanoid Ekans Humanoid Ekans
Poison Poison
#3192 Sukamon Sukamon
Poison Poison
#2358 Mega Garbodor Mega Garbodor
Poison Poison
#2279 Serpeople Serpeople
Poison Poison
#3191 Numeon Numeon
Poison Poison
#3815 Thorita Thorita
Poison Poison
#2102 Elephyxiation Elephyxiation
Poison Poison
#4318 Boglob Boglob
Poison Poison
#4787 Bubble Slime Bubble Slime
Poison Poison
#4676 Reptile Reptile
Poison Poison
#4575 Barbeon Barbeon
Poison Poison
#4236 Dungus Dungus
Poison Poison
#4235 Ploop Ploop
Poison Poison
#4220 Alcohog Alcohog
Poison Poison
#4649 Waluigi Waluigi
Poison Poison
#4317 Snotto Snotto
Poison Poison

Primary Poison-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#886 Skrelp Skrelp
Poison Water
#1436 Naganadel Naganadel
Poison Dragon
#452 Drapion Drapion
Poison Dark
#990 Snowdoge Snowdoge
Poison Ice
#1991 Ittybatty Ittybatty
Poison Flying
#887 Dragalge Dragalge
Poison Dragon
#816 Otyab Otyab
Poison Fear
#1801 Seijaverse Seijaverse
Poison Dark
#453 Croagunk Croagunk
Poison Fighting
#1413 Bonnacalf Bonnacalf
Poison Wind
#1414 Bonaflatuen Bonaflatuen
Poison Wind
#1313 Foggot Foggot
Poison Steam
#817 Otyash Otyash
Poison Fear
#451 Skorupi Skorupi
Poison Bug
#042 Golbat Golbat
Poison Flying
#1856 Medicholy Medicholy
Poison Grass
#454 Toxicroak Toxicroak
Poison Fighting
#169 Crobat Crobat
Poison Flying
#1314 Foggeam Foggeam
Poison Steam
#1219 Alolan Muk Alolan Muk
Poison Dark
#041 Zubat Zubat
Poison Flying
#034 Nidoking Nidoking
Poison Ground
#978 Gachamber Gachamber
Poison Steam
#1087 Alolan Toxicroak Alolan Toxicroak
Poison Water
#1086 Alolan Croagunk Alolan Croagunk
Poison Water
#031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen
Poison Ground
#1079 Mataracid Mataracid
Poison Chaos
#991 Cocaiturd Cocaiturd
Poison Ice
#977 Zyklas Zyklas
Poison Steam
#434 Stunky Stunky
Poison Dark
#1218 Alolan Grimer Alolan Grimer
Poison Dark
#435 Skuntank Skuntank
Poison Dark
#1725 Trarsile Trarsile
Poison Fire
#2280 Yigsnake Yigsnake
Poison Fear
#3946 Boxiqueen Boxiqueen
Poison Ground
#3658 Humanoid Nidoking Humanoid Nidoking
Poison Ground
#3044 Hinaspin Hinaspin
Poison Ghost
#2217 Galarian Weezing Galarian Weezing
Poison Fairy
#2400 Stogenie Stogenie
Poison Dark
#3847 Mechaking Mechaking
Poison Steel
#3846 Cyborino Cyborino
Poison Steel
#3845 Metalran Metalran
Poison Steel
#3844 Rosaqueen Rosaqueen
Poison Fire
#3843 Rubirina Rubirina
Poison Fire
#3842 Nidoblood Nidoblood
Poison Fire
#3834 Moulder Moulder
Poison Zombie
#3818 Mawnium Mawnium
Poison Dark
#3817 Thornium Thornium
Poison Fairy
#2405 Itsy Itsy
Poison Fear
#2663 Breezi Breezi
Poison Flying
#3835 Yuck Yuck
Poison Zombie
#2404 Abfilth Abfilth
Poison Chaos
#2558 Toxtricity Toxtricity
Poison Electric
#2612 Toxtricity (Low Key) Toxtricity (Low Key)
Poison Electric
#3666 Humanoid Golbat Humanoid Golbat
Poison Flying
#3499 Numemon X Numemon X
Poison Virus
#3830 Sevydra Sevydra
Poison Dragon
#3288 Kaiju Croagunk Kaiju Croagunk
Poison Fighting
#3878 Kajilianth Kajilianth
