Pokemon Wack Wiki

Pokegirl Island is a location accessible from Route 9. It connects to Pokegirl Cave.


Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Humanoid Psyduck Humanoid Psyduck
Surfing Surfing
21-26 60%
Humanoid Poliwag Humanoid Poliwag
Surfing Surfing
21-26 30%
Humanoid Tentacool Humanoid Tentacool
Surfing Surfing
21-26 5%
Humanoid Slowpoke Humanoid Slowpoke
Surfing Surfing
21-26 4%
Humanoid Staryu Humanoid Staryu
Surfing Surfing
21-26 1%
Humanoid Caterpie Humanoid Caterpie
Grass Grass
5-40 20%
Humanoid Pidgey Humanoid Pidgey
Grass Grass
5-40 20%
Humanoid Rattata Humanoid Rattata
Grass Grass
5-40 10%
Humanoid Weedle Humanoid Weedle
Grass Grass
3-40 10%
Humanoid Spearow Humanoid Spearow
Grass Grass
5-40 10%
Humanoid Sandshrew Humanoid Sandshrew
Grass Grass
5-40 10%
Humanoid Ekans Humanoid Ekans
Grass Grass
3-40 5%
Humanoid Oddish Humanoid Oddish
Grass Grass
3-40 5%
Humanoid Pikachu Humanoid Pikachu
Grass Grass
3-41 4%
Humanoid Nidoran F Humanoid Nidoran F
Grass Grass
3-40 4%
Humanoid Nidoran M Humanoid Nidoran M
Grass Grass
3-40 1%
Humanoid Vulpix Humanoid Vulpix
Grass Grass
5-40 1%
Good Rod
Humanoid Horsea Humanoid Horsea
Good Rod Good Rod
21-26 60%
Humanoid Shellder Humanoid Shellder
Good Rod Good Rod
21-26 20%
Humanoid Grimer Humanoid Grimer
Good Rod Good Rod
21-26 20%
Super Rod
Humanoid Krabby Humanoid Krabby
Super Rod Super Rod
21-26 40%
Humanoid Omanyte Humanoid Omanyte
Super Rod Super Rod
21-26 40%
Humanoid Kabuto Humanoid Kabuto
Super Rod Super Rod
21-26 15%
Humanoid Dratini Humanoid Dratini
Super Rod Super Rod
5-60 4%
Humanoid Dratini Humanoid Dratini
Super Rod Super Rod
5-60 1%
Old Rod
Humanoid Magikarp Humanoid Magikarp
Old Rod Old Rod
21-26 70%
Humanoid Goldeen Humanoid Goldeen
Old Rod Old Rod
21-26 30%

Humanoid Bulbasaur Lv. 5 (South wall; it is given to you)

Humanoid Charmander Lv. 5 (South wall; it is given to you)

Humanoid Squirtle Lv. 5 (South wall; it is given to you)

Humanoid Seel Lv. 23 x3 (In the water southeast of the boat)

Humanoid Doduo Lv. 23 (In the grass northwest of the boat)

Janinedos Lv. 33 (In the grass at the south-center of the island)

Humanoid Fennekin Lv. 13 (In the grass at the southeast side of the island)

Humanoid Meowth Lv. 23 (In the grass at the southeast side of the island)

Humanoid Tauros Lv. 23 (In the grass at the southeast side of the island)

Humanoid Farfetch'd Lv. 33 (North of Janinedos)

Humanoid Rhyhorn Lv. 23 (At the center of the island)

Humanoid Slowpoke Lv. 23 x2 (On the west beach)

Dawnpoke Lv. 23 (On the west beach)

Mistydos Lv. 33 (In the water on the west side of the island)

Humanoid Pikachu Lv. 23 (Just north of the heart-shaped grass patch)

Humanoid Kangaskhan Lv. 43 (In the grass at the far north of the island)

Gardebuck Lv. 33 (Running around on the north side of the grass)

Humanoid Psyduck Lv. 23 (Northeast beach)

Humanoid Aerodactyl Lv. 43 (Northeast beach)

Hapbray Lv. 33 (Northeast beach)

Fuggirl Lv. 80 (Northeast beach)

Candicegong Lv. 33 (North waters)

Humanoid Lapras Lv. 33 (Northwest waters)

Humanoid Zapdos Lv. 50 (Southwest corner of the grass)

Humanoid Moltres Lv. 50 (East section of the grass)

Humanoid Articuno Lv. 50 (Northernmost point of the grass)

Humanoid Snorlax Lv. 43 (On the west stairs)

Humanoid Porygon Lv. 5 (North wall; it is given to you)

Humanoid Ditto Lv. 5 (North wall; it is given to you)

Humanoid Eevee Lv. 5 (North wall; it is given to you)
