Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Sateli
Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Sateli
An accuracy of 0 means a move cannot miss, in case of status moves, it targets the user or the entire field.
A base power of 1 means that the move deals fixed damage or its base power varies depending on the situation.
Front shiny
Back shiny
Mega Sateli[]
Sateli can Mega Evolve.
Suggested Sets[]
Fast Forward[]
Sateli @ Satelite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpAtk / 252 SpDef
Modest Nature
- Fast Forward
- Satellite Ray
- Galactic Force
- Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Psyshock/Roost
Fast Forward is a move that lets you use charging moves immediately for 5 turns. Combine this with Sateli's signature move (Satellite Ray), which raises its SpAtk sharply before attacking and is a 130BP STAB move, you can hit incredibly hard. The mega's ability is Berserk, which raises your SpAtk when you are hit. In no time your SpAtk will be maxed out. This allows you to fire off some Galactic Force, another powerful STAB move, with little to no drawbacks as all the SpAtk you're gaining will counteract the drop from using Galactic Force. For your last move, slap on any coverage move or maybe Roost if you want some recovery. Psyshock is a good option as it allows you to hit mons with a high SpDef. Combine this set with Starfield to make Satellite Ray also give you a SpDef boost while you attack, give yourself a passive SpDef boost and make your Galactic Force hit even harder.
If you have another mega that you prefer to use, another excellent option for Sateli is to combine Recycle Ray with the power herb. Recycle Ray is a plastic type move with a 60% chance to recover your consumed item. So basically, you'll be cycling between Satellite Ray and Recycle Beam allowing you to deal some good damage on a turn you would otherwise waste charging. For your Cosmic STAB, either go with Galactic Force to hit hard but lose a bit of power that you honestly can afford to lose or if you want to play it safe go with Meteor Shower (a multi hit move) or the more reliable Meteor Rain. For your last move, use any coverage move or a status move. Combine this set with Starfield to make Satellite Ray also give you a SpDef boost while you attack, give yourself a passive SpDef boost and make your cosmic moves hit even harder.