Poison Psychic
#2587 Eternatus Eternatus
Poison Dragon
#3655 Humanoid Nidoqueen Humanoid Nidoqueen
Poison Ground
#3143 Nuked Muk Nuked Muk
Poison Nuclear
#3665 Humanoid Zubat Humanoid Zubat
Poison Flying
#3193 PlatinumSukamon PlatinumSukamon
Poison Steel
#3142 Nuked Grimer Nuked Grimer
Poison Nuclear
#2664 Fidgit Fidgit
Poison Ground
#3799 Sevicious Sevicious
Poison Dark
#2625 Mega Arbok Mega Arbok
Poison Dragon
#3194 KaratsukiNumemon KaratsukiNumemon
Poison Rock
#2557 Toxel Toxel
Poison Electric
#4358 Cigraworm Cigraworm
Poison Fire
#4357 Fagworm Fagworm
Poison Fire
#4002 Pollugong Pollugong
Poison Greasy
#4067 Galarian Slowbro Galarian Slowbro
Poison Psychic
#4130 Facefugger Facefugger
Poison Cosmic
#4001 Seewage Seewage
Poison Greasy
#4221 Swineyard Swineyard
Poison Psychic
#4132 Xenoalien Xenoalien
Poison Cosmic
#4789 LiquidMetalSlime LiquidMetalSlime
Poison Steel
#4131 Chestburste Chestburste
Poison Cosmic
#4046 Gunkpras Gunkpras
Poison Rock
#4240 Albatrash Albatrash
Poison Flying
#4367 Galarian Slowking Galarian Slowking
Poison Psychic
#4740 Gooigi Gooigi
Poison Rubber
#4052 Viragon Viragon
Poison Cyber
#4239 Gullbage Gullbage
Poison Flying
#4455 Galarian Koffing Galarian Koffing
Poison Fairy
#4486 Wario Wario
Poison Dark
#4814 ShutenDoji ShutenDoji
Poison Food
#4237 Poolossus Poolossus
Poison Fighting
#4319 Fluinter Fluinter
Poison Ice

Secondary Poison-type Pokémon

# Pokémon Type
#1088 Alolan Qwilfish Alolan Qwilfish
Steel Poison
#1417 Viroison Viroison
Virus Poison
#407 Roserade Roserade
Grass Poison
#1970 Acidoud Acidoud
Wind Poison
#1140 Toxapex Toxapex
Water Poison
#094 Gengar Gengar
Ghost Poison
#092 Gastly Gastly
Ghost Poison
#1949 Alolan Blaziken Alolan Blaziken
Rock Poison
#1948 Alolan Combusken Alolan Combusken
Rock Poison
#1552 Belmitt Belmitt
Grass Poison
#1527 Spidette Spidette
Bug Poison
#1733 Shoison Shoison
Electric Poison
#069 Bellsprout Bellsprout
Grass Poison
#1224 Alolan Weezing Alolan Weezing
Fire Poison
#1682 Spiombie Spiombie
Zombie Poison
#1833 YuugenMagan YuugenMagan
Electric Poison
#901 Sliggoo Sliggoo
Dragon Poison
#1656 Raticlaw Raticlaw
Normal Poison
#003 Venusaur Venusaur
Grass Poison
#796 Aromatisse Aromatisse
Fairy Poison
#1551 Beta Bellossom Beta Bellossom
Grass Poison
#071 Victreebel Victreebel
Grass Poison
#543 Venipede Venipede
Bug Poison
#015 Beedrill Beedrill
Bug Poison
#1761 Eirinurse Eirinurse
Cosmic Poison
#211 Qwilfish Qwilfish
Water Poison
#1139 Mareanie Mareanie
Water Poison
#1734 Battacid Battacid
Electric Poison
#048 Venonat Venonat
Bug Poison
#269 Dustox Dustox
Bug Poison
#1589 Spurchin Spurchin
Plastic Poison
#1588 Urchall Urchall
Plastic Poison
#045 Vileplume Vileplume
Grass Poison
#1528 Tuhedd Tuhedd
Bug Poison
#014 Kakuna Kakuna
Bug Poison
#1917 Yamamease Yamamease
Bug Poison
#167 Spinarak Spinarak
Bug Poison
#001 Bulbasaur Bulbasaur
Grass Poison
#1426 Serfric Serfric
Fabric Poison
#1148 Salazzle Salazzle
Fire Poison
#044 Gloom Gloom
Grass Poison
