Pokemon Wack Wiki

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Boosts the Pokémon's evasion in a sandstorm.


In battle: The bearer's evasion is boosted by 25% in sandstorm weather.

The bearer takes no damage from sandstorm weather.

Out of battle: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), halves the wild encounter rate in sandstorms.

Pokémon that have Sand Veil

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
075 Graveler Graveler Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
232 Donphan Donphan Ground Bone Sturdy Undiscovered Sand Veil
1159 Sandygast Sandygast Ghost Ground Water Absorb Water Absorb Sand Veil
1941 Alolan Cacturne Alolan Cacturne Normal Ghost Sand Veil Cursed Body Fur Coat
1940 Alolan Cacnea Alolan Cacnea Normal Ghost Sand Veil Cursed Body Fur Coat
1231 Alolan Golem Alolan Golem Rock Electric Magnet Pull Sturdy Sand Veil
050 Diglett Diglett Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
1228 Alolan Dugtrio Alolan Dugtrio Ground Steel Sand Force Arena Trap Sand Veil
331 Cacnea Cacnea Grass Undiscovered Sand Veil Water Absorb Rough Skin
891 Heliolisk Heliolisk Electric Normal Dry Skin Solar Power Sand Veil
332 Cacturne Cacturne Grass Dark Sand Veil Water Absorb Rough Skin
076 Golem Golem Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
246 Larvitar Larvitar Rock Ground Guts Undiscovered Sand Veil
028 Sandslash Sandslash Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Rush Sand Force
1697 Rogyst Rogyst Rock Crystal Clear Body Filter Sand Veil
1696 Rogo Rogo Rock Undiscovered Clear Body Sturdy Sand Veil
1353 Winolith Winolith Rock Wind Filter Vacuum Sand Veil
443 Gible Gible Dragon Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Rough Skin
1227 Alolan Diglett Alolan Diglett Ground Steel Sand Force Arena Trap Sand Veil
1351 Wock Wock Rock Undiscovered Filter Vacuum Sand Veil
207 Gligar Gligar Ground Flying Hyper Cutter Immunity Sand Veil
051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
231 Phanpy Phanpy Ground Undiscovered Pickup Undiscovered Sand Veil
1230 Alolan Graveler Alolan Graveler Rock Electric Magnet Pull Sturdy Sand Veil
027 Sandshrew Sandshrew Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Rush Sand Rush
1229 Alolan Geodude Alolan Geodude Rock Electric Magnet Pull Sturdy Sand Veil
1352 Stowin Stowin Rock Wind Filter Vacuum Sand Veil
1108 Terreon Terreon Ground Undiscovered Sand Rush Sap Sipper Sand Veil
618 Stunfisk Stunfisk Ground Electric Static Regenerator Sand Veil
1322 Diog Diog Ground Undiscovered Sand Force Sand Veil Sand Force
445 Garchomp Garchomp Dragon Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Rough Skin
910 Iceis Iceis Ice Dark Sniper Sand Veil Explosive
911 Blizzlam Blizzlam Ice Dark Sniper Sand Veil Explosive
074 Geodude Geodude Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
472 Gliscor Gliscor Ground Flying Hyper Cutter Sand Veil Poison Heal
444 Gabite Gabite Dragon Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Rough Skin
1160 Palossand Palossand Ghost Ground Water Absorb Water Absorb Sand Veil
3652 Humanoid Sandslash Humanoid Sandslash Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Rush Sand Force
4000 Drilldrio Drilldrio Ground Steel Sand Veil Early Bird Tangled Feet
3999 Drillduo Drillduo Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Early Bird Tangled Feet
3699 Humanoid Graveler Humanoid Graveler Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
3651 Humanoid Sandshrew Humanoid Sandshrew Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Rush Sand Rush
3439 Beta Phanpy Beta Phanpy Ground Undiscovered Pickup Undiscovered Sand Veil
3941 Raicoal Raicoal Ground Magma Hyper Cutter Sand Veil Flame Body
2647 Crystal Golem Crystal Golem Crystal Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
2007 Cactoos Cactoos Grass Undiscovered Sand Veil Rough Skin Water Absorb
2559 Silicobra Silicobra Ground Undiscovered Shed Skin Sand Veil Cold Blooded
3875 Glitchtet Glitchtet Ground Qmarks Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
3874 Glitchtrio Glitchtrio Ground Qmarks Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
3873 Glitchlett Glitchlett Ground Qmarks Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
3565 Maryanncer Maryanncer Rock Undiscovered Sand Force Sand Veil Trace
3078 Tenmonarch Tenmonarch Flying Ground Battle Armor Sand Veil Speed Boost
3791 Metalitar Metalitar Steel Undiscovered Shed Skin Clear Body Sand Veil
2641 Stunfish Stunfish Ground Electric Static Regenerator Sand Veil
3700 Humanoid Golem Humanoid Golem Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
3698 Humanoid Geodude Humanoid Geodude Rock Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
2560 Sandaconda Sandaconda Ground Undiscovered Shed Skin Sand Veil Cold Blooded
3674 Humanoid Diglett Humanoid Diglett Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
3940 Pikacoal Pikacoal Ground Magma Hyper Cutter Sand Veil Flame Body
2645 Crystal Geodude Crystal Geodude Crystal Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
2646 Crystal Graveler Crystal Graveler Crystal Ground Rock Head Sturdy Sand Veil
3408 Kaiju Gligar Kaiju Gligar Ground Flying Hyper Cutter Immunity Sand Veil
2348 Mega Heliolisk Mega Heliolisk Electric Light Ionate Undiscovered Sand Veil
3424 Kaiju Heliolisk Kaiju Heliolisk Electric Normal Dry Skin Solar Power Sand Veil
2527 Galarian Stunfisk Galarian Stunfisk Ground Steel Static Regenerator Sand Veil
3395 Beta Larvitar Beta Larvitar Rock Ground Guts Undiscovered Sand Veil
3790 Irivatar Irivatar Steel Undiscovered Guts Bulletproof Sand Veil
3015 Aculggua Aculggua Fear Ground Unnerve Gluttony Sand Veil
2745 Ruin Maniac Ruin Maniac Normal Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Sand Force
3675 Humanoid Dugtrio Humanoid Dugtrio Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
2338 Mega Donphan Mega Donphan Ground Undiscovered Scrappy Undiscovered Sand Veil
3111 Suikamini Suikamini Fire Ground Sand Stream Sheer Force Sand Veil
2595 Goron Mask Cofagrigus Goron Mask Cofagrigus Ghost Rock Sand Veil Sand Rush Mummy
2594 Goron Mask Yamask Goron Mask Yamask Ghost Rock Sand Veil Sand Rush Mummy
4053 Sandanice Sandanice Ice Ground Sand Veil Battle Armor Weak Armor
4180 Beta Gabite Beta Gabite Dragon Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Sand Rush
4179 Beta Gible Beta Gible Dragon Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Sand Rush
4711 Garcynthia Garcynthia Dragon Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Rough Skin
4014 Kraggler Kraggler Water Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Stream Sheer Force
4181 Beta Garchomp Beta Garchomp Dragon Ground Sand Veil Undiscovered Sand Rush
4158 EEeEE EEeEE Qmarks Undiscovered Sadist Undiscovered Sand Veil
4392 Dugtriosandwich Dugtriosandwich Ground Food Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
4054 Sandasnow Sandasnow Ice Ground Sand Veil Battle Armor Weak Armor
4013 Krabbune Krabbune Ground Undiscovered Sand Veil Sand Stream Sheer Force