Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Boosts the Pokémon's Speed in a sandstorm.


The bearer's Speed is doubled in sandstorm weather.

The bearer takes no damage from sandstorm weather.

Pokémon that have Sand Rush

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
507 Herdier Herdier Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Sand Rush Scrappy
1973 Coyotears Coyotears Ground Zombie Scrappy Sand Rush Intimidate
529 Drilbur Drilbur Ground Undiscovered Sand Rush Sand Force Mold Breaker
751 Storactus Storactus Grass Water Rough Skin Oasis Sand Rush
028 Sandslash Sandslash Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Rush Sand Force
329 Vibrava Vibrava Ground Dragon Levitate Undiscovered Sand Rush
951 Mexigust Mexigust Ground Wind Builder Skill Link Sand Rush
530 Excadrill Excadrill Ground Steel Sand Rush Sand Force Mold Breaker
027 Sandshrew Sandshrew Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Rush Sand Rush
1108 Terreon Terreon Ground Undiscovered Sand Rush Sap Sipper Sand Veil
700 Sphinxiant Sphinxiant Ground Divine Sand Rush Pressure Magic Guard
729 Patima Patima Wood Ground Oasis Sap Sipper Sand Rush
508 Stoutland Stoutland Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Sand Rush Scrappy
752 Miracact Miracact Grass Water Rough Skin Oasis Sand Rush
730 Saplom Saplom Wood Ground Oasis Sap Sipper Sand Rush
712 Tropilightning Tropilightning Grass Electric Rain Dish Chlorophyll Sand Rush
711 Palmetric Palmetric Grass Electric Rain Dish Chlorophyll Sand Rush
1137 Lycanroc Lycanroc Rock Light Sheer Force Sand Rush Quick Feet
3652 Humanoid Sandslash Humanoid Sandslash Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Rush Sand Force
3651 Humanoid Sandshrew Humanoid Sandshrew Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Rush Sand Rush
2581 Dracozolt Dracozolt Electric Dragon Volt Absorb Hustle Sand Rush
3840 Brimshrew Brimshrew Ground Fire Flash Fire White Smoke Sand Rush
2583 Dracovish Dracovish Water Dragon Water Absorb Strong Jaw Sand Rush
2784 Ponchomon Ponchomon Grass Fighting Guts Sand Rush Iron Fist
2173 Overock Overock Tech Flying Sand Rush Undiscovered Speed Boost
2595 Goron Mask Cofagrigus Goron Mask Cofagrigus Ghost Rock Sand Veil Sand Rush Mummy
2594 Goron Mask Yamask Goron Mask Yamask Ghost Rock Sand Veil Sand Rush Mummy
3286 Kaiju Stoutland Kaiju Stoutland Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Sand Rush Scrappy
4109 Gangon Gangon Dark Steel Compoundeyes Battle Armor Sand Rush
4180 Beta Gabite Beta Gabite Dragon Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Sand Rush
4179 Beta Gible Beta Gible Dragon Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Sand Rush
4049 Drilleon Drilleon Ground Undiscovered Cute Charm Sand Rush Sand Force
4181 Beta Garchomp Beta Garchomp Dragon Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Sand Rush
4108 Motorava Motorava Dark Steel Illuminate Speed Boost Sand Rush