#1425 Cobret Cobret
Fabric Poison
#043 Oddish Oddish
Grass Poison
#013 Weedle Weedle
Bug Poison
#591 Amoonguss Amoonguss
Grass Poison
#1640 Beta Venusaur Beta Venusaur
Grass Poison
#168 Ariados Ariados
Bug Poison
#1223 Alolan Koffing Alolan Koffing
Fire Poison
#1205 Poisapp Poisapp
Food Poison
#1206 Toxapple Toxapple
Food Poison
#545 Scolipede Scolipede
Bug Poison
#1147 Salandit Salandit
Fire Poison
#1182 Nihilego Nihilego
Rock Poison
#1487 Crocky Crocky
Dragon Poison
#544 Whirlipede Whirlipede
Bug Poison
#847 Techolute Techolute
Tech Poison
#590 Foongus Foongus
Grass Poison
#902 Goodra Goodra
Dragon Poison
#093 Haunter Haunter
Ghost Poison
#073 Tentacruel Tentacruel
Water Poison
#002 Ivysaur Ivysaur
Grass Poison
#406 Budew Budew
Grass Poison
#070 Weepinbell Weepinbell
Grass Poison
#049 Venomoth Venomoth
Bug Poison
#315 Roselia Roselia
Grass Poison
#072 Tentacool Tentacool
Water Poison
#2033 Semiramissin Semiramissin
Magic Poison
#3465 Curry (Bean) Curry (Bean)
Food Poison
#3425 Kaiju Gastly Kaiju Gastly
Ghost Poison
#3988 Tentabrawl Tentabrawl
Fighting Poison
#3987 Tentapunch Tentapunch
Fighting Poison
#3693 Humanoid Bellsprout Humanoid Bellsprout
Grass Poison
#3717 Humanoid Haunter Humanoid Haunter
Ghost Poison
#2788 Plasmanta Plasmanta
Electric Poison
#3667 Humanoid Oddish Humanoid Oddish
Grass Poison
#2472 Koilrig Koilrig
Steel Poison
#3828 Telson Telson
Water Poison
#3274 Kaiju Venusaur Kaiju Venusaur
Grass Poison
#3928 Bristrill Bristrill
Rock Poison
#3927 Prikuna Prikuna
Rock Poison
#3926 Geodle Geodle
Rock Poison
#2050 Hasserenity Hasserenity
Dark Poison
#3893 Faceleech Faceleech
Qmarks Poison
#3673 Humanoid Venomoth Humanoid Venomoth
Bug Poison
#2729 Mollux Mollux
Fire Poison
#3848 Gluemadio Gluemadio
Ghost Poison
#3841 Toxislash Toxislash
Fire Poison
#3697 Humanoid Tentacruel Humanoid Tentacruel
Water Poison
#2047 Robinarcher Robinarcher
Grass Poison
#3964 Fernomoth Fernomoth
Bug Poison
#3639 Humanoid Beedrill Humanoid Beedrill
Bug Poison
#3716 Humanoid Gastly Humanoid Gastly
Ghost Poison
#3465 Curry (Big Bean) Curry (Big Bean)
Food Poison
#3694 Humanoid Weepinbell Humanoid Weepinbell
Grass Poison
#2501 Withrew Withrew
Chaos Poison
#2503 Rosemalum Rosemalum
Chaos Poison
#2787 Snugglow Snugglow
Electric Poison
#3672 Humanoid Venonat Humanoid Venonat
Bug Poison
#2976 Lucyper Lucyper
Normal Poison
#3669 Humanoid Vileplume Humanoid Vileplume
Grass Poison
#2054 Comfstrictor Comfstrictor
Fabric Poison
#2332 Mega Ariados Mega Ariados
Bug Poison
#3695 Humanoid Victreebel Humanoid Victreebel
Grass Poison
#3442 Beta Ariados Beta Ariados
Bug Poison
#3638 Humanoid Kakuna Humanoid Kakuna
Bug Poison
#3637 Humanoid Weedle Humanoid Weedle
Bug Poison
#3627 Humanoid Venusaur Humanoid Venusaur
Grass Poison
#3626 Humanoid Ivysaur Humanoid Ivysaur
Grass Poison
#3625 Humanoid Bulbasaur Humanoid Bulbasaur
Grass Poison
#3621 Sage Oranguru Sage Oranguru
Normal Poison
#3619 Grape Tropius Grape Tropius
Grass Poison
