Pokemon Wack Wiki

This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Effects of the abilities may be from an earlier version or missing.


Ignores type immunities.


The type effectiveness of the bearer's moves against the Ghost-type become 1x if they were originally 0x (i.e. the bearer's Normal-type and Fighting-type moves can hit Ghost-type Pokémon).

Pokémon that have Scrappy

Dex no. Pokémon Type Ability Hidden
507 Herdier Herdier Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Sand Rush Scrappy
1973 Coyotears Coyotears Ground Zombie Scrappy Sand Rush Intimidate
1530 Twinz Twinz Normal Ghost Scrappy Levitate Unaware
713 Seatie Seatie Wood Ghost Scrappy Frisk Heatproof
1851 Reikuto Reikuto Normal Undiscovered Run Away Scrappy Sniper
1852 Junkure Junkure Divine Ghost Scrappy Simple Sheer Force
914 Eldragon Eldragon Dragon Chaos Scrappy Scrappy Intimidate
967 Willisp Willisp Ghost Light Illuminate Shadow Tag Scrappy
276 Taillow Taillow Normal Flying Guts Scrappy Speed Boost
241 Miltank Miltank Normal Food Thick Fat Scrappy Sap Sipper
924 Earring Earring Fighting Undiscovered No Guard Scrappy Steadfast
926 Xeraphox Xeraphox Fighting Cosmic Magic Guard Contrary Scrappy
1461 Reimaiden Reimaiden Normal Undiscovered Scrappy Super Luck Levitate
1148 Salazzle Salazzle Fire Poison Scrappy Scrappy Acid Rush
874 Pancham Pancham Fighting Undiscovered Iron Fist Mold Breaker Scrappy
295 Exploud Exploud Sound Undiscovered Soundproof Scrappy Cacophony
714 Tenablerus Tenablerus Wood Ghost Scrappy Frisk Heatproof
1147 Salandit Salandit Fire Poison Scrappy Scrappy Oblivious
1079 Mataracid Mataracid Poison Chaos Scrappy Scrappy Mold Breaker
957 Eldsparce Eldsparce Normal Dragon Serene Grace Scrappy Rattled
925 Toneout Toneout Fighting Cosmic No Guard Scrappy Steadfast
508 Stoutland Stoutland Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Sand Rush Scrappy
294 Loudred Loudred Sound Undiscovered Soundproof Scrappy Pride
875 Pangoro Pangoro Fighting Dark Iron Fist Mold Breaker Scrappy
277 Swellow Swellow Normal Flying Guts Scrappy Speed Boost
115 Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Normal Undiscovered Early Bird Scrappy Inner Focus
2934 Yummydew Yummydew Dragon Food Sugar Rush Flytrap Scrappy
3592 Clair Clair Dragon Undiscovered Scrappy Pride Huge Power
2092 M Heart Lopunny M Heart Lopunny Fighting Heart Scrappy Undiscovered Scrappy
2637 Giradrake Giradrake Normal Dragon Strong Jaw Rough Skin Scrappy
3860 Ramshaker Ramshaker Normal Psychic Scrappy Thick Fat Huge Power
2405 Itsy Itsy Poison Fear Compoundeyes Poison Point Scrappy
3361 Puppee Puppee Normal Undiscovered Scrappy Undiscovered Guts
3739 Humanoid Kangaskhan Humanoid Kangaskhan Normal Undiscovered Early Bird Scrappy Inner Focus
3576 Kantonian Perrserker Kantonian Perrserker Normal Undiscovered Tough Claws Scrappy Rivalry
3042 HIM (Ghost) HIM (Ghost) Ghost Undiscovered Scrappy Undiscovered Soul Eater
3487 Doggaunn Doggaunn Rock Fairy Pickup Undiscovered Scrappy
3363 Boarstag Boarstag Ground Undiscovered Reckless Undiscovered Scrappy
2723 Scratchet Scratchet Normal Fighting Scrappy Prankster Insomnia
3364 Elephian Elephian Steel Ground Sturdy Undiscovered Scrappy
3362 Hippsycho Hippsycho Psychic Water Own Tempo Oblivious Scrappy
3347 Clefmontop Clefmontop Fighting Fairy Cute Charm Magic Guard Scrappy
3102 Kanabarel Kanabarel Ghost Normal Soundproof Levitate Scrappy
2073 Elechair Elechair Wood Electric Scrappy Frisk Heatproof
2621 White Gengar White Gengar Ghost Normal Scrappy Undiscovered Cursed Body
3079 Sendaimom Sendaimom Fighting Undiscovered Scrappy Undiscovered Levitate
2082 M Lopunny M Lopunny Normal Fighting Scrappy Undiscovered Limber
3520 Twinztwo Twinztwo Normal Ghost Scrappy Levitate Unaware
2294 Regifight Regifight Fighting Undiscovered Clear Body Scrappy Berserker
3570 Heck Salamence Heck Salamence Dragon Blood Scrappy Strong Jaw Moxie
2936 Honbrosia Honbrosia Dragon Food Thick Tail Turbine Scrappy
2274 HIM (Normal) HIM (Normal) Normal Undiscovered Scrappy Undiscovered Steadfast
2338 Mega Donphan Mega Donphan Ground Undiscovered Scrappy Undiscovered Sand Veil
2520 Taurosteak Taurosteak Food Ghost Thick Fat Cursed Body Scrappy
2613 Galarian Farfetch'd Galarian Farfetch'd Fighting Undiscovered Steadfast Guts Scrappy
2466 Shadow Battora Shadow Battora Dark Shadow Sadist Undiscovered Scrappy
2465 Battora Battora Normal Undiscovered Skeptic Undiscovered Scrappy
3286 Kaiju Stoutland Kaiju Stoutland Normal Undiscovered Intimidate Sand Rush Scrappy
4088 Vanilltank Vanilltank Ice Food Thick Fat Scrappy Sap Sipper
4155 Scpee106 Scpee106 Dark Poison Scrappy Infiltrator Poison Touch
4710 Pheonix Wright Pheonix Wright Normal Undiscovered Scrappy Undiscovered Moxie
4668 Nintendog Nintendog Normal Undiscovered Scrappy Undiscovered Limber
4667 Ayumi Tachibana Ayumi Tachibana Normal Undiscovered Scrappy Undiscovered Adaptability
4623 MetaBat MetaBat Normal Fighting Scrappy Stamina Intimidate
4454 Kangaskhid Kangaskhid Normal Undiscovered Early Bird Scrappy Inner Focus