Pokemon Wack Wiki
Pokemon Wack Wiki

The Rodent Grotto is a small cave system just off Route 1. As the name suggests, it contains only Normal-type rodent Pokemon from other regions. However, the Grotto does not only contain Route 1 rodents, but also bugs and birds. It also connects to one of the Alola Caves and the Galar Cave.


  • TM40 (Aerial Ace): In the western cave
  • Flying Gem: In the eastern cave.


Rodent Grotto (Centre cave)[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Rattata Rattata
Cave Cave
2-4 20%
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon
Cave Cave
2-3 20%
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon
Cave Cave
2-3 10%
Bidoof Bidoof
Cave Cave
3 10%
Sentret Sentret
Cave Cave
2-4 10%
Sentret Sentret
Cave Cave
2-4 10%
Rattata Rattata
Cave Cave
3-5 5%
Bunnelby Bunnelby
Cave Cave
2-3 5%
Bunnelby Bunnelby
Cave Cave
3-4 4%
Bidoof Bidoof
Cave Cave
3-4 4%
Patrat Patrat
Cave Cave
3-4 1%
Patrat Patrat
Cave Cave
4 1%

Flock Grotto (Western cave)[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Pidgey Pidgey
Cave Cave
4 20%
Taillow Taillow
Cave Cave
3 20%
Taillow Taillow
Cave Cave
3 10%
Starly Starly
Cave Cave
3 10%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Cave Cave
2-4 10%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Cave Cave
2-4 10%
Pidgey Pidgey
Cave Cave
3-5 5%
Fletchling Fletchling
Cave Cave
2-4 5%
Spearow Spearow
Cave Cave
3-4 4%
Doduo Doduo
Cave Cave
3-4 4%
Pidove Pidove
Cave Cave
3-4 1%
Pidove Pidove
Cave Cave
5 1%

Crawly Grotto (Eastern cave)[]

Encounters are up to date with the final version.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Caterpie Caterpie
Cave Cave
2-4 20%
Weedle Weedle
Cave Cave
2-3 20%
Wurmple Wurmple
Cave Cave
3 10%
Kricketot Kricketot
Cave Cave
2-3 10%
Sewaddle Sewaddle
Cave Cave
2-4 10%
Scatterbug Scatterbug
Cave Cave
2-4 10%
Weedle Weedle
Cave Cave
3-5 5%
Wurmple Wurmple
Cave Cave
2 5%
Caterpie Caterpie
Cave Cave
3-4 4%
Kricketot Kricketot
Cave Cave
3-4 4%
Scatterbug Scatterbug
Cave Cave
3-4 1%
Venipede Venipede
Cave Cave
4 1%


  • The description for the Alolan starters mistakenly refers to Popplio as a 'cat Pokemon'.
  • The sign in room 2 of the Alolan Cave claims that Dewpider is obtainable, however it is not in the location's coding.