#3618 Psychic Qwilfish Psychic Qwilfish
Psychic Poison
#3718 Humanoid Gengar Humanoid Gengar
Ghost Poison
#3071 Wackian Skiploom Wackian Skiploom
Glass Poison
#3498 Poison Raticlaw Poison Raticlaw
Virus Poison
#3444 Poop Gloom Poop Gloom
Grass Poison
#3016 Aculyig Aculyig
Fear Poison
#2470 Fugury Fugury
Water Poison
#3388 Stingscorp Stingscorp
Bug Poison
#2210 Electric Linoone Electric Linoone
Electric Poison
#3070 Wackian Hoppip Wackian Hoppip
Glass Poison
#2127 Wack Raticate Wack Raticate
Normal Poison
#3253 Tunacury Tunacury
Steel Poison
#3168 Gassporeye Gassporeye
Grass Poison
#2502 Malevia Malevia
Chaos Poison
#3696 Humanoid Tentacool Humanoid Tentacool
Water Poison
#2749 Scientist Scientist
Tech Poison
#2779 Palmon Palmon
Grass Poison
#3072 Wackian Jumpluff Wackian Jumpluff
Glass Poison
#3067 Nuealien Nuealien
Cosmic Poison
#3668 Humanoid Gloom Humanoid Gloom
Grass Poison
#2508 Nymbiosego Nymbiosego
Rock Poison
#2802 Gloseel Gloseel
Water Poison
#3827 Qwilshark Qwilshark
Water Poison
#2509 Mother Beast Mother Beast
Chaos Poison
#2471 Qwimarine Qwimarine
Steel Poison
#4095 Holloach Holloach
Grass Poison
#4041 Plasgar Plasgar
Electric Poison
#4096 Illexash Illexash
Grass Poison
#4155 Scpee106 Scpee106
Dark Poison
#4011 Ectozee Ectozee
Ghost Poison
#4012 Hypnoplasm Hypnoplasm
Ghost Poison
#4102 Plasmission Plasmission
Nuclear Poison
#4076 Flamoozer Flamoozer
Fire Poison
#4296 Sikrak Sikrak
Water Poison
#4441 Malicix Malicix
Steel Poison
#4111 Electric Obstagoon Electric Obstagoon
Electric Poison
#4297 Sikteria Sikteria
Water Poison
#4295 Salsik Salsik
Water Poison


Move Category Power Accuracy PP Target Description
Smog Shot Special 55 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also poison the target.
Hallucinogen Status 0 85% 10 (max 16)
Affects all foes
Inflicts Poison and Confusion the target.
Gas Chamber Special 1 40% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The user traps the target in a chamber of deadly gas. The target will faint instantly if this attack hits.
Poison Coat Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
Affects the user
Raises SpDef and makes it so contact moves will have a high chance to Poison.
Acid Burn Special 85 85% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Sabotage Status 0 95% 10 (max 16)
Affects all foes
Reduces the target's Attack and Poison's them.
Venom Physical 40 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Poison's the target.
Toxic Copy Physical 60 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Copies the target's stat boosts, then attacks.
RareMetalPoop Physical 80 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user knocks away the target and drags out another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
Sludge Hammer Physical 120 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user slams its poisoned body into the target to attack. The user also sustains serious damage and the target may be poisoned.
