Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Changes the Pokémon's type to the type of the move it just used.


When the bearer uses a move, changes the bearer's type(s) to that move's type. Considers effects that would change the move's type. Doesn't apply to a move that calls another move, but does apply to that called move.

Pokémon that have Protean

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1694 Ahchah Ahchah Steel Undiscovered Trace Synchronize Protean
352 Kecleon Kecleon Normal Undiscovered Color Change Protean None
859 Frogadier Frogadier Water Dark Protean Torrent None
1053 Nyarly Nyarly Chaos Undiscovered Moody Moody Protean
858 Froakie Froakie Water Undiscovered Protean Torrent None
1276 Paintip Paintip Paint Undiscovered Color Change Protean None
860 Greninja Greninja Water Dark Protean Torrent None
1473 Patchician Patchician Magic Undiscovered Protean Magic Bounce Adaptability
1401 Berserkalot Berserkalot Fairy Chaos Battle Armor Super Luck Protean
1403 Rideusa Rideusa Blood Magic Magic Guard Speed Boost Protean
1247 Armisy Armisy Divine Psychic Unaware Infiltrator Protean
964 Neonazi Neonazi Light Undiscovered Illuminate Protean Adaptability
1251 Sloggoth Sloggoth Cosmic Undiscovered Filter Protean Color Change
1252 Sloggeroth Sloggeroth Cosmic Undiscovered Shadow Tag Protean Regenerator
2370 Gloob Gloob Dark Undiscovered Pounce Technician Protean
2706 Nexaphago Nexaphago Virus Undiscovered Trace Infected Protean
2153 Painter Painter Paint Undiscovered Trace Undiscovered Protean
2052 Nurserhyme Nurserhyme Fairy Paper Synchronize Undiscovered Protean
2676 Heakazuking Heakazuking Fire Fairy Hyper Cutter Super Luck Protean
3564 Falsessan Falsessan Qmarks Undiscovered Own Tempo Undiscovered Protean
2157 Eldone Sloggeroth Eldone Sloggeroth Cosmic Undiscovered Marvel Scale Ice Body Protean
3285 Kaiju Ditto Kaiju Ditto Normal Undiscovered Limber Protean Imposter
3911 SeimenKongou SeimenKongou Light Undiscovered Illuminate Protean None
3496 Hecatialogy Hecatialogy Divine Magic Forewarn Undiscovered Protean
2316 Ubbosathlime Ubbosathlime Qmarks Undiscovered Clear Body Undiscovered Protean
2705 Phagus Phagus Virus Undiscovered Trace Infected Protean
2158 Humanoid Sloggeroth Humanoid Sloggeroth Cosmic Undiscovered Adaptability Undiscovered Protean
2045 Enkiduvine Enkiduvine Divine Ground Moody Undiscovered Protean
2341 Mega Kecleon Mega Kecleon Normal Undiscovered Color Change Protean None
2675 Cindemiga Cindemiga Fire Undiscovered Hyper Cutter Super Luck Protean
3321 Paracelcast Paracelcast Magic Undiscovered Protean Undiscovered Color Change
4380 Kermit Kecleon Kermit Kecleon Meme Undiscovered Unnerve Protean None
4083 Monster Pain Monster Pain Paint Blood Breakdown Undiscovered Protean
4082 Ms Pain Ms Pain Paint Blood Breakdown Undiscovered Protean
4816 Gorgon Gorgon Blood Chaos Magic Guard Speed Boost Protean
4084 Diemic Diemic Dark Plastic Super Luck Moody Protean
4674 Shang Tsung Shang Tsung Magic Ghost Regenerator Sadist Protean
4528 Mega Man Mega Man Tech Undiscovered Pro Undiscovered Protean
4071 Regiweather Regiweather Wack Undiscovered Protean Undiscovered Wacky
4476 Kirby Kirby Normal Undiscovered Trace Protean Color Change
4113 Pokemon Wack Pokemon Wack Wack Undiscovered Wacky Undiscovered Protean
4809 Lancelot Lancelot Fairy Steel Battle Armor Super Luck Protean
4379 Kick Kecleon Kick Kecleon Normal Fighting Furious Feet Protean None