Pokemon Wack Wiki

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Boosts certain moves' power in a sandstorm.


The power of the bearer's Rock-, Ground- and Steel-type moves is boosted by 30% in sandstorm weather.

The bearer takes no damage from sandstorm weather.

Pokémon that have Sand Force

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
1594 Cracholiath Cracholiath Ground Dark Intimidate Filter Sand Force
529 Drilbur Drilbur Ground Undiscovered Sand Rush Sand Force Mold Breaker
1935 Mega Crystal Steelix Mega Crystal Steelix Steel Crystal Sand Force Undiscovered Magnet Pull
1934 Mega Steelix Mega Steelix Steel Ground Sand Force Undiscovered Magnet Pull
050 Diglett Diglett Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
1228 Alolan Dugtrio Alolan Dugtrio Ground Steel Sand Force Arena Trap Sand Veil
1307 Stalig Stalig Rock Undiscovered Sturdy Unnerve Sand Force
028 Sandslash Sandslash Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Rush Sand Force
450 Hippowdon Hippowdon Ground Undiscovered Sand Stream Undiscovered Sand Force
1308 Stalagfright Stalagfright Rock Fear Sturdy Intimidate Sand Force
524 Roggenrola Roggenrola Rock Undiscovered Sturdy Weak Armor Sand Force
1227 Alolan Diglett Alolan Diglett Ground Steel Sand Force Arena Trap Sand Veil
1593 Crachole Crachole Ground Dark Intimidate Arena Trap Sand Force
1592 Ahole Ahole Ground Undiscovered Sand Force Arena Trap Sand Force
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Sand Rush Sand Force Mold Breaker
476 Probopass Probopass Rock Steel Sturdy Magnet Pull Sand Force
1323 Demonig Demonig Ground Chaos Sand Force Arena Trap Sand Force
1678 Magu Magu Magma Undiscovered Hustle Magma Armor Sand Force
1273 Rockon Rockon Rock Undiscovered Sturdy Filter Sand Force
1322 Diog Diog Ground Undiscovered Sand Force Sand Veil Sand Force
299 Nosepass Nosepass Rock Undiscovered Sturdy Magnet Pull Sand Force
1362 Clawnd Clawnd Wind Rock Sand Stream Sand Force Levitate
1679 Magbru Magbru Magma Fighting Hustle Magma Armor Sand Force
449 Hippopotas Hippopotas Ground Undiscovered Sand Stream Undiscovered Sand Force
525 Boldore Boldore Rock Undiscovered Sturdy Weak Armor Sand Force
645 Landorus Landorus Ground Flying Sand Force Undiscovered Sheer Force
526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock Undiscovered Sturdy Sand Stream Sand Force
423 Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground Sticky Hold Storm Drain Sand Force
422 Shellos Shellos Water Undiscovered Sticky Hold Storm Drain Sand Force
3652 Humanoid Sandslash Humanoid Sandslash Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Rush Sand Force
2239 Geo Charmander Geo Charmander Ground Undiscovered Rough Skin Sand Force Solar Power
2241 Geo Charizard Geo Charizard Ground Flying Rough Skin Sand Force Blaze
3875 Glitchtet Glitchtet Ground Qmarks Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
3874 Glitchtrio Glitchtrio Ground Qmarks Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
3873 Glitchlett Glitchlett Ground Qmarks Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
3565 Maryanncer Maryanncer Rock Undiscovered Sand Force Sand Veil Trace
3841 Toxislash Toxislash Fire Poison Poison Point Speed Boost Sand Force
3674 Humanoid Diglett Humanoid Diglett Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
3422 Kaiju Nosepass Kaiju Nosepass Rock Undiscovered Sturdy Magnet Pull Sand Force
2807 Crystal Nosepass Crystal Nosepass Crystal Undiscovered Sturdy Magnet Pull Sand Force
2240 Geo Charmeleon Geo Charmeleon Ground Undiscovered Rough Skin Sand Force Solar Power
2745 Ruin Maniac Ruin Maniac Normal Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Sand Force
2422 Cthoniurm Cthoniurm Ground Undiscovered Sand Force Arena Trap Shield Dust
3675 Humanoid Dugtrio Humanoid Dugtrio Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
3046 Dark Glalie Dark Glalie Dark Rock Filter Sand Force Moody
3271 Kaiju Cacnea Kaiju Cacnea Grass Undiscovered Rough Skin Water Absorb Sand Force
2808 Crystal Probopass Crystal Probopass Crystal Steel Sturdy Magnet Pull Sand Force
2423 Shuddermell Shuddermell Ground Undiscovered Sand Force Arena Trap Shield Dust
4049 Drilleon Drilleon Ground Undiscovered Cute Charm Sand Rush Sand Force
4182 Beta Hippopotas Beta Hippopotas Ground Undiscovered Sand Stream Undiscovered Sand Force
4392 Dugtriosandwich Dugtriosandwich Ground Food Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
4183 Beta Hippowdon Beta Hippowdon Ground Undiscovered Sand Stream Undiscovered Sand Force
4191 Beta Probopass Beta Probopass Rock Undiscovered Sturdy Magnet Pull Sand Force
4648 Isaac Isaac Ground Magic Sand Force Undiscovered Adaptability
4424 Beta Gastrodon Beta Gastrodon Water Ground Sticky Hold Storm Drain Sand Force