Poison Explosion Special 250 100% 5 (max 8)
Affects all but the user
The user blows up to inflict damage on all Pokémon in battle. The user faints upon using this move.
Sludge Down Physical 100 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
It lowers the user's Speed, however.
Venom Physical 80 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Poison's the target.
Choke Gas Special 75 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also make the target flinch.
Sludge Wave Special 95 100% 10 (max 16)
Affects all but the user
It swamps the area around the user with a giant sludge wave. It may also poison those hit.
Fart Special 5 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
lol XD dude what if fart was move lmao XDDDDDD
Senshibankou Special 100 70% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
Decreases all of the opponent's stats, reduces their crit rate, disables the last move and toxic poisons them.
Serpent Whip Physical 120 85% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user violently whirls its vines or tentacles to harshly lash the target.
Vile Smell Special 1 90% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Makes the target flinch.
Vomit Special 80 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
High chance to badly poison.
MAX Malodor Physical 100 75% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Poison's the target.
Toxic Status 0 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
ABSOLUTE VENOM Physical 120 100% 15 (max 24)
Affects all foes
Badly poisons the target.
Acid Burst Special 80 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user spits fluid that works to melt the target. This harshly reduces the target's Sp. Def stat.
Unchi Rush Physical 30 85% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
High crit rate. Hits two to five times in a row.
Poison Jab Physical 80 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is stabbed with a tentacle or arm seeped with poison. It may also poison the target.
Guerilla Poop Physical 50 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is hit twice in a row.
Numesludge Physical 70 90% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
High chance to lower the target's Attack.
Poison Spit Special 40 100% 30 (max 48)
May affect anyone but the user
A quick spit of poison. This move always goes first.
Poop Dunk Physical 75 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Harshly lowers the target's Defense stat.
Acid Sport Status 0 0% 15 (max 24)
Affects all Pokémon on the field
Raises SpDef. Weakens Steel-type moves while the user is in the battle.
Acid Spray Special 40 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The user spits fluid that works to melt the target. This harshly reduces the target's Sp. Def stat.
Schorching Sting Physical 90 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also leave the target with a burn.
Giga Toxin Special 120 80% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Badly poisons the target.
Corrosive Spray Special 75 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Hits and does double damage against Steel-types. May burn.
Toxify Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is toxified, becoming Poison-type.
Smoke Out Special 60 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
Lowers the target's Evasion.
Nerve Gas Special 100 85% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is attacked with a discharge of filthy gases. High chance to poison the target.
Sludge Punch Physical 75 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
A poison punch. It may also poison the target.
Antivenom Special 90 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
If the target is Poison-type, it loses its Poison typing.
Lethal Injection Physical 1 30% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The target will faint instantly if this attack hits.
Acid Bath Status 0 0% 5 (max 8)
Affects the user
The user restores its own HP. Heals more in Acid Rain.
Poison Fang Physical 65 100% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user bites the target with toxic fangs. It may also leave the target badly poisoned.
Poison Darts Physical 18 90% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Hits two to five times.
Toxic Kiss Physical 50 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
It may also leave the target badly poisoned.
Venom Drench Status 0 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Harshly lowers the Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats of a poisoned target.
W-create Physical 180 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
Poison W forehead. It lowers the user's Defense, Sp. Def, and Speed.
Pheromones Special 90 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
High chance to infatuate the target.
Sticky Hands Physical 40 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user attacks and steals the foe's held item simultaneously. It can't steal if the user holds an item.
Neurotoxin Special 80 100% 15 (max 24)
Affects all but the user
A poison that target nerves. It may also cause paralysis.
Toxic Spikes Status 0 0% 20 (max 32)
Affects all foes
The user lays a trap of poison spikes at the foe's feet. They poison foes that switch into battle.
Numbing Bite Physical 65 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
High chance it may also cause paralysis.
Coil Status 0 0% 20 (max 32)
Affects the user
The user coils up and concentrates. This raises its Attack and Defense stats as well as its accuracy.
Poison Gas Status 0 80% 40 (max 64)
Affects all foes
A cloud of poison gas is sprayed in the face of opposing Pokémon. It may poison those hit.
Acid Drench Status 0 0% 30 (max 48)
May affect anyone but the user
Lowers the target's SpDef and allows it to be hit by Poison moves.
Foul Gas Special 90 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
May Poison or Confuse the target.
Poop Toss Physical 75 90% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
May harshly lower the opponent's speed.
Gunk Shot Physical 120 70% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
The user shoots filthy garbage at the target to attack. It may also poison the target.
Filth Bomb Physical 90 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. Poisons the target.
Throw Up Special 1 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
More Stockpile, more damage. Decreases Stockpile by 1.
Noise Pollution Special 90 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Sound based. It may also poison the target.
Poison Dagger Physical 60 95% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
High chance to badly poison, high crit rate.
Belch Special 120 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Sound based, may poison.
Poison Sting Physical 30 100% 35 (max 56)
May affect anyone but the user
The user stabs the target with a poisonous stinger. This may also poison the target.
Acid Drip Status 0 100% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
Lower's the opposing side's SpDef for 5 turns.
Smog Special 20 70% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
The target is attacked with a discharge of filthy gases. It may also poison the target.
Curse of Yig Physical 80 95% 5 (max 8)
May affect anyone but the user
High chance to inflict Curse.
Stink Burst Special 100 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The target cannot use items for 5 turns.
Gastro Acid Status 0 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user hurls up its stomach acids on the foe. The fluid negates the effect of the target's Ability.
Poison Dart Physical 60 85% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Badly poison's the target.
Poison Arrow Physical 80 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
High chance to poison.
Sikera Usum Special 120 85% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
The first poisoning. Badly poisons the target.
Foul Note Special 80 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
A sickening note that may also poison the target.
Greenhouse Gas Status 0 0% 10 (max 16)
No specific target
Greenhouse gasses boost power of Poison+Fire. Lower power of Water+Ice. Lasts 6 turns.
Smoke Stack Special 60 95% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Starts acid rain.
Acid Rain Status 0 0% 5 (max 8)
Affects all Pokémon on the field
Acid rain falls for five turns, powering up Poison-type moves and damaging non-Poison and Steel types.
Acid Trap Status 0 0% 15 (max 24)
Affects all foes
Spit out a trap of stomach acid to supress the ability of pokemon switching in. Damages Food-types.
Venoshock Special 65 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
The user drenches the foe in a special poisonous liquid. Its power doubles if the target is poisoned.
Laugh Gas Special 80 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Very high chance to Confuse the target.
Acid Spit Special 45 90% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Spit acid in target's face to 90% lower its accuracy.
Clear Smog Special 50 0% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The user attacks by throwing a clump of special mud. All status changes are returned to normal.
DelusionalPoisonBody Special 85 95% 5 (max 8)
Affects all foes
Badly Poison. Chance to 1 hit KO.
Toxic Thread Status 0 95% 10 (max 16)
Affects all foes
This silk reduces the target's Speed and Poison's them.
PoisonPowder Status 0 75% 35 (max 56)
May affect anyone but the user
The user scatters a cloud of poisonous dust on the target. It may poison the target.
Sludge Special 65 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. It may also poison the target.
Smelly Cloud Special 60 95% 15 (max 24)
May affect anyone but the user
The target cannot use items for 5 turns.
Cross Poison Physical 80 100% 20 (max 32)
May affect anyone but the user
A slashing attack with a poisonous blade that may also poison the foe. Critical hits land more easily.
Spoil Special 60 100% 15 (max 24)
Affects all foes
If the target is holding a Berry, it becomes spoiled and unusable.
Leech Fang Physical 70 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
Sludge Bomb Special 90 100% 10 (max 16)
May affect anyone but the user
Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. It may also poison the target.
Acid Armor Status 0 0% 40 (max 64)
Affects the user
The user alters its cellular structure to liquefy itself, sharply raising its Defense stat.
Acid Special 40 100% 30 (max 48)
Affects all foes
The foe is attacked with a spray of harsh acid. It may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
Poison Tail Physical 60 100% 25 (max 40)
May affect anyone but the user
The user hits the target with its tail. It may also poison the target. Critical hits land